Tag: joel

  • Miracles, Wonders & Signs: Peter’s Amazing Answer

    Miracles, Wonders & Signs: Peter’s Amazing Answer

    Peter’s Answer to the Acts of Pentecost

    How does the anointed follower of Jesus Christ answer the unanswerable questions from the multitudes? Luke records not only the truly awesome events of Pentecost and bewilderment by the crowds, but also the Apostle Simon Peter’s amazing answer to thousands gathered in Jerusalem.

    Acts 2:

    And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind..

    Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.

    Acts of the Apostles 2:2a,6 KJV
    Previously: We witnessed the Holy Ghost in a crowded upper room.

    (I spoke last time how we might more appropriately [from the KJV] view the Holy Ghost and cloven tongues like as of fire lighting on each one.)

    One hundred together as one in prayer in the upper room in Jerusalem receive the Holy Spirit!

    We now join the Twelve as they move on into the crowds on the busy streets of Jerusalem and multitudes in the Temple.

    Acts of Perplexed Jerusalem Crowds on Pentecost

     Now there were Jews residing in Jerusalem, devout men from every nation under heaven.

    Acts of the Apostles 2:5 NASB

    (Not so different from the crowds of a single Sunday of a 21st century Christmas or Easter festival, is it?)

    NOTE on Population of Jerusalem [~80,000, possibly swelling above 100,000 during the three festival weeks]
    - Jewish historian Josephus, who would know because he had lived there during the 60s AD, estimated the number of Pharisees alone to be 6,000 (Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, 17.42) - * recommended source

    Amazed and Astonished

    Image an extended and formal debate between two devout religious officials (perhaps a Pharisee and and Sadducee) wondering how Simon Peter and these other lowly uneducated followers of Jesus from ‘up north’ could possibly speak to others in another language.

    And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another,

    Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans?

    Acts 2:7 KJV

    Of course earlier Luke showed us debate with Jesus by perhaps some of the same ‘devout men’ who some attend these very public festivals just for the wine, prestige or public parties.

    They were amazed (beside ones self to explain it, as I pointed out last time) and astonished G2296)].

    This is the same reaction of Peter and others to the risen Christ, which Luke records in his first account.

    And when He [Jesus] had said this, He showed them His hands and His feet. While they [the Apostles] still could not believe it because of their joy and astonishment G2296, He said to them, “Have you anything here to eat?”

    Gospel of Luke 24:40-41 NASB20 – Strong’s G2296 thaumazō

    Luke describes the reaction of these men on Pentecost with this same adjective which John employs for an earlier debate of Jesus’ with Nicodemus about the same Holy Spirit which had anointed the Apostles this day.

    “Do not be G2296 amazed G2296 that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’

    “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it is coming from and where it is going; so is everyone who has been born of the Spirit.”

    Gospel of John 3:8 NASB20

    The HOLY Spirit – The Directed WIND of ACTS

    Luke uses the same word πνεῦμα that John records from the words of Jesus [John 3:8] as ‘wind‘ and ‘Spirit,’ [pneuma] 70 times in Acts of the Apostles.

    As Jesus had told Nicodemus,

    “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless someone is born of water and the Spirit G4151, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which has been born of the flesh is flesh, and that which has been born of the Spirit G4151 is spirit G4151.

    Gospel of John 3:5-6 – Jesus teaches Nicodemus on the Holy Spirit [G4151]

    Debate about Peter & the Apostles

    • “Look, aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans?
    • —we hear them declaring the magnificent acts of God in our own tongues.”
    • “What does this mean?”

    But others were jeering and saying, “They are full of sweet wine!”

    Acts of the Apostles 2:13 NASB

    14 But Peter, taking his stand with the other eleven [now including Mathias], raised his voice and declared to them:

    “Men of Judea and all you who live in Jerusalem, know this, and pay attention to my words. For these people are not drunk, as you assume, since it is only the third hour of the day [that is, 9 o’clock in the morning]..

    As Luke has already told us, the crowds include hundreds of ‘devout men from every nation under heaven.’

    Certainly these religious leaders had been led to the Apostles by the sound of the Spirit. Although you may not recall the words of ‘this Galilean,’ these devout Jews will know the Scriptures Peter is about to preach.

    Peter preaching from a balcony in Jerusalem on pentecost

    .. On the contrary, this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel:

    Joel 2:

    Blow a trumpet in Zion,
    And sound an alarm on My holy mountain!
    Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble,
    For the day of the Lord is coming;
    Indeed, it is near,
    2 A day of darkness and gloom,
    A day of clouds and thick darkness..

