As I lay in the darkness of this unknown place I cried out, “LORD! Jesus, Lord save me!”
What is this place? I thought again. Is it a grave? A pit? Hell, even? (No, it cannot be hell, I thought.) But how horrid the earthy place to which I was not accustomed and could not discern. I cried out-loud once more:
LORD, save me!
Finally, Light penetrated the deep darkness and fear of this place and washed over my unfamiliar surroundings with comfort, hope and a tangible love – yes, love was what I now felt surround me – love, not death.
“Lord,” I exclaimed in relieve joy, “thank you.”
We were definitely not in Heaven. We were in a place on the earth; but it was okay, the LORD was with me.
“Lord, what has happened?”
I waited for the LORD to answer. I had peace in this place where moments ago I trembled in overwhelming fear. I was in the presence of the Lord once more, surrounded by His abundant love and I waited for what the LORD would have me do.
To be continued…
A Temporary Throne is an original work of Roger Harned,
© Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved by the author.