Tag: lent 2025

  • a Common Era Contrition for Lent – Ash and dust

    a Common Era Contrition for Lent – Ash and dust

    lenten series outline & Introduction

    Ash Wednesday 2025 C.E.

    OUTLINE of a Scriptural path toward Christ’s walk to Gethsemane, Calvary, beyond Bethany and anticipating the Lord’s return in glory in these last days.

    the path of contrition

    “I am the way and the truth and the life.

    No one comes to the Father except through me.

    Gospel of John 14:6

    Introduction by the author

    The liturgical season of Lent although having no Biblical requirement has always been a reflective time for me. I have provided some glances back for any who have not followed Talk of JESUS in previous Lenten seasons.

    This YEAR – A.D. 2025 to most of you (2025 C.E. to most of our unbelieving world) – I wanted to lead you through some Old Testament Scriptures looking through Jewish eyes (yes JESUS and EVERY Apostle was Jewish). You may glance at a HEBREW organization of the BIBLE below which orders and groups our O.T. Books differently.

    G_d only knows how many of the 40 days of Lent I will publish, but each will likely be briefer than my usual 5-minute READ.

    Finally, beloved brother or sister in Christ,

    IF you look for a connecting thread between these O.T. Scriptures and Christ you may discover a faithful Jewish thread of contrition not seen in the Gospels except in the Person of Jesus. (Think of Gethsemane, now.. and follow Him along the narrow path.)

    Won’t you pray for me and comment here encouraging all?

    Roger Harned – Author and Site administrator, Talk of JESUS .com

    Lent A.D. 2014 Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord + Ash Wednesday - Easter Sunday - Jesus is RISEN! and will return once more
    a picture of LENT from AD 2014

    Introduction to the Hebrew Bible

    On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

    The Word summarizing Jewish Scripture in Matthew 22:40,

    This phrase refers to the entirety of the Hebrew Scriptures, known as the Tanakh, which is divided into the Torah (Law), Nevi’im (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings).

    In the context of Matthew 22:40, “the Law and the Prophets” is a shorthand for the Old Testament.

    STUDY BIBLE Bible Hub .com

    Tanakh Hebrew Bible books
    CLICK to ENLARGE the three sections of the Tanakh [Hebrew Scriptures]

    What path will you walk this day?

    Comment on Scripture + Share the Gospel

    garden in darkness

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