    21 Do not fear, land; shout for joy and rejoice,
    For the Lord has done great things..

    The fig tree and the vine have yielded in full.
    23 So shout for joy, you sons of Zion,
    And rejoice in the Lord your God;
    For He has given you the early rain for your vindication..

    The Promise of the Spirit

    Hebrew link above is CJB & WLC only

    28 It will come about after this
    That I will pour out My Spirit on all [flesh] mankind;
    And your sons and your daughters will prophesy,
    Your old men will have dreams,
    Your young men will see visions.
    29 And even on the male and female servants
    I will pour out My Spirit in those days..

    For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem
    There will be those who escape,
    Just as the Lord has said,
    Even among the survivors whom the Lord calls.

    The Prophesy of Joel 2:28-29, 32b *2:28 begins as v.3:1 in Hebrew

    Acts 2:

    17 ‘And it shall be in the last days,’ God says,
    ‘That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind;
    And your sons and your daughters will prophesy,
    And your young men will see visions,
    And your old men will have dreams;
    18 And even on My male and female servants
    I will pour out My Spirit in those days,
    And they will prophesy.
    19 And I will display wonders in the sky above
    And signs on the earth below,

    Blood, fire, and vapor of smoke.
    20 The sun will be turned into darkness
    And the moon into blood,
    Before the great and glorious day of the Lord comes.
    21 And it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’

    Peter’s Amazing Answer from Scripture

    Jesus’ Apostle Simon Peter speaks to his fellow faithful Jews, many men gathered to hear from the place of this loud noise some explanation for this amazing sign.

    Do you recall the interchange between Judeans near Jesus’ trial and Peter? The Apostle knows first hand how they associate Galileans (and Samaritans) as lesser Israelites of David’s line.

     “Men of Israel, listen to these words:

    Jesus the Nazarene, a Man attested [proven] to you by God [theos] with miracles [dynamis, power], and wonders [a prodigy, portent or omen] and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know— this Man, delivered over [to enemies, or to the power, the will, of some one] by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death.

    The astounded men in the crowd must have wondered:

    • Do these men have this same Power [dynamis] which they have just heard?
    • Will this Disciple of Jesus now addressing so many continue with his opening indictment?

    Yes, and Peter continues with yet another amazing witness of these historic events:

    But God raised Him [the man attested, Jesus of Nazareth] from the dead, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power.

    Acts of the Apostles 2:24 NASB


    Peter then returns to Scripture in order to present the Jews an understanding of the Lord and their Messiah, Jesus.

    Son of David

    Luke has already told those who have read in his Gospel account:

    He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

    Gospel of Luke 1:32-33 KJV

    The Apostle Simon Peter begins here by addressing the house of Jacob by saying, “men of Israel.”

    “For David says concerning Him:

    ‘I foresaw the LORD always before my face,
    For He is at my right hand, that I may not be shaken.

    Acts 2:25 NKJV

    Psalm 16

    Mikhtam. By David:

    Protect me, God,
    for you are my refuge.
    I said to Adonai, “You are my Lord;
    I have nothing good outside of you.”

    I bless Adonai, my counselor;
    at night my inmost being instructs me.
    I always set Adonai before me;
    with him at my right hand, I can never be moved;

    Acts 2:25-

    Therefore my heart was glad and my tongue was overjoyed;
    Moreover my flesh also will live in hope;

    Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.

    Acts 2:27 KJV, quoting Psalm 16:10
    [NASB]- For You will not abandon my soul to Sheol;
    You will not allow Your Holy One to undergo decay.

    Tehillim 16:11 (LXX 15:11) ἐγνώρισάς μοι ὁδοὺς ζωῆς πληρώσεις με εὐφροσύνης μετὰ τοῦ προσώπου σου τερπνότητες ἐν τῇ δεξιᾷ σου εἰς τέλος

    תּֽוֹדִיעֵנִי אֹרַח חַיִּים שֹׂבַע שְׂמָחוֹת אֶת־פָּנֶיךָ נְעִמוֹת בִּימִינְךָ נֶֽצַח׃

    “You have revealed the paths of life to me;

    you will fill me with gladness

    in your presence.

    Acts 2:28 CSB, Peter, quoting David from Psalm 16:11
    Certainly, the Apostle must have paused here..
    Peter no doubt would have surveyed the eyes of those men in the crowd revealing the impact of the Spirit through these Scriptures upon their hearts.


