Tag: exodus
Hebrews 8- Minister of the Holy & true Tabernacle
The Main Point Now the main point of what is being said is this: We have this kind of high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a minister of the sanctuary and the true tabernacle that was set up by the Lord and not man.…
Another Sabbath: No Rest
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy: Exodus 20:8 Sabbath? So what? We were making plans for Sunday shopping after church, but then we missed church. Some Sundays we hurry out of time-extended gatherings at our church to join the crowds in local restaurants. This week we had no Sabbath and no rest. As…
Give Thanks to the Lord – Psalm 136 & Psalm 95
His faithful love endures forever. Psalm 136 I don’t know about you, but once again Thanksgiving seems to be upon us as a prerequisite observance preceding the rush of the Christmas holidays. Some would observe in political correctness, ‘the holiday season,’ which promoted for lights in darkness and gifts seemingly endures forever. I have previously mentioned this hustle…
A River of Redemption Flowing from Eden – to Goshen
Pulled from the Torrent, a Redeemer Forgotten Perhaps you recall that the name Moses or מֹשֶׁה Môsheh means drawn; from drawing out (of the water), i.e. rescued. He is revered as a rescuer of Israel, but how did Moses get to Egypt in the first place? As a baby fleeing harm in a wicker sarcophagus, Moses was plucked from certain death…
A River of Redemption Flowing from Eden – Commandments and more
Moses Descends With Commandments of the Lord Moses has before saved Israel from destruction, but this time an angry Lord God could have justly killed these covenant-breaking Hebrews, who heard the Commandments of the LORD God! Do you recall how when Israel had first heard the voice of the Lord speaking the Commandments to them…
A River of Redemption Flowing from Eden – The Ten Commandments
Then all the people responded together, “We will do all that the Lord has spoken.” So Moses brought the people’s words back to the Lord. – Exodus 19:8 CSB Everyone knows The Ten Commandments – As we noted previously, commandment implies both authority and relationship. Jesus’ answer to a lawyers’ question, “Master, which is the greatest commandment?” did not mention even…