Scripture Teaching Survey – 1

Do you believe THAT? A Scripture Teaching Survey.

(Does your Pastor preach THAT?) (Have you read that in your Bible?)

Would you answer 3 questions about Bible teaching you believe?

Simply answer YES or NO to a few fundamental questions about Scriptural teaching you have heard and believe.

1. Is Scripture the word of God?

  1. Does the BIBLE have Divine Authority? (QUESTION #1 paraphrased] {click YES or no button for each question}

2. Is Scripture the Sole Authority of God’s word?

3. Is every word of the Bible TRUE?

Please COMMENT WHY you answered YES or no to questions 1, 2 & 3.

Pages: 1 2 3


4 responses to “Scripture Teaching Survey – 1”

  1. Avatar

    My apologies for some technical problems with the YES & no buttons in some browsers. IF you would answer:
    WITH YES OR NO in your comment, I would find it helpful & reply privately.
    RH 7/31/21

  2. Ron Mabry Avatar
    Ron Mabry

    I answered yes to all questions. However, I’m not sure what “THAT” means. Is THAT an acrostic of some sort? I’m not familiar with the term THAT.

    I believe 2 Timothy 3:16-17; this is my response to your 3 questions.

  3. Avatar

    Thankful to see YES answers to 3 question survey. (Again, sorry to see that some links may not work in some browsers.) CAPS for emphasis; ALL links secure so click for more study.

    ANSWER to a question from a brother in our local Church: THAT is not an acrostic (or at least I can’t think of one). In fact it points to the category you may click at the top of the website: LET’S TALK ABOUT DOCTRINE, where the graphic which I cannot include in a comment reads:

    Do you REALLY believe THAT DOCTINE? a line in the sand

    Thanks for your question.
    in general, Comment answers are private for this post. RH

  4. Avatar

    Again, “THAT” is not an acrostic to my knowledge. Further thoughts for any reading the 2024 C.E. SERIES – Doctrines of the Common Era,
    ‘Do you believe THAT?’ is a question of self-examination asking of several specific teachings IF you believe a certain DOCTRINE and does it come from Scripture.

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