Category: Doctrine
52 Topics for YOUR One-Sentence Question
52 Topics for QUESTIONS * The following is a RE-POST of TOPICS of DOCTRINE from last year. Please e-mail ANY QUESTION or ask one as a COMMENT on ANY POST. Your NAME will NOT be published & COMMENTS are either posted as “anonymous” OR kept private.- RH Need ideas? Let’s try this again. Fridays:…
What is the Chief End of Man? – Our #1 question
Perhaps you know this first QUESTION (What is the chief end of man?) of the Westminster Divines, actually a shortened version of the original. I could ask the first question of the Westminster Catechism (teaching) a different way. What is the Highest Goal of Mankind? Mankind, of course, includes womankind, just as Scripture frequently includes…
OMG! – What ‘god’ are they talking about?
omg! What do you mean when you say God? Why do you say ‘oh my god?’ (OMG?) NOTE: OMG! This series has ended.. BUT — YOU can ask ANY question in a COMMENT at the end of any post on Doctrine OR any other post on JANUARY 27, 2023 AD Today’s 1-Sentence QUESTION comes…
What does the Bible say about Death?
QUESTIONS about Death from our 52 TOPICS list – RH Do you have Bible verses to comfort family and friends of a man who died last week? How can we answer questions about death they will pose at his ‘viewing‘ or funeral service? What Scripture about Death and Resurrection comforts you most? Please comment. RH
Who is the HOLY Spirit?
Third Person of the Trinity of One God This week’s one sentence question: Who is the Holy Spirit? Once again this Friday our QUESTION does not come from a READER COMMENT, however after listening to this ANSWER from Ligonier, a trusted theological source, please feel free to ask your additional question in a comment…
Exciting 2023 NEWS: Anonymous User Comments or Questions
NEW Comment Policy: Updated January 2023 1 – user posts a COMMENT. 2- All Comments are moderated. [No change in ten years.] 3- Any Comment marked ‘PRIVATE‘ will NOT appear in comments. [No change.] 4- NEW: Any Comment deemed semi-private with some identifiable private information will be edited by the site Moderator &…