    Peter, this lowly Galilean addressing multitudes of devout men (with their wives and families gathered beside them for this Jewish festival celebrated fifty days after Passover), now addresses these Judeans, Israelites and faithful pilgrims in Jerusalem endearingly as ‘brothers.’

    ἀδελφός - Strong's G80 - adelphos
     -  From ἄλφα (G1) (as a connective particle) and delphus (the womb) -  a brother (literally or figuratively) near or remote i.e. a fellow believer, united to another by the bond of affection

    Don’t miss the personalness of the Apostle’s appeal to those convicted by the Spirit.

    Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day.

    Acts of the Apostles 2:29 KJV

    Since he was a prophet, he knew that God had sworn an oath to him to seat one of his descendants on his throne.

    Seeing what was to come, he [David] spoke concerning the resurrection of the Messiah:

    He [the Christ] was not abandoned in Hades, and his flesh did not experience decay.

    Acts 2:30-31 CSB [also linked above with KJV & NASB]

    Luke’s account here in the King James Version brings to mind the familiar genealogy from the opening of his Gospel.

    “..that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh [that is: from David’s descendants], he [Yᵊhōvâ] would raise up Christ to sit on his [David’s] throne..”

    The Apostle Peter reveals to the multitudes through Scripture they know well:

    DAVID, King over a United Kingdom of Israel a thousand years ago — David who was also a PROPHET — predicted the resurrection of Israel’s Messiah.

    Then Peter, with the eleven other Apostles who have also shown the crowds signs of speaking in their own native languages standing at his side, confirms their own personal witness to ALL:

    We witnessed Jesus’ resurrection!

    [Brethren, Peter has already addressed them]:

    “It is this Jesus [iēsous] whom God [theos] raised up, a fact to which we are all witnesses.

    Acts of the Apostles 2:32 NASB20

    Just picture what some men and women among the multitudes must have thought hearing this!

    Peter has already restated David’s prophesy, in addition to quoting the prophet Joel. Now the Apostle proceeds to the logical conclusion:

    Therefore, since He [Jesus] has been exalted at the right hand of God, and has received the promise of the Holy Spirit from the Father, He has poured out this which you both see and hear.

    Acts of the Apostles 2:33 NASB

    34 For it was not David who ascended into the heavens, but he himself says:

    Peter quotes David to affirm his conclusion from PSALM 110:1

    The Lord declared to my Lord,
    ‘Sit at my right hand
    until I make your enemies your footstool.

    110:1  לְדָוִד מִזְמוֹר נְאֻם יְהוָה לַֽאדֹנִי שֵׁב לִֽימִינִי עַד־אָשִׁית אֹיְבֶיךָ הֲדֹם לְרַגְלֶֽיךָ׃

    Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Christ—this Jesus whom you crucified.”

    Acts of the Apostles 2:36 NASB – Conclusion of Peter’s sermon


    “No it’s not,” you say.

    "This can't be the end of Peter's sermon, because the Apostle has more to add."

    While it is true that Luke adds an important interaction between Peter and someone from the crowd, allow me to ask you this:

    Doesn’t your pastor END the words of his sermon without interchange or response from his church audience?

    (We don’t hear Peter say, “Let us pray,” or “Amen.”

    The crowds did not see Peter walk away from the pulpit as his praise band begins a song.)


    Like some moments following contemporary sermons in the Spirit, worship continues in the hearts of some. The Apostle’s speech certainly is guided by Scripture, but primarily Peter preaches by the HOLY SPIRIT. So the question which follows from the crowd, also the work of the Spirit in the hearts of men, will bring Peter to continue with a powerful answer.

    Next, we will hear Peter’s answer to pierced hearts.

    To be continued...
  • The Beginning of the End – A Burden of the Prophets – 4

    The Beginning of the End – A Burden of the Prophets – 4

    Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.”

    Remember the predictions of the holy prophets

    Previously: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3

    The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

    Think back beyond your years and perhaps you may recall an event  just two generations past in the days of your grandfather. But who can understand the times a hundred generations before us, even the lives of those living when Christ was born.

    Even before Christ the impatience of man questioned the patience of the Lord. Early Prophets like Amos had been long forgotten by the time some promises had been fulfilled by the birth of a Messiah.

    Just as now the unexplored landscape of our new world would have been completely unimaginable to Columbus, men in the days of the first century did not remember Moses or David or the Prophets with any contemporary context of understanding. Yet in each generation before Christ men and women of those days could hardly imagine the promise of the Messiah to come.

