Review by Roger Harned

PREFACE to my reviews:

  1. I’ve made a commitment to review books for Christians to read. I personally read more Non-fiction than Fiction and as you saw from my last review, I also enjoy Biographies which talk about the real issues we face in this world.
  2. One important part of Christian Social Witness is reading; the Bible (of course), but also books about the Bible. I confess to being a theologian; however I’m not a “churchologian” ( my word for one who puts great effort into studying the differences between churches, mostly to justify their personal theological conclusions).
  3. I do not agree with all of the theological positions and teachings of most authors, including an important error in one of Barclay’s doctrinal beliefs (in my opinion). Never-the-less I read the writings of many (including atheists). This I do not recommend unless you are very mature in your faith and doctrine. If you do, keep an open mind and an open Bible.
  4. This book is not the one book I would read before all others. (IF you would like a suggestion on that, please COMMENT and suggest what topic interests you and I may have a suggestion (even a quick review).
  5. In fact, YOU need to SHARE your reviews with us. Just register, paste a comment on a book of your choice and we’ll go from there. (As I’ve said before, this site is NOT about me or my opinions; it’s a place for all Christians.)

 MANY WITNESSES, ONE LORD – William Barclay (1907-1978) {originally published 1963}

Christian Non-fiction review by Roger Harned

I suggest this as a good choice of a book about the New Testament in general.  The ‘many witnesses’ are the writers of the New Testament Gospels and Letters. To Barclay’s credit, it is neither a book for theologians nor Bible studies, but a thin 116 page overview written for any lay reader with an interest in scripture.  I had highlighted many of Barclay’s comments and will share only a few thoughts with you, beginning from near his conclusion.

 The crisis of history has arrived; the prophesies are fulfilled; and the Age to Come has begun.

What has gone wrong? Why is it that Christian preaching in so many cases is no longer effective?

In what direction lies the cure?

  1. Systematic exposition of scripture and systematic explanation of Christian doctrine… application of both to the hearers of (this) century.
  2. Honesty… abandonment of conventional religious language…
  3. … a total approach to the New Testament (then he defines his total approach briefly, with which I disagree).

A few of my earlier highlights:

Repent… relationship to God… obedience.

After speaking of agape Barclay writes: In the Kingdom love of God and love of men go hand in hand. Obedience is paramount…

In his chapter on Paul…rebellion should become obedience and the fear should become trust.

HebrewsThe life and death of Jesus are not simply events in time; they are windows into the eternal heart of God…

James… there is no easier doctrine to distort than doctrine of grace; there were those who made grace simply an excuse for easy sinning.

You get the idea.  You can find value in every brief chapter.

Finally from John:

John is waging a holy war on the falsehood that could wreck the faith.

Again, please add your comments to this or ANY of our posts. AND check out the several books of our Christian authors and other reviews.



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