Tag: Matthew

  • The BIBLE is HOLY

    The BIBLE is HOLY

    HOLY Scripture

    “ALL scripture is inspired by God.. !

    All scripture is given by inspiration of God..

    All Scripture is breathed out by God..

    All Scripture is God-breathed..

    2 Timothy 3:16a

    How does God communicate with man?

    The Doctrine of Scripture or the Doctrine of the Bible stakes claim to all that is HOLY in the writings of God.

    • Does Scripture have an ‘other’ holiness?
    • Is the Word of God in writing true?

    What is Holy?

    We began this series on Doctrine appropriately with God’s Holiness.

    “God is not a man, that He would lie,
    Nor a son of man, that He would change His mind..

    Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God! Other! Separate of man and above all His creation.

    God is God and we are not.

    Is the Bible Holy?

    Christians call it, “THE HOLY BIBLE,” but what does that mean?

    Now I ask you, my fellow believer and follower of Christ Jesus,

    What authority should the Bible have in the lives of disciples of the true doctrines of God?

    We have already defined holiness as separate, apart, and therefore sacred and as God speaks, an awful thing! Now I must define our commonly used terms addressing the holiness of God’s written word, the Bible or Scripture.

    What is Scripture?

    “It is written..” – כָּתַב

    The word means “writing.”

    In the Old Testament it occurs in the King James Version only once, “the scripture of truth,” in Da 10:21, where it is more correctly rendered in the Revised Version (British and American), “the writing of truth.” The reference is not to Holy Scripture, but to the book in which are inscribed God’s purposes.

    In the New Testament, “scripture” and “scriptures” stand regularly for the Old Testament sacred books regarded as “inspired” (2Ti 3:16), “the oracles of God” (Ro 3:2).

    International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia

    And in each and every book of the Bible we must hold sacred that:

    • IF ‘it is written’ as God’s spoken word,
    • THEN we must regard it as truth – God’s truth revealed in the written word.

    אֲבָל֙ אַגִּ֣יד לְךָ֔ אֶת־הָרָשׁ֥וּם בִּכְתָ֖ב אֱמֶ֑ת וְאֵ֨ין אֶחָ֜ד מִתְחַזֵּ֤ק עִמִּי֙ עַל־אֵ֔לֶּה כִּ֥י אִם־מִיכָאֵ֖ל שַׂרְכֶֽם׃ פ

    Daniel 10:21 WLC
    You’ve often read scripture such as:
    • .. as it is written in the Book of the Law of Moses..
    • .. it is written in the Book of Jashar..
    • “Celebrate the Passover to the LORD your God as it is written in this Book of the Covenant.”
    • “It is written in the Prophets..
    • “For it is written in the book of Psalms..

    OR of specific scriptures.

    .. as it is written:

    Romans 3:10 NASB20 referring to verses in the Psalms
    • Scripture is the written truth of God revealed to man.
    Moses holding up ten Commandments

    The Jews chosen by the LORD God lived by Scripture (or at least they were called to live by the word of God through the Law and the Prophets).

    “It is written..” – γράφω

    The first mention of Scripture in the Gospels of the New Testament is by the Person of Christ Jesus!

    After the Lord had been in the wilderness for forty days, the Messiah Jesus answers Satan’s temptation by applying Scripture written from the wilderness testing of Moses and Israel.

    Matthew 4:

    Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after He had fasted for forty days and forty nights, He then became hungry. And the tempter came and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.”

    4 But He answered and said, “It is written:

    γράφω – graphō

    ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes out of the mouth of God.’”

    Gospel of Matthew 4:4 NASB

    (Do you think Christians might want to take heed to how Jesus replies to the temptation of Satan in the wilderness?) ‘MAN SHALL LIVE ON EVERY WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD..’