    Each century between the Prophets and Christ would have seemed unmeasurable with the century’s beginning unfamiliar to the generations of its completion. Think about each hundred years of history as if today you looked back upon the just ending World War I [November 11, 1918], then multiply our forgetfulness of the promise by 21 centuries since the manger of Bethlehem.

    Promise of a Messiah a long time away

    How far away could you imagine the promise of hope spoken by a Prophet of the LORD in each of these centuries, so many generations ‘Before Christ?’

    A thousand years, ten centuries, uncountable generations from the success of Solomon to the hope of a Savior.

    Challenge: Scroll slowly through the centuries between David and the Son of David, the promised Messiah.
    * Date estimates by Roger Harned http://talkofJesus.co
          Source: TOW
       Period / Century

    Northern Kings – Israel (Samaria)

    Northern Prophets Israel Sararia

    Southern Kings – Judah (Judea)

    Southern Prophets Judah 

    United kingdom under Saul, David, Solomon, c. 1030 – 931

    10th c. B.C.
    Divided kingdom Jeroboam (931-910) Rehoboam (931-913)
    Nadab (910-909) Abijah (913)
    Baasha (909-886) Asa (911-870)
    9th c. B.C.
    Elah (886)
    Zimri (885)
    Omri (885-874)
    Ahab (874-853) Elijah
    Jehoshaphat (873-848)
    Jehoram (852-841) Jehoram (853-841)
    Jehu (841-814) Elisha Queen Athaliah (841-835) Obadiah
    Jehoahaz (814-798) Joash (835-796)
    8th c. B.C.
    Jehoash (798-782) Amaziah (796-767)
    Jeroboam II (793-753) Amos
    Zechariah (753-752) Jonah Isaiah (760-700)
    Shallum (752)
    Menahem 752-742)
    Pekahiah (742-740) Hosea (c. 792-740 B.C.) Uzziah (790-740)  Joel
    Pekah (752-732) Jotham (750-731)
     Israel ruled by other nations Hoshea (732-722) Ahaz (735-715) Nahum
      Hezekiah (715-686) Micah
    7th c. B.C.
    Manasseh (695-642)
    Amon (642-640)
    Josiah (640-609) Jeremiah
    Jehoahaz (609) Huldah
    Jehoiakim (609-597) Nahum
    6th c. B.C.
    Judah ruled by other nations – Babylonian exile (597 – 538 BC) Jehoiachin (597)
    Zedekiah (597-586) Ezekiel
    Persian Period (539-322 BC) Zerubbabel, governor {538-520 BC) Daniel
    Post-exilic prophets Haggai
    5th c. B.C. Darius I (521-486), king of Persia Zechariah (520-???)
    Nehemiah, governor (445-425) Malachi
    4th c B.C. Artaxerxes II, king of Persia (404-358 BC)
    Hellenistic Period (332-141 BC)
    Alexander the Great Macedonian Greek empire 356 – 323 BC
    Ptolemaic (Egyptian) Seleucid rule in Jerusalem
    Seleucos I (Persian) 321-215
    3rd c. B.C.
    Antiochos III inherited in 223 BCE
    2nd c. B.C.
    1st c. B.C. Herod the Great, Roman appointed king of Judea 37–4 BC

    John the Baptist

    c. 5 BC – AD30

    * Period summary source

    Prophets Predicted Christ

    How long did you consider the generations between the time of David, 3000 years ago and the thousand years until the birth of the Messiah?

    The LORD saved and redeemed a people who in every generation believed that God had forgotten them.

    “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited and redeemed his people and has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David, as he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from of old..

    Luke 1:68-70 ESV

    A short list of Prophecies: Promises of many generations

    Joel 1:

    15 Alas for the day!
    For the day of the Lord is near,
    and as destruction from the Almighty it comes.

    19 To you, O Lord, I call.
    For fire has devoured
    the pastures of the wilderness,
    and flame has burned
    all the trees of the field.

    Joel 2:28  “And it shall come to pass afterward,
    that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh;
    your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
    your old men shall dream dreams,
    and your young men shall see visions.
    29 Even on the male and female servants
    in those days I will pour out my Spirit.

    Joel lived about eight centuries before fulfillment of his prophecies.

    Micah 1:

    2 Hear, you peoples, all of you;
    pay attention, O earth, and all that is in it,
    and let the Lord God be a witness against you,
    the Lord from his holy temple.

    Speaking of ‘Peace’

    Micah 3:
    5 Thus says the Lord concerning the prophets
    who lead my people astray,
    who cry “Peace”
    when they have something to eat,
    but declare war against him
    who puts nothing into their mouths.

