Tag: inerrancy

  • Do YOU affirm this TRUTH? – Affirm/Deny

    Do YOU affirm this TRUTH? – Affirm/Deny

    Do you affirm or deny what the Bible says? Can you affirm ALL or just some Scripture? Take this overview of a quiz from those theologians who do.

    “Therefore, everyone who confesses Me before people, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven.

    But whoever denies Me before people, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.”

    Gospel of Matthew 10:32-22 NASB20 – the Words of the Lord Christ Jesus

    Will you Affirm this DOCTRINE? Your identity in GOD, my witness of the Gospel, our witness as Christians proclaiming Jesus Christ to the world as our Lord may come down to this TRUTH! THAT one DOCTRINE we BELIEVE and will AFFIRM as TRUTH is our witness of God’s Truth.

    OR Do we DENY this DOCTRINE to the world while we sheepishly call Christ, “Lord, Lord?”

    Please note that the AFFIRM & DENY images in this post are NOT linked; however if you want to READ the full text of the Chicago Statement, click on it to view ALL doctrines mentioned.


    What is the pretext for Jesus stating categorically that HE will turn away some who claim Him?

    “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is narrow and the way is constricted that leads to life, and there are few who find it. Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

    Gospel of Matthew 7:13-15 NASB Teaching of Jesus Christ

    Take this 21st century challenge to your personal confessions of faith:

    If an authority of the world arrested you with an indictment that you are a Christian and brought into court, would they find enough evidence to convict you?

    ‘LORD, LORD, I’m a Christian, aren’t I?

    Do you really believe that? doctrine - a line in the sand [picture of Jesus kneeling down to draw a line with his finger

    Do you swear to tell the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth, so help you God?

    Learn more: Chicago Statement on Bible Inerrancy [1986]

    In spite of our diversity we have one great thing in common. We hold to the absolute authority, integrity and full inerrancy of God’s Word…

    James M. Boyce to Chicago summit participants, Oct. 26, 1978, International Council on Biblical Inerrancy
    For more info and detail click secure link to 12-page pdf linked above. MORE source material linked below from one of the theologian contributors of ICBI. 
    Once again I thank God for the ongoing faith and witness of Ligonier Ministries and acknowledge Stephen Nichols for his witness in R.C. SPROUL - A life, which has been integral in my series on Doctrine including excerpts in this final post of the current series. - Roger@talkofJESUS.com 


    We cannot possibly cover all of the important doctrines included in this unified 1978 statement or two subsequent councils in 1982 & 1986 by leading international theologians. Therefore I will cite just some of the original six issues and abridge sixteen later articles, briefly condensing some of the five introductory points of the original Chicago Statement.

    [Bold & italic emphasis of the original are my own.] – RH

    Holy Scripture is God’s witness to Himself.. [with] infallible divine authority.. The Holy Spirit, Scripture’s divine Author, both authenticates it to us.. and opens our minds to understand its meaning. Being wholly and verbally God-given, Scripture is without error or fault in an all its teaching..

    Sola Scriptura ! written on a blackboard (Latin for ''only scripture'

    5. The authority of Scripture is inescapably impaired if this total divine inerrancy is in any way limited or disregarded, or made relative to a view of truth contrary to the Bible’s own: and such lapses bring serious loss to both the individual and the Church.

    Articles of AFFIRMATION & DENIAL

    These ARTICLES encompass several interrelated DOCTRINES, i.e. Only Scripture, the Trinity, etc. The original document is laid out with an affirmation & denial for EACH ARTICLE.

    We can only highlight a handful of these important DOCTRINES today. Again, click the full pdf version above for MORE. - RH

    Do you believe THAT?

    a few ARTICLES to Affirm

    (which these internationally recognized theologians all affirmed.) [Summit III – 1986]