    So He humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.
    - Deuteronomy 8:3 
    photo of Jude 1 pen and talkofJesus.com business card

    The New Testament on Scripture

    1. a writing, thing written
    2. the Scripture, used to denote either the book itself, or its contents
    3. a certain portion or section of the Holy Scripture

    The KJV translates Strong’s G1124 in the following manner: scripture (51x). from G1125; a document, γράφω – graphō [as we have defined above ‘it is written’ ] which occurs 192 times in 181 verses in the mgnt Greek.

    A few examples of holy scripture
    • Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. – Luke 24:45
    • You examine the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is those very Scriptures that testify about Me; and yet you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life.– John 5:39-40
    • For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. –Romans 15:4

    All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness so that the man or woman of God may be fully capable, equipped for every good work.

    2 Timothy 3:16-17 NASB20

    INSPIRED BY GOD! ALL Scripture (not just a verse or two to our liking). Scripture is HOLY, writings other than the ordinary books not spoken by God — books not written by the LORD speaking to a man.

    The BIBLE is HOLY!

    What is the Bible?

    Do you really believe that? doctrine - a line in the sand [picture of Jesus kneeling down to draw a line with his finger
    DOCTRINE – What do you believe?

    Again, the necessity of defining what ANYONE means where referring to “THE BIBLE.”

    NOT ALL BIBLE’s are alike.

    First, What is NOT the Bible

    (AND therefore, NOT the HOLY Word of GOD.)

    • The Quran is not the Bible.
    • The Book of Mormon is not the Bible. [See: Cult Resources]
    • The Complete Tanakh (*with its 24 Hebrew books) is an incomplete Bible.
      • *The 24 Hebrew books are the same as the 39 Books of the Old Testament; the difference is in the way they are divided.
    • Some *Additional Books in Roman Catholic and other Bibles include writings which are helpful, but NOT the inspired Word of God.
      • The word Apocrypha means “hidden.”
    • Gnostic Books (& gospels) which some *claim as part of the Bible oppose the Holy Scriptures and Word of God.
      • *The term apocryphal is also applied to other books that are New Testament forgeries. An example of this would be the Gospel of Thomas, which claims to have been written by Jesus’ disciple Thomas. The book, however is a forgery.
    • Some contemporary ‘translations’ of the Bible are *biased against true Scripture and do NOT actually translate Scripture from the original Hebrew and Greek.
      • *Examples of Anti-Trinitarian bias of the NWT (New World Translation) of the Jehovah Witnesses cult non-secure links to authoritative research by Bruce M. Metzger from Christianity Today available.

    The BIBLE

    I will not go into detail here concerning the Canon of Scripture and historical affirmations of the Authority of God’s word.

    {You may find it helpful to remember the competing authority of definition 1 from the Oxford English Dictionary

    • – i.e. Canon So-and-so, Bishop of Rome, London, etc.}

    Technically, the HISTORY of the Bible is NOT itself, DOCTRINE, however one cannot fully appreciate the Bible now in print for most anyone without a brief look at how the Canon of Scripture came about.

    Since many respected theologians have provided proofs of the authenticity of the Books of the Bible [66 total] included in the teachings of the church, I will highlight just a few dates for your further research if you desire.

    Although I use and refer to several sources, if I could suggest one indexed authoritative source for your person answer to questions about the Bible I recommend:

    Creeds & the Canon of Scripture

    The Biblical Canon

    is the collection of scriptural books that God has given his corporate people, which are distinguished by their divine qualities, reception by the collective body, and their apostolic connection, either by authorship or association.

    Source: The Gospel Coalition

    Authoritative Authors

    A final attribute of canonical books is that they are written by God’s chosen agents, his inspired prophets and apostles. Put simply, not just anyone can speak for God; .. prophets and other inspired spokesmen .. it included the apostles, Christ’s authoritative witnesses …

    We have good historical evidence…

    A few of the historical events of note which have constantly and consistently affirmed the Authority of God through the Holy Bible.

    lines of division of Christianity chart
    The Great Schism of 1054

    ‘So on July 16, 1054, the “one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church,” as the Nicene Creed puts it, split. And then there were two.’

