Tag: family

  • Look For The Good In People! – by Darrell “Coach D” Andrews

    Look For The Good In People! – by Darrell “Coach D” Andrews

    Unlike any time in modern history, people seem to focus on and highlight—the bad in people. Politicians now run their entire campaigns not on what they can do to fix things, but the faults of their competition. Many of the reality shows are rated and considered a success, based upon the vitriol people can spew about each other. I recently watched a cooking reality show and the chefs were bashing one another! I certainly will not eat at their restaurants! Lastly, I remember being in a Church years ago where the Pastor used to make jokes about a certain denomination for their still way of worshiping God. They were not overly emotional in their workshop so he called it, “The Church of the Chosen Frozen.” Yes, this even happens in ministry.

    My message to you today is not long, but please, try to look for the good in people. It is so easy to fall into the world’s system of negative thinking and fault finding, but work to do what the scripture says in Mark 12:31, “Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.” Notice the scripture did not say you have an option to do this. It tells is that we “shall.”

    Fault finding most happens in families. In particular marriages. Some marriages grow cold and stale because someone is holding on to something to hate the other for. Something they said or did. The spouse can be doing 99 things right, but the other looks at the one wrong—and holds the other spouse hostage in their web of discontent. This is a tragedy when God tells us the opposite in Mark 12:31. This is why so many relationships end in divorce. Some parents do this to their kids, and kids to their parents. Some family members have not spoken in years due to faults they find in one another. A lifetime of disconnect, due to something they disagree with.

    Today, choose to go against the grain. Practice loving they neighbor as thy self, especially in our families. The world has given us enough hate to view on TV, lets not carry this into our personal life.

    Remember, the scripture tells us “Love never fails.”   Is it possible we are where we are today as a nation and world due to a lack of it?


    Darrell Andrews Enterprises’ mission is to transform individual and organizational perceptions with the goal of improving individual and organizational outcomes.

    Darrell Andrews Enterprises is a strategic motivational speaking, training and coaching firm.

    Please pray for his work with families and communities and share your Christian Social Witness with your friends. – Roger

  • Job’s Wife

    Job’s Wife

    Job 2: Then his wife said to him, “Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die!”

    10 But he said to her, “You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips.

    When a man meets adversity he must look to God.  Yet the loyalty and love of his wife could not be of more importance than when God brings adversity.

    A wife must not seek to lead her husband.  No wife who claims Jesus Christ can do anything other than love, respect, honor, and obey her husband, as he follows the Lord to take up His Cross.

    If not: You believe your sin is against me; but your sin is the adultery of Judas. — Rev. 2:21

    (Job needs your love…)

    Please pray for my wife, my blessing, that she will return to the Lord, Christ Jesus… Soon.

    Thank you Lord.

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