Tag: believe

  • Do you believe Jesus? – I doubt it.

    Do you believe Jesus? – I doubt it.

    Do you despise God?  Do you always believe Jesus? I doubt it? 

    Numbers 14:11 And the Lord said to Moses, “How long will this people despise me? And how long will they not believe in me, in spite of all the signs that I have done among them? (ESV)

    Spurgeon asks: Do you add weight to Jesus’ crown of thorns?

    I probably do all too often. (Forgive us, Lord.)

    What more convicting words do we hear than some from God through Moses, the Prophets, the letter writers of the New Testament and especially Jesus:

    O you of little faith…

    Oh, foolish Galatians…

    You who are so slow to believe…

    Of course you doubt your Bible. You probably need to read your Bible more and pray about what you have read. I do.

    Charles Spurgeon’s daily devotional ‘Morning and Evening’ urged faithful followers to do just that.

    My thanks to Truth For Life and the broadcast ministry of Alistair Begg for use of Spurgeon’s devotional message to help me talk of Jesus this morning.

  • Prophets: I Told You So…

    Prophets: I Told You So…

    WHAT IF: God signed you up to be a Prophet?  Would you jump up and down for joy?

    Jeremiah is known as “the weeping Prophet” and for good reason. Like so many Godly men who must deliver bad news to people who will not listen, Jeremiah was not a popular guy in his own day.

    God gives Jeremiah and other Old Testament Prophets a word they MUST speak.  (No choice here.)  God challenges the Prophet to not only obey, but to do even MORE than a man believes is humanly possible.

    “If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you,
    Then how can you contend with horses?
    And if in the land of peace,
    In which you trusted, they wearied you,
    Then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan? -Jeremiah 12:5

    In essence, God says to the Prophet: “I AM THE LORD and I have a tough assignment for you.”

    The example here is just one of many difficult tasks to come:

    Thus says the Lord: “Against all My evil neighbors…  

    if they will learn carefully the ways of My people, to swear by My name, ‘As the Lord lives,’ …

    But if they do not obey, I will utterly pluck up and destroy that nation,” says the Lord.

    Jeremiah 12: (You can read all of it.)

    A Prophet of God has a tough life.  John the Baptist has a tough life.  Christ Jesus had a tough life.  His ultimate sacrifice of love for the forgiveness of our sins is well worth any small price or verbal or physical persecution we may endure for His witness.

    The Apostles had a tough life. (All but John were martyred.) The prophets of the first century church had a tough life (along with those who did not prophesy in the Holy Spirit and most of their families).  You may be acquainted with some of their suffering.

    And I might add that followers of false prophets and false christians hell-bent on their own ungodliness did and do persecute the faithful.  Telling the Truth of Christ Jesus has a price.  Telling the Truth of God has a price.  Yet we MUST, in these last days, proclaim repentance of the peoples and church.  Proclaim the return of Christ Jesus, King and Lord of all.

    Believe in Jesus Christ, while it is yet today.

    Do not be caught before the Throne of God, where the sad face of His Prophets will say, “I told you so…”

    Return to Christ Jesus. He IS Lord.