    Micah 4:

    (Some may recognize this scripture forgotten from the charter of the United Nations at a time Israel was reborn as a nation in 1947.)

    “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
    to the house of the God of Jacob,
    that he may teach us his ways
    and that we may walk in his paths.”
    For out of Zion shall go forth the law,
    and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

    3 He shall judge between many peoples,
    and shall decide disputes for strong nations far away;
    and they shall beat their swords into plowshares,
    and their spears into pruning hooks;
    nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
    neither shall they learn war anymore;

    4 but they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree,
    and no one shall make them afraid,
    for the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken.

    The Place of Birth of the Messiah

    Micah 5:

    But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah,
    who are too little to be among the clans of Judah,
    from you shall come forth for me
    one who is to be ruler in Israel,
    whose coming forth is from of old,
    from ancient days.
    3 Therefore he shall give them up until the time
    when she who is in labor has given birth;
    then the rest of his brothers shall return
    to the people of Israel.
    4 And he shall stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord,
    in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God.
    And they shall dwell secure, for now he shall be great
    to the ends of the earth.
    5 And he shall be their peace.

    Micah’s promise of the birth of Christ would not be fulfilled for about 700 years.

    Zephaniah 3:

    16 On that day it shall be said to Jerusalem:
    “Fear not, O Zion;
    let not your hands grow weak.
    17 The Lord your God is in your midst,
    a mighty one who will save;
    he will rejoice over you with gladness;
    he will quiet you by his love;
    he will exult over you with loud singing.

    Zephaniah is the great-great grandson of Judah’s King Hezekiah from the time Micah prophesied. He prophesied during the time of a successful and good King Josiah ( 640 to 609 BC). Zephaniah saw in the day of the Lord the destruction of his country, his neighbors, and eventually the whole earth. Source.

    Malachi 1:

    2 “I have loved you,” says the Lord…

    Should this not be sufficient for worship of the Lord our God?

    Over the centuries and generations Israel repeatedly has turned from the Lord, rejecting God’s love. Yet the Lord is merciful and promises a Messiah, the Savior of the faithful.

    The Messenger of the Lord

    Malachi 2:

    17 You have wearied the Lord with your words.

    But you say, “How have we wearied him?”

    By saying, “Everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and he delights in them.” Or by asking, “Where is the God of justice?”

    Are we so different, even in these last days? Has Christ not promised an eternal redemption for our sin? Yet we remain impatient with mortal life.

    Malachi was a late messenger among the Prophets, one after whom a great silence from the Lord would follow until another messenger of the Messiah would appear to announce the onslaught of these last days.

    Malachi 3:

    “Behold, I send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me. And the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple; and the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight, behold, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts.

    The Book of Remembrance

    16 Then those who feared the Lord spoke with one another. The Lord paid attention and heard them, and a book of remembrance was written before him of those who feared the Lord and esteemed his name.

    17 “They shall be mine, says the Lord of hosts, in the day when I make up my treasured possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his son who serves him. 18 Then once more you shall see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve him.

    Malachi likely delivered his message many years after the Israelites rebuilt the temple in 515 BC. The prophet’s concerns mirror those of Nehemiah’s, suggesting that Malachi prophesied to the people while Nehemiah left the city for several years, beginning in 432 BC. Source.

    Generations of silence without prophecy, then the LORD sends a messenger to the wilderness and a Messiah to a manger in Bethlehem.

    Judgment and mercy will be in His right hand. He will be a Savior of the Remnant and Hope to the Nations.

    A messenger will announce the Son of David, the Promised One…

    In the LORD’s time… the Messiah of Israel and Savior of the Nations; predicted by the Prophets, proclaimed by angels, born in a manger, worshiped by shepherds and kings: Jesus, Son of God, Son of man!


  • Times of Difficulty

    Times of Difficulty

    Joel 1:

    Has such a thing happened in your days,
    or in the days of your fathers?

    3 Tell your children of it,
    and let your children tell their children,
    and their children to another generation.

    While disasters loom and chaos rules, talking heads debate over who said what about the rein of evil isolated in time or place.

    I’m outraged!

    (But it's not what you think.)

    One death causes lingering debate, then a couple dozen again across the sea.

    India – 2 million child deaths/year

    Yet  what of a crisis in a hospital in India where 68 children died   because of a financial dispute over who would pay for oxygen?

    What of 250 dead, lost to floods in Nepal, India and Bangladesh?