    • What do YOU believe in EACH article?
      • Do you also believe EACH point?
        • AFFIRM it or DENY it. (Keep score {out of 5})
    BELOW: Five of the Sixteen articles covering several Doctrines,
      - first, 5 Affirmations
      - followed by 5 Denials associated to the same 5 articles.
    • Article I: The Living God – WE AFFIRM
      • We affirm that the one true and living God is the creator and sustainer of all things.
      • We affirm that this God can be known through His revelation of Himself in His inerrant written Word.
      • We affirm that this one God exists eternally in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each of whom is fully God.
      • We affirm that this living, acting, speaking God entered into history through the Son Jesus Christ to bring salvation to the human race.
      • We affirm that the revealed character and will of God are the foundation of all morality.
    Consider and choose AFFIRM or DENY. These buttons are NOT linked since this is NOT A POLL. Only God will see your answers as you tell the whole Truth here.
    • Article IV. The Church and its Mission – WE AFFIRM
      • [Abridged] We affirm that the inspiration of the Holy Spirit gives the Bible its canonical authority, and the role of the church was and is to recognize and affirm this authority.
      • We affirm that identifying marks of local churches are faithful confession and proclamation of the Word of God, and responsible administration of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
      • We affirm that churches are subject to the Word of Christ in their order as in their doctrine.
      • We affirm that the unity and clarity of Scripture encourage us to seek to resolve doctrinal differences among Christians, and so to manifest the oneness of the church in Christ.
    • Article IX: The State Under God – WE AFFIRM
      • [Abridged] We affirm that God established civil government as an instrument of His common grace, to restrain sin, to maintain order, and to promote civil justice and general well-being.
      • We affirm that it is the duty of Christian people to pray for civil authorities and to obey them, except when such obedience would involve the violation of God’s moral law or neglect the God-ordained responsibilities of Christian witness.
      • We affirm that Christ’s rule of the church through His Word must not be confused with the power He grants to civil governments; such confusion will compromise the purity of the gospel and will violate the conscience of individuals.
      • We affirm that when families or churches neglect their biblically defined duties, thus jeopardizing the wellbeing of their members, the state may rightfully intervene.
    • Article X: Law and Justice – WE AFFIRM
      • [Abridged]

    We affirm that the Scriptures are the only infallible record of unchanging moral principles basic to a sound jurisprudence and an adequate philosophy of human rights.

    ICBI AFFIRMATION Article X – 12/13/1986
    • Article XVI: Stewardship of the Environment WE AFFIRM
      • {Abridged] We affirm that mankind’s dominion over the earth imposes a responsibility to protect and tend its life and resources.
      • We affirm that Christians should embrace responsible scientific investigation and its application in technology.

    How many (of these 5) did YOU AFFIRM?

    a few ARTICLES to Deny

    (which these internationally recognized theologians also DENY in support of their affirmations of same article)

    DON'T MISS THESE. Secure LINK to the Original document. The original denials followed their affirmations of each DOCTRINE. We will limit these to the same Articles which they affirmed we addressed above.

    Do you support these five DENIALS of other DOCTRINES?

    Go ahead, KEEP SCORE.

    • Article I: The Living God – WE DENY
      • We deny that the human language of Scripture is inadequate to inform us who God is or what He is like.
      • We deny that the doctrine of the Trinity is a contradiction or is based upon an unacceptable ontology.
      • We deny that the notion of God should be accommodated to modern thought which has no place for the concepts of sin and salvation.
    • Article IV. The Church and its Mission – WE DENY
      • We deny that the church can grant canonical authority to Scripture.
        • {Issue of authority of the church since the Protestant Reformation – RH}
      • We deny that the church is constituted by the will and traditions of men.
        • {that is, the will and any traditions contrary to Scripture. – RH}
      • We deny that the church can bind the conscience apart from the Word of God.
      • We deny that the church can free itself from the authority of the written Word of God and still exercise valid discipline in Christ’s name.
      • We deny that the church can accommodate itself to the demands of a particular culture if those demands conflict with scriptural revelation, or if they restrain the liberty of Christian conscience.
      • We deny that differing cultural situations invalidate the biblical principle of male-female equality or the biblical requirements for their roles in the church.
    • Article IX: The State Under God – WE DENY
      • [Abridged] We deny that the state has the right to usurp authority of other God-given spheres of life, especially in the church and in the family.
      • We deny that the Kingdom of God can be established by the coercive power of civil governments.
        • {i.e. a ‘State Religion’ as is common with false religions mandating obedience to their false sect}
      • We deny that God’s providential establishment of a particular government confers special blessing, apart from the government’s just and faithful execution of its duties.
      • We deny the Kingdom of God can be established by the power of civil governments.
    • Article X: Law and Justice – WE DENY
      • [Abridged] We deny that legal positivism, or any other humanistic philosophy of law, is able to satisfy the need for absolute standards of law and justice.
      • We deny that any political, economic, or social order is free from the deadly consequences of original sin or capable of offering a utopian solution or substitute for the perfect society which Christ alone will establish at His Second Coming.
    • Article XVI: Stewardship of the Environment WE DENY
      • [Abridged] We deny that the cosmos is valueless apart from mankind.
      • We deny that Christians should embrace the countercultural repudiation of science or the mistaken belief that science is the hope of mankind.
      • We deny that a materialistic world view can provide an adequate basis for recognizing environmental values.
    Do you really believe that? Can you affirm that ONLY Scripture Sola Scriptura is the inspired word of the Lord God?

