Category: Share your Prayers

  • WAR ROOM – A Movie about Prayer

    WAR ROOM – A Movie about Prayer

    Do you need prayer? I have needed prayer for so many different things in my life… mostly relational things… for those I love. Yet I still do not pray enough. We just saw WAR ROOM, ***** a tremendous MOVIE about the real power of prayer. I cannot say enough good things about how it could…

  • Prayer List

    Prayer List

    May our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, who we worship with the Father and Holy Spirit, kneed our impenitent hearts of stone into soft sands of His overflowing love. Amen. To begin, let’s not forget that God is a Person who cares about us. In Christ Jesus we have a personal relationship with the Living…

  • Prayer: Begin with God

    Prayer: Begin with God

    To begin, let us get over how selfish we are, even by our prayers for loved ones. He IS God! and I am not. What is prayer, anyway? (Think about it. What is a prayer? Why would you even bother to pray?) Prayer is many things. Most of our mind and flesh would relegate prayer to a…

  • Prayer Warrior?

    Prayer Warrior?

    NO! I am no prayer warrior. So what did I do? I doubled the size of my prayer list. I identify with Simon Peter. … he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” – Luke 5:8b I understand the great remorse and unworthiness expressed by Saul…

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