Tag: creation

  • Reflections: Before adam, I AM

    Reflections: Before adam, I AM

    creation-of-adamReflect though the window of time on the Person of God.

    touch of mirror

    For now we see in a mirror dimly but then face to face.

    Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. – 1 Corinthians 13:12 

     John 1 English Standard Version (ESV)

    The Word Became Flesh

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.


    Without here debating the nature and essence of the One true God; without here dissecting God’s purpose and relationships of each Person of the Trinity of the One God: let us examine the Person to person relationship of the LORD to a few historic real souls, men and women of flesh and blood in a relationship with the Living GOD.


     14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.


    Prior to the incarnation of God in the birth, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus, God met man in many times, in many places and in several ways. Yet man sins; in every time, in all places and in many ways.

    Mankind sins again and again and yet again throughout the generations. Evil draws us further from the glory God has given to us; glory to worship the LORD in whose Image we are made.

    Any reflection of the mind of man cannot conceive even a mirror Image of the LORD GOD, HOLY AND ALMIGHTY, a loving Father to all He created.


    Genesis 1:

     26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image…

    To be continued…

  • Lamedh


    Psalm 119


    English Standard Version (ESV)

    Your Word Is a Lamp to My Feet


    89 Forever, O Lord, your word
    is firmly fixed in the heavens.
    90 Your faithfulness endures to all generations;
    you have established the earth, and it stands fast.

    Try to wrap your small mind around this:


    LORD, JEHOVAH, THE EXISTING ONE, THE “I AM” – all Names of God, holy and separated from the sin of man.

    YHWH –  יְהֹוָה

    Or, perhaps in terms of place, consider that the volume of just the earth where we stand is about 108.321 to the 10th power (I forget how many zeros that adds) cubic meters ( 1 cubic meter = 39″x 39″ x 39″).

    Perhaps, by comparison, you might consider that a casket of 87″L x 32″W x 29″H is less than 81,000 square inches.

    This section of Psalm 119 in the KJV (first published in 1611) begins:

    “LAMED. For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.”

    If we cannot grasp the size of the earth or the distance of the light, certainly we fail to grasp even the smallest dimension of the LORD and eternity.

    Thy word is settled in heaven.

    thou hast established the earth, and it abideth.

    91 By your appointment they stand this day,
    for all things are your servants.
    92 If your law had not been my delight,
    I would have perished in my affliction.
    93 I will never forget your precepts,
    for by them you have given me life.

    Compared to the LORD; compared to all eternity: our biggest of problems and short time are a small thing. Yet in our humility we ask the Lord to save us, because we are His.

    94 I am yours; save me,
    for I have sought your precepts.
    95 The wicked lie in wait to destroy me,
    but I consider your testimonies.
    96 I have seen a limit to all perfection,
    but your commandment is exceedingly broad.

    Has the command of God not created the heavens and the earth and mankind? Is the LORD our God not the Father of all perfection and Christ Jesus our redemption from the sin and destruction of disobedience?

  • Time


    Genesis 1:1a In the beginning God…

    Was it the beginning of God?

    No! God IS.

    What are these beginnings?

    Creation. Heaven and earth and man and animals and plants all had a beginning.

    Genesis: NOT a big bang… from nothing… from the void of non-existence.

    ONLY GOD who IS could create all this from nothing!

    As far as man is concerned: In the beginning God made all life and all things in time exist…

    In the beginning… time began (no sense discussing six of seven days in terms of our limited understanding of scientific theories).

    It was the beginning of time… which will also end…


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