I write about the Lord Jesus Christ, Doctrines of the C.E. church and exposition of the Gospel from Scripture.
INERRANCY: ‘Why is THAT important,’ we ask? If you have been following my Saturday posts on Doctrine you will note at least three things: I believe the BIBLE. You should study the BIBLE. Other theologians can explain the BIBLE better…
Cultures of Conquest and Times of Evil
Before America & hence: NO limit of Evil Looking back: before America, before England, before Rome, before David and Israel; looking back to cultures of conquest and times of evil: Scriptures And the people of Israel again did what was…
CODE RED Crisis on the 1’s – More Days of Difficulty
Code Red again, Alert.. I told you so.. Difficulty Ahead CODE RED! Isn’t it a sensational ALERT from media yesterday? (Next I want to say, “Tune in at 10” or something like that.) What I will actually point out is…
Sunday Rest – a Commandment ignored by 21st c. christians
Just another Senseless Sunday A Sunday REST? Some will remember the alliterative song, “It’s Just Another Manic Monday.” Now we rush through our senseless Sundays no differently than a ‘manic Monday.’ In that sense, recalling when everything once CLOSED ON…
Inerrant TRUTH: Our reasoned Biblical Faith
WHY would you study the HOLY BIBLE? For inerrant truth! Do we believe by faith? YES, but not a fantastical faith or unrealistic religious calling to that which cannot be known. In most circumstances and communications, truth matters to me…
King over the Abyss of Darkness
Judgment from the places of Darkness Jesus Christ defeated the accuser of the world in a most unexpected way. The Lord died sinless on a Cross, descended into Hell, then rose again to the throne of Heaven to judge the…
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