Tag: christian fiction

  • A Picture of Heaven – Chapter 14

    As I walked through the brilliance of a field now bathed in light, through gentle caressing breezes which flowed over lily and daisy, I basked in the warmth of something I had never known: a love of God. I now embraced a love and tenderness toward Jesus I had never sought, but now had found.…

  • A Picture of Heaven – Chapter 6

    I swallowed hard and looked away as a tear came to my eye. Of course, I thought, maybe that’s her mommy in the casket. I had not had time for thought of all of the family connections of my lost loved one. Friends…dear and rare friends… become just like family. We don’t really know them.…

  • A Picture of Heaven – Chapter 3

    As I looked about the church, I noticed a former love of my youth and recalled retreat from my initial impression. I looked forward with some hesitation to some later inevitable conversation between us. I thought of others about whom I had also been quite mistaken: some by positive first impression, others by discovery of…

  • A Picture of Heaven – Chapter 2

    (In case you are just joining us: https://talkofjesus.com/grief-a-picture-of-heaven-prologue/) In days long past I had experienced love at first sight. The initial picture of my lover and the happy endings of our life had been one of grand ceremony; great recognition and perfection of a bride, processing down that long aisle, adored by her groom and taken…

  • A Picture of Heaven – Chapter 1

    A Picture of Heaven Chapter 1 (of 14 episodes) (Just in case you missed it, here is a link to the Prologue,) The day and the weeks of that time had begun like any other day in any other week of any other month of any other year. I say that they had begun that…

  • Grief: A Picture of Heaven – Prologue

    With real life comes real death.  With death comes grief.  Sometimes immediately, sometimes later… always lasting for loved ones. And they will never die again. In this respect they will be like angels. They are children of God and children of the resurrection. – Luke 20:36 NLT This story is not a real picture of…