I write about the Lord Jesus Christ, Doctrines of the C.E. church and exposition of the Gospel from Scripture.
Series Introduction: We hold many different understandings of love and views of those who receive God’s love. Perhaps no Image of God’s personal love imprints the minds of man more than that of the Son of Man, Christ Jesus. Jesus…
Resurrection? + Questions about DEATH and Life
DEATH! Everyone must have had questions about the DEATH and life of Jesus now. Resurrection, though they had talked about it — even witnessed the dead coming to life like Lazarus and others — resurrection remained far from their minds.…
The Veil torn on Good Friday + Witness of a story & Scripture
How does a veil torn in the Temple on Good Friday connect all Jews to Christians of the 21st century Church? Good Friday Before we turn to the actual script of this pivotal event in history, allow me to place…
He was what? A Man of sorrows?
I’m beginning to fear that I may be becoming like Jesus in ways I had not anticipated. The morose line from scripture which stalks my days? He was a man of sorrows… Yeshaiya 53:3 Think about living like the Messiah…
You Will Not Be Led -8- All but Two
Joshua & Caleb Observe carefully those faithful to the LORD and also leaders faithful to Moses. Then listen to the grumbling rabble of the disobedient and see a stark contrast. Two faithful successors stand out because these contemporaries of Moses…
You Will Not Be Led -7- Korah’s Rebellion
מִדְבָּר The Lord is slow to anger and abounding in faithful love, forgiving iniquity and rebellion. But he will not leave the guilty unpunished, bringing the consequences of the fathers’ iniquity on the children to the third and fourth generation.…
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