So what! Did you HEAR the consequences?
What is the consequence of broken promise? WE seldom consider CLEAR consequences. Whether Old Testament Commandment, warning of a Prophet or New Testament Command of the Lord Christ Jesus, SO OFTEN WE do not have ‘ears to hear’ the promised consequence of disobedience to God.
DO YOU REMEMBER when someone PROMISED to do something for you?
And THEY broke their promise?
What IF WE break our promise to God?
Followers of the LORD make many Covenants with God. New and Old Testaments both provide us with Scriptural assurance of blessings. BUT IF we abandon our PROMISE to GOD, clear consequences await us. (Curse, rather than Blessing.)
Christians should not expect grace without genuine repentance for our sin against God.

Yesterday I took us back to hear two earlier themes.
Below you may read the next post of this New Testament series from earlier this year from the Gospel of John.
(Make sure you have ears to hear.)
Old Testament Promises: Blessing OR the Consequence of Curse
Earlier in our Summer Scriptural Reruns I also pointed us back to this important look at the Law from Deuteronomy in D.C. al Coda – Deuteronomy – But IF...
‘Will the LORD not surely do what He has said?’ focused on Jesus’ Command from the Gospel of John in PART 1. TODAY we return to OLD TESTAMENT promises. These Scriptures build a firm foundation and confidence in what GOD has really said.
But IF you break it.. What is the consequence of broken promise?
Again, I point us to a Scripture which connects our theme: hearing the consequence of a broken promise.
“This is what God has said, ‘Why do you break the commandments of the LORD and do not prosper?
Because you have abandoned the LORD,
He has also abandoned you.’”
2 Chronicles 24:20b NASB20
Deuteronomy 30
1 Samuel 1,2,12 excerpts
1 Kings 9
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Stay tuned from more Summer of 2021 Reruns from
- Will the LORD not surely do what He has said?
- But if…
- NEXT: … your heart turns away …
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