Now that we have settled the ‘Where Next?’ of Paul’s second missionary journey (after his separation from Barnabas), before we proceed further let’s take a helpful glance at the ‘Who’s Who’ of Paul’s missionary journeys.

1st Missionary Journey
Paul & Barnabas with John Mark
Paul & Barnabas without John Mark

2nd Missionary Journey
Barnabas and Mark separate to a second mission trip back to Cypress (without Paul) AND
Paul and Silas depart for Derbe in Pisidia (without Mark or Barnabas)
A threefold cord is not quickly broken – Ecclesiastes 4:12
Commentators make much of the disagreements involving John Mark that led to a parting of ways of Paul and Barnabas. The Holy Spirit will use these men to accomplish even more as time and Scripture will witness of their later work and love for each other in Christ.
WHO’S WHO on the Second Missionary Journey
Paul or Saul of Tarsus we now know well. This notable apostle to the gentiles hails from a who’s who lineage of Jewish Pharisees. We would also include him in a who’s who of Cilicia as a leading Roman citizen of its capital. Jesus Christ called the Apostle to proclaim the Gospel a dozen years ago.
Paul chose Silas and departed, having been commended by the brothers to the grace of the Lord. And he went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.

Silas [or Silvanus]
Σιλᾶς – Contraction for Σιλουανός (G4610)
From the Who’s Who of Paul’s 2nd missionary journey the often overlooked Silas [pronounced: see’-las]
Joins Paul in ~AD49 sent from Council in Jerusalem with their Epistle (letter) to the gentile churches. Silas, like Paul, is both Jewish and a Roman Citizen. In addition to his missionary journeys Silas also becomes an important messenger from Peter, Paul and other Church leaders who is sent out with letters, witness and encouragement to remote church leaders.
Τιμόθεος – Strong’s G5095 – timotheos [pronounced: tee-moth’-eh-os]
From the Who’s Who of Paul’s 2nd missionary journey Timothy will become best known as Paul’s successor as a Pastor in the Church in Ephesus.
ACTS 16:1