A Temporary Throne is a fictional exploration of the Book of Genesis with this question in mind:

What would I do IF I were God?

(Of course, I am not; but what would I do?)

It is staged as a serial cliff-hanger-type story, as if we do not know what is coming next (in Genesis). Call it: a peculiar dream where suddenly we wake up just when you get to the good part. You can’t wait to go back to sleep to continue in the compelling stories of the lives of these characters we love: Adam, Abram, Moses and all the rest of them.

One inspiration for these conversations with God is Job. Some of the appeal of Job to me is his boldness to stand before his friends and even before God Almighty to discuss what is morally right and what is truly evil.

As I re-read Genesis and examined the issues of justice and mercy it seemed to me that at times God showed little of the love we know so well in Christ Jesus. God seems to have much less mercy for some of the main characters of Biblical history than we might expect from our familiar New Testament eyes of Jesus.

This, of course, begs the question:

What could God have done differently? (After all, God is all-knowing.) Wasn’t there a more merciful way for God to deal with these men and women?


For this exclusive posting to http://talkofJesus.com we will follow the story-line one chapter per day on Monday through Friday each week.

(Previous chapters will remain available in case you miss an episode.) All chapters are short; some are very brief.

May I suggest that you take a few minutes to include them with your daily devotional time and follow-up with the appropriate scriptures of non-fiction from Genesis in your Bible.

A Temporary Throne is an original work of Roger Harned, © Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved by the author.


3 responses to “A Temporary Throne – Forward”

  1. I am very interested in reading your posts on Genesis. Is there somewhere I can subscribe to receive notice of your posts? I did like your FB page. Will you post on FB.

  2. Sherry,
    Thank you for your kind interest in A Temporary Throne.
    You will need to bookmark http://talkofJesus.com to check these out. I do not at this time provide a subscription feed for these posts.
    I will not post this on facebook, G+, Twitter or other media where I occasionally promote our Christian Social Witness for proprietary reasons; however please share the link with your friends, circles and followers.
    ALL COMMENTS and personal thoughts from any reader are more than welcome on ANY EPISODE.
    May the Lord bless you.
    Roger Harned
    Author, Moderator & Site Administrator

  3. A Temporary Throne is now moving on into Genesis. Episodes of this Christian serial fiction post MONDAY – FRIDAY.

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