Category: Share your Prayers

  • Integrity?

    Does “I” = Integrity? or does ‘I’ always mean “ME first?” Please pray also for me and those given to the mercy or lack of integrity in the word, work and promises of others.

  • We Gather Together

    Perhaps you know the Thanksgiving hymn, “We Gather Together.” Look to the lyrics of the hymn of thanks and give thought to them: 1. We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing; he chastens and hastens his will to make known. The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing. Sing praises to his name, he forgets…

  • Got a minute?

    Note: originally published September 15, 2007 *Part 1 Got a minute?  I pray that you will give it to God. Of course, ‘Got a minute?’ is just an expression.  It may take a couple of minutes to read this and perhaps more to consider it.   I have an electric toothbrush with a one minute…

  • Africa: Faith in a House of Cards

    Americans, Europeans, many South Americans, South Africans, Australians, upper class Indians and upper class Asians of countries like China and Japan are very blessed. Even though we may be poor compared to most of our own countrymen, most ‘relatively rich’ Christians (like us) do NOT see and hear the great need of many brothers and…

  • Method for Prayer – Matthew Henry

    Pray The Bible Promoting, encouraging, and assisting biblical prayer {Bookmark} Edited & Revised by Ligon Duncan with William McMillan Executive Production by Dan Arnold Español Français بالعربية Not every book thrives in an online format, but Matthew Henry’s A Method for Prayer does!  Christian Non-Fiction Book Review by Roger Harned Actual book is online: linked in this review.…