KING jesus! KING jesus! KING jesus!
Gospel of Matthew 21:
Then the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed them.
Gospel of Matthew 21:14 – New King James Version

Today in Jerusalem
~ A.D. 30
another account of a fictional witness
- SUNDAY had been a day with a festive parade into town by our savior KING.
HOSANNA! King Jesus! Thank God for our conquering KING!
In case you missed my account from SUNDAY:
- MONDAY everybody was asking, “Who is this?”
- Will this KING jesus now conquer our captors?
Every Jew coming to the festival knew all-to-well of our obligation to buy a kind of kosher indulgence.

We tried to follow this KING
ALL of Jerusalem was abuzz with this Jesus, who had ridden into our captive city like a KING! And this Son of Man (as he called himself) began the day overturning tables of moneychangers and chasing merchants and animals out of the Temple courts!
Of course the Temple police appeared (though unprepared for such a disturbance as this), then pharisees and priests and scribes, even the chief priests.
In fact — they WITNESSED the marvelous miracles, signs of JESUS’s power from God!
.. and the children crying out in the temple and saying, “Hosanna to the Son of David!”
Gospel of Matthew 21:15b New King James Version – witness of Jesus in the Temple
Rather than praising GOD as even the children were now doing, THEY BECAME INDIGNANT.
One of them said to him (I think it was a chief priest):
“Do You hear what these are saying?”
YES, this Jesus answered him AND then quoted a familiar Psalm.
“Yes, Have you never read,
‘Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants
Gospel of Matthew 25:16 NKJV – Jesus’ response to children singing about Him
You have perfected praise’?”
By now a few more Legions became clearly visible in the distance, yet the Temple police seemed to be nowhere in sight.

In general the crowds were JOYFUL and above all praising the healings which Jesus had been doing for some who came to Him.
This irked the officials of the Sanhedrin, although they now turned away from making any trouble today for this Son of Man and Son of David, who some zealots in the multitudes were urging to be KING.
This Jesus slipped out through the crowds quickly and headed toward a gate leading to the road to Bethany.
an earlier Passover
I'm trying to recall if it was last year [A.D. 29] or the year before that I had heard from someone that this was not unusual for this humble Nazarian Rabbi.
Jesus had shown signs to more than five thousand men near Nazareth.
Then those men, when they had seen the sign that Jesus did, said,
“This is truly the Prophet who is to come into the world.”
Therefore when Jesus perceived that they were about to come and take Him by force to make Him king, He departed again to the mountain by Himself alone.
Gospel of John 6:14-15 NKJV
Why would the Son of David who rode into Jerusalem like KING DAVID leave to stay in Bethany overnight, I wondered?
To be continued.. God-willing…
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