    Would a press so entertained over a single firing dare mention 28  deaths from a national election controversy in a poor country like Kenya?

    These acts of violence by evil men of many races and differing religion are not news. Extreme political positions and taunting of opposing opinion are nothing new under the sun.

    Hidden in the headlines of Shiite Islam vs. Sunni Islam in Iraq (along with Syria, another war no one has won) we see starving children, victims of war’s atrocities, malnourished and wounded, gleaning fields for a few bites to eat. Least of all world-wide entertaining news would never herald the passing of 100 souls from hunger each and every hour!

    China commits ‘staggering’ 23 million abortions per year, according to US State Dept.

    Could self-defining generations of sexually active ‘single’ women ever be chastised for their ‘right’ to end the lives of more than 25 million babies so far this year?!

    [ctt title=”Could the two most populous countries in the world ever be held accountable for all the babies and young children who have died? ” tweet=”https://ctt.ec/j1nfg+” coverup=”j1nfg”]

    When will the LORD finally say, enough is enough?

    Genesis 6:

    5 The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. 7 So the Lord said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.”

    Exodus 12:29

    At midnight the LORD struck down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sat on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the dungeon, and all the firstborn of the livestock.

    The Lord intervenes

    You may not have read from scripture of the great power of the Lord, though you witness the magnificence of His Almighty hand every day. Recall (or read for the first time) how a prayer reached the hearing of the Lord and the Lord saved Israel.

    2 Kings 19:

    5 When the servants of King Hezekiah came to Isaiah, 6 Isaiah said to them, “Say to your master, ‘Thus says the Lord: Do not be afraid because of the words that you have heard, with which the servants of the king of Assyria have reviled me…

    15 And Hezekiah prayed before the Lord and said:

    [ctt title=”“O Lord, the God of Israel, enthroned above the cherubim, you are the God, you alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; you have made heaven and earth.” tweet=”“Whom have you mocked and reviled? Against whom have you raised your voice and lifted your eyes to the heights? Against the Holy One of Israel! 2Kings19:” coverup=”iFGf9″]

    16 Incline your ear, O Lord, and hear; open your eyes, O Lord, and see; and hear the words of Sennacherib, which he has sent to mock the living God. 17 Truly, O Lord, the kings of Assyria have laid waste the nations and their lands 18 and have cast their gods into the fire, for they were not gods, but the work of men’s hands, wood and stone. Therefore they were destroyed. 19 So now, O Lord our God, save us, please, from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you, O Lord, are God alone.”

    35 And that night the angel of the Lord went out and struck down 185,000 in the camp of the Assyrians.

    And when people arose early in the morning, behold, these were all dead bodies. 36 Then Sennacherib king of Assyria departed and went home and lived at Nineveh.

    Judgment of the Lord

    Not so remarkable that the Lord of all the heavens and earth, the Lord who makes the sun and moon and stars to move; not so awesome that 185,000 men or all the first born of Egypt should unexpectedly be struck down.

    Have you heard of the Lord’s covenant to never destroy all mankind by flood? Do you believe that? You who cannot gaze upon the brilliance of the sun the Lord has placed in the heavens, uncover your ears to hear his warnings to repent!

    His patience withholds fire and brimstone from the destruction of evil, yet their judgment will come. In the Person of Christ Jesus the Lord has come to man and He will return.

    Cover your eyes and open your heart. Look only to Jesus and no false man, dead or in power, mortals who cannot save your eternal soul.

    Joel 1:

    15 Alas for the day!
    For the day of the Lord is near,
    and as destruction from the Almighty it comes.

    Joel 2:

    Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble,
    for the day of the Lord is coming; it is near,
    2 a day of darkness and gloom,
    a day of clouds and thick darkness!

    Return to the Lord

    12 “Yet even now,” declares the Lord,
        “return to me with all your heart,
    with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning;
    13     and rend your hearts and not your garments.”
    Return to the Lord your God,
        for he is gracious and merciful,
    slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love;
        and he relents over disaster.

    The Lord Will Pour Out His Spirit

    28 “And it shall come to pass afterward,
        that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh;
    your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
        your old men shall dream dreams,
        and your young men shall see visions.
    29 Even on the male and female servants
        in those days I will pour out my Spirit.

    30 “And I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. 31 

    The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes.

    32 [ctt title=”And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. ” tweet=”Christ Jesus is Lord! A new heavens and a new earth await the Lord’s return.” coverup=”W2wAz”]

    To be continued…


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