A Temporary Throne – 43

A Temporary Throne is a Christian fiction serial story asking questions about salvation and God


The LORD had shown me Cain and Abel. The LORD had also shown me in the family of Noah; the blessing of Shem over Japheth and Ham. Now the LORD had shown me Jacob and Esau. The LORD was showing me his will for brothers.

I was reminded once more of what the LORD had advised Cain, before his sin:

Genesis 4:7 If you do well, will you not be accepted?

And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.

All Noah’s sons and their wives and offspring had to do was to ‘do well’ by obeying God.

I had often forgotten that Canaan was the son of Ham, only remembering Canaan as a place and not a man, grandson of Noah, cursed and not blessed by the LORD.

I had forgotten that the places so contested by descendants of brothers were part of the blessings and curses of the LORD on ancestors of these contested lands so long ago.

Though the people sometimes were forced to fear the LORD; Jacob, Abraham and Noah had willingly worshiped the LORD our God.

Would the LORD not bless who he will bless and curse who he will curse?

This is what the LORD had shown me. This is what the LORD had reminded me from scripture.

He IS our Creator! He IS the LORD!

His blessings continue through the generations, his double-portions to the sons and brothers of His choosing.

Then the LORD would show me another brother, a very young man (barely beyond the years of a boy).

I had thought and observed the natural competition of Cain and Abel. I read of Ishmael and Isaac. I observed Esau and Jacob. Now the LORD showed me a young man among ten older men – ALL brothers.

His name was Joseph.

To be continued…

A Temporary Throne is an original work of Roger Harned,

© Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved by the author.


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