    Stephen Nichols

    The Protest and Reformation

    Because of the confused political and religious situation of the time, Luther was called before the political authorities rather than before the pope or a council of the Roman Catholic Church.

    “I will answer without horns and without teeth. Unless I am convicted by Scripture and plain reason—I do not accept the authority of popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other—my conscience is captive to the Word of God, I cannot and I will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me. Amen.” – Martin Luther at Worms
    • A.D. 1545 The Council of Trent began sitting in 1545, introducing rigidity in dogma and austerity in morals. The Protestant views of justification by faith alone, the Lord’s Supper, and the propriety of clerical marriage were sharply rejected. All deviation within the Catholic fold was rigidly suppressed.
    • London, A.D. 1611 – King James Bible printed in English, after Protestantism had been restored to England.

    MORE.. Church Divided / Empire Fallen 2

    Do you really believe that? doctrine - a line in the sand [picture of Jesus kneeling down to draw a line with his finger
    DOCTRINE – What do you believe?
    To be continued...
    NEXT: More on Doctrine of the Bible
  • The Christian Hypocrite?

    The Christian Hypocrite?

    Worship & Hypocrisy?

    The family rushed into the church building catching the last praise song before the sermon. LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE. They applauded. (In fact, they noted, it was the colorful writing imprinted on the wall of the building that confirmed this love.)

    He loves us. We love Him. Such a general good feeling we can take out of here to the world! (Applause!)

    But then, upon heading out the door back into the world whey wondered: “Who is this ‘He’ of whom they sing? Was ‘his‘ “Name” ever mentioned? (For I didn’t see it past the darkness on their wall.)

    • The worship song is popular hit on ‘Christian’ radio. Is its lyric and message so ambiguous that the world won’t recognize it?
    • Are the songs so accommodating and preaching so inclusive that young ‘christians’ will rarely hear “Lord JESUS” in worship?

    The challenges of hypocrisy to the church continues as we wear the masks of new trends in worship.

    Yes, the faces change, but so do our masks.

    Hypocrisy OR Acknowledging Sins?


    Matthew 10

    John 8

    .. go, and from now on sin no more.”

    v. 11
    A partial list from original post linked below:
    • Fathers abandoning our children? Some of us are guilty.
    • Murdering a child by abortion? Some of us are guilty.
    • Divorce? Some of us are guilty.

    Original talkofJesus.com post

    from April 4, 2014 – Topic: Hypocrisy or Sin confessed?
    Summer Reruns! with picture of sun wearing sunglasses
    Summer 2021 AD {Scriptural} Reruns
    • CLICK “…Continue reading ” above,
    • THEN Ask a question or comment at the end of this post
    • OR email Roger@talkofJesus.com with your reaction, questions & comments.

    Stay tuned from more Summer of 2021 Reruns from talkofJESUS.com

    (ditto: Summer 2022 – more to come)

  • The Christian Like Jesus?

    The Christian Like Jesus?

    If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign those of his household.

    Matthew 10:20

    Jesus & Christians: Hypocrites

    Do you realize that the religious leaders of Jerusalem called Jesus a hypocrite?

    You are NOT the Son of God, they accused. And the world accuses any who strongly associate with Jesus Christ of this same hypocrisy. Wolves preying upon the sheep of Christ taught with tenderness and little warning of a 21st century ravenous appetite of the world to dethrone Christ Jesus.


    Matthew 10

    Original talkofJesus.com post:

    Original post April 3, 2014 – Topic: Hypocrisy
    Summer Reruns! with picture of sun wearing sunglasses
    Summer 2021 AD {Scriptural} Reruns
    • CLICK “…Continue reading ” above,
    • THEN Ask a question or comment at the end of this post
    • OR email Roger@talkofJesus.com with your reaction, questions & comments.

    Stay tuned from more Summer of 2021 Reruns from talkofJESUS.com

    (ditto: Summer 2022 – more to come)