I write about the Lord Jesus Christ, Doctrines of the C.E. church and exposition of the Gospel from Scripture.
We continue to look at prophecy of the past as it relates to the Good News of fulfillment in the Christ Jesus, a reason that Jews who studied and obeyed their Scripture listened to their own prophets who by the…
A look back at a Treasurer of Egypt – צָֽפְנַת פַּעְנֵחַ
Zaphnath-paaneah This Egyptian ruler was not unlike a later Candace of Ethiopia encountered by the evangelist Philip. You know this treasurer of Egypt as Joseph At first glance of Acts of the Apostles we hardly notice so many parallels in…
Predictions of Prophets and missions of gods
Cover photo: statue of Emperor Claudius as the Greek god Jupiter. Some Prophets from Jerusalem Now in those days, some prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. ACTS 11:27 Legacy Standard Bible A believer in Christ, follower of a false…
Is the Evangelical Christian?
What’s YOUR image of the evangelical christian? What is it that they do? Where do YOU hear about them? How do YOU become one? (Would you even want to add YOUR name to a list of evangelical Christians?) This all-American…
Atheology- Expelling Christology
What makes GOD so offensive to the a-theist who avows opposition to the LORD? In a WORD: CHRIST + Atheology – Scientific study of Everythingology The Religion of A-theism likely has as many branches as Protestantism, which also continues to…
And in the end – worship of the world
GOOD NEWS & BAD NEWS The Gospel of John contains some Good News. Jesus Christ came into the world to save those He loves. John’s letters also encourage a growing church (in the first century) who increasingly face challenges of…
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