I write about the Lord Jesus Christ, Doctrines of the C.E. church and exposition of the Gospel from Scripture.
It’s a familiar scene — loved ones mourning their loss in silence once the dead body can no longer be embraced by eyes or arms. All that remains are our fleeting memories of a life which has passed into lifeless…
A Day of the silence of the Passover Lamb
The Son of Man is Slain From the day the Son of Man is delivered into the world and laid in a manger the shadow of the Cross foretold Christ’s Sacrifice. And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us,…
It is finished.. + Death’s witnesses
The Sorrow of Souls Severed from each other Have you experienced it — the death of a loved one? Death pierces the flesh of those left to mourning in unspeakable ways, but most of all it severs from our soul…
Crucifixion! – Scripture Fulfilled
Crucifixion! – The Spirit of Grace .. this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death. Acts 2:23And how is this…
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