    What DOCTRINES DO YOU really believe?


    The International Council on Biblical Inerrancy was founded in 1977, with a planned life-span of ten years. Its goal, under God, was to seek by means of scholarly writing and teaching to restore the ebbing confidence of Christian people in the total trustworthiness of the Scriptures.


    ON A SCALE OF 1-10, How many of the 5 AFFIRMATIONS & DENIALS DO YOU really believe?

    • ALL?
      • Like these leading theologians you were able to draw a line in the shifting sand of contemporary ‘christianity.’
    • 0-9?
      • Do you really believe THAT movable DOCTRINE built on a foundation of 21st c. ‘christian‘ conscience?
      • Perhaps the Lord now draws you away from the WIDE gate without AFFIRMATION to the Rock of Scripture.
      • Why not look back to the Source, the BIBLE and Word of God upon which we stand firmly?

    You may find one additional statement from the ICBI’s third council helpful to your ongoing perspective on DOCTRINE as a Christian. [Again, I’ve added BOLDING for emphasis. – RH]

    The task to which Summit III addressed itself is to apply the teaching of a trusted Bible to some of the most confused areas of modern life. This task could not in principle be tackled by Western secular society itself; for our secular society insists on judging itself, not by the revelation of the Creator that the Bible sets forth, but by evolutionary, permissive, materialistic, hedonistic, and this-worldly yardsticks for thought.

    Looking back to the 1978 ICBI invitation

    I close by sharing the conclusion of the ICBI invitation with which I began earlier and finally with Scripture.

    the absolute authority, integrity and full inerrancy of God’s Word, and we want to present the case for this conviction and win others to it by the grace of God. Indeed, we are convinced that the health of the church depends on it.

    James M. Boyce to Chicago summit participants, Oct. 26, 1978, International Council on Biblical Inerrancy
    Do you really believe that? doctrine - a line in the sand [picture of Jesus kneeling down to draw a line with his finger

    The Second Letter of the Apostle Paul to Timothy

    Christian Standard Bible

    Chapter 4:

    I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus, who is going to judge the living and the dead, and because of his appearing and his kingdom:

    Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; rebuke, correct, and encourage with great patience and teaching.

    2 Timothy 4:1-2 CSB

    For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, will multiply teachers for themselves because they have an itch to hear what they want to hear. They will turn away from hearing the truth and will turn aside to myths.

    But as for you, exercise self-control in everything, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

    2 Timothy 4:3-5 CSB

    May our Lord Christ Jesus draw you by the Holy Spirit of God to this charge of Scripture and truth in your daily life, teaching of others and witness by His grace.

    Won't you comment [below] and share your conversation of the Gospel which you have received here today in my post on Doctrine? - I thank you, beloved brother or sister in our Lord, in advance. - Roger
  • The Inerrancy Crisis by Stephen Nichols

    Inerrant TRUTH: Our reasoned Biblical Faith
    Inerrant TRUTH

    INERRANCY: ‘Why is THAT important,’ we ask?

    If you have been following my Saturday posts on Doctrine you will note at least three things:

    1. I believe the BIBLE.
    2. You should study the BIBLE.
    3. Other theologians can explain the BIBLE better than me.

    Last Saturday’s post with its focus on inerrancy precedes a post which will ‘call the question,’ so to speak. Dr. Nichol’s book, R.C. SPROEL – A life provides sound basis included in many doctrinal posts if this series. TODAY, in addition to his book, I recommend his personal preaching [36 min] on the topic from Ligonier Ministries.

