sleepers a woke = christmas 2022 series

a woke christmas sunday 2022 CE with Charlie Brown and his broke tree

HUMBUG! would have been the label of an earlier era. But even Charlie Brown (who’s a bit old and outdated these days) had to miss Thanksgiving on TV this year. Giving thanks to God and celebrating a birth of JESUS isn’t what woke holidays of these enlightened last days is all about.

  • Therefore NO sense doing an ADVENT Series for four Sundays this season.
    • (I already missed the first one last Sunday.)
  • BUT in case you are interested in what I have had to say about THE BIRTH OF JESUS in past series, just click the ADVENT link below.
unpacked nativity set boxes

Click below for archives from


All of us, like sheep, have gone astray, Each of us has turned to his own way; But the LORD has caused the wrongdoing of us all To all on Him.
All of us, like sheep, have gone astray..

OR comment on ANY of the Talk of JESUS .com

recent posts from ACTS 14

Acts of the Apostles on Mission
ACTS – 10 years on mission

or NEW personal reflections in

December of 2022 CE

Spiritual and intellectual enlightenment, like waking up from a deep sleep and seeing things clearly for the first time.

a woke christmas sunday 2022 CE with Charlie Brown and his broke tree


To be continued.. — God-willing …
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