    Please click on the secure link to Ligonier.org below:


  • Inerrant TRUTH: Our reasoned Biblical Faith

    Inerrant TRUTH: Our reasoned Biblical Faith

    WHY would you study the HOLY BIBLE?

    For inerrant truth!

    Do we believe by faith? YES, but not a fantastical faith or unrealistic religious calling to that which cannot be known.

    In most circumstances and communications, truth matters to me and also to you. Certainly God speaks only truth and the Bible is where ‘it is written’ by God, through men and confirmed by the Holy Spirit of God.

    Truth matters to God as it ought to mankind of His creation.

    A Perfect Lord God does not make mistakes, nor does He lie to a man (as men frequently deceive one another).

    In review:

    We have just studied several of His doctrines as students seeking knowlege and truth.

    [Oops! I frequently make an error in knowledge. Did YOU catch it?]

    Do we also make errors in TRUTH?

    ONLY SCRIPTURE speaks to man with the Highest Authority of TRUTH.


    Why would you study the BIBLE?

    open Bible and hands with pen
    Share your question about scripture with other Christians at talkofJESUS.com

    GOD speaks to man through the HOLY Spirit in what is written in Holy Scripture. Since man now seeks knowledge of good and evil, our first question of reasoned faith becomes where to look. Our logical pursuit of good also leads man to weigh God-given and God-evident truth.

    Besides our own observations of evidence and fact, where will one learn truth without error?

    Where do we find this unshakable faith in what GOD has said?

    In the Holy Bible, which contains Inerrant truth of what God has said.

    Sanctify them through thy truththy word is truth.

    John 17:17 KJVprayer of Christ Jesus

    The Highest Authority of the Lord God will confirm unequivocal inerrant truth ONLY in the HOLY BIBLE, if we will READ and Study the very Word of God.


    In his book, ‘Knowing God,’ J.I. Packer, after beginning, “..the Bible is his word,” in five theological points writes”

    Godliness means responding to God’s revelation in trust and obedience, faith and worship, prayer and praise, submission and service. Life must be seen and lived in the light of God’s word. This, and nothing else, is true religion.

    Knowing God p.20 – five basic truths #5

    What is truth?

    Most Christians will recognize the question of Pontius Pilate to Christ Jesus to which the Prefect of Judea from Rome expected no answer.

    Like Pilate, we sometimes ask about truth rhetorically, expecting no answer or having no measure of relative truth.

    Where can we find reliable Truth (with a capital ‘T’)?

    The BIBLE is your source.

    And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us; and we saw His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    Gospel of John 1:14 NASB20 – Do you seek the Truth in the flesh?

    Objective, Subjective & relative truth

    Packer makes the important point that God’s truth does not change. [p.78]

    Again, quoting Packer in KNOWING GOD:

    Truth in the Bible is a quality of persons primarily, of propositions only secondarily. It means stability, reliability, firmness, trustworthiness, the quality of a person who is entirely self-consistent, sincere, realistic, undeceived.

    KNOWING GOD, p.113

    I like this definition of Truth. Don’t you?

    Look back that this list of qualities of such a person. Then note what Packer says next:

    God is such a person: truth, in this sense, is his nature, and he has not got it in him to be anything else.

    J. I. Packer

    To fully understand objective Truth (with a capital ‘T’) you must meet the Person of a personal God.

    When God tells Moses to tell the people his Name, “I AM that I AM,” the LORD states objective truth.

    Subjective truth on the other hand depends on the separate minds of mankind.

    Therefore philosophers (theists and atheists alike) refer to subjective truth as the nature of a thing, essential attributes that which makes it what it is, or its inherent essential qualities.

    All that to say, I think, therefore I am this or I am that. And that makes me what I am.

    Perhaps God is required (the conclusion of theists) or perhaps not (even definitely not, say the atheists who deny the evidence, lack faith and cannot prove either theory).

    In any case, the case of philosophers is subjective truth, conjecture, as it were.

    Theories of Relativity

    But it gets worse. From the varying opinions of men and acceptance of all possibilities (whether possible or not, whether true or not), we get:

    Relative truth (Capital ‘R’ + very small ‘t’).

    a parable of the madman who is searching for God

    Of course you think ‘God is dead,’ because you buried your BIBLE.

    • The theory.. truth.. morality, have no universal validitysource
    • philosophical doctrine (teaching) of the relativity of knowledge
    • theory, especially in ethics.. conceptions of truth and moral values are not absolute..

    That is to say, the theory of relativism, by accepting ALL truths (small ‘t’), teaches a philosophy of tolerance, void of moral values and insistent that only their truth is absolute.

    All gods and all religions are valid except any which proclaim absolute Truth {capital ‘T’) and One God with true authority of man. Relativists, as universalists, do NOT believe in the One True God of the Bible. In practice, though some may claim ‘god,’ their worship (if any) is idolatry. These false philosophers and teachers are, in fact, atheists.

    God is NOT dead; only Truth, murdered by atheists.

    psalm 14:1 fool says there is no god

    Truth (capital ‘T’) may not exist

    (they claim).

    • Refuting the absolute Truth of God denies facts in evidence.
    • Truth (capital ‘T’ absolute truth) is unprovable in the separate and sinfully separated minds of mankind.
      • (although relativists deny sin, morality & truth
        • {see their denial by definition above})

    What do you believe about Biblical Truth?

    God has looked down from heaven upon the sons of mankind

    To see if there is anyone who understands,

    Who seeks after God.

    Psalm 53:2 [Foolishness and Wickedness of People.
    (also Psalm 14:1–7 )] {v.1 is about the fool}

    A man (or woman) can understand truth.

    And we can understand [שָׂכַל] [to be prudent, be circumspect or wisely understand, prosper] in truth by seeking the Lord God by faith in Holy Scripture.

    Once again, Packer, in KNOWING GOD, states:

    True Christians are those who acknowledge and live under the word of God.

    J.I. Packer in Knowing God, p116

    Quoting Daniel, Packer adds: They submit without reserve to the word of God written in “the Book of Truth”..

    “However, I will tell you what is recorded in the writing of truth.

    Daniel 10:21a NASB20 [additional translations]

    IF you seek truth in the Bible, you would do well to seek after God in the Scriptures included in this verse.

    But IF you do NOT seek Biblical Truth or the TRUTH written by God in Scripture, you will need to note the enemy of Truth mentioned in the second part of Daniel’s writing in 10:21b (also linked above).

    Christians do believe proven facts; however science frequently claims THEORY as FACT.

    Science is NOT the highest authority of Truth. God IS.


    Therefore we do NOT believe certain THEORIES of scientists and philosophers which claim TRUTH, but are NOT FACT. These include:

    First – false ‘facts’ we do NOT believe
    • Evolution is theory built on the premise and philosophy that the created is god.
      • The Bible refers to such beliefs as idolatry, of which the most prevalent in man is idolatry of self.
    • Naturalism is theory, not scientific fact.
      • Carbon dating conjectures calendars with complex limited variables, but beta testing of the late 20th century and calibration curves for calendar examples fail to prove origin of most things (let alone the world).
    • Environmentalism is a movement and ideology..
    • Physical cosmology, by definition is dependent on ‘the scientific theory
      • (without reference to what happened BEFORE the big bang!
      • or reasoning: Who (or what) caused it?)
    • This list of FALSE so called ‘facts’ is NOT exhaustive.

    Truth is illusive in the unproven theories of science which man mirrors as “fact.”

    chalkboard - written Sola Scriptura! Only Scripture

    “Woe to him who strives with his Maker! .. Shall the clay say to him who forms it, ‘What are you making?’

    Isaiah 45:9a,c NKJV

    Seek TRUTH in Scripture

    • Start with Scripture studied and taught with precision and clarity
    • AND grow in your faith by its inerrant TRUTH.

    “If you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

    Gospel of John 8:31b-32 NASB20 – The words of Jesus to those Jews [who knew scripture well &] who had believed Him

    If you continue..

    I have shared opposing views of inherent truth today. In fact, IF I have not provoked some reasoned thought about the Truth of the Bible I have missed the mark.

    • Do YOU really believe THAT about the Bible?
    • Does Scripture convey inerrant truth?


    NEXT: We will ask you some pointed doctrinal questions about the inerrancy of Scripture from a panel of distinguished theologians of the late 20th century. Until then, may the Lord bring the clarity of reasoned faith to your heart as you respond to this Saturday Doctrinal Post on talkofJESUS.COM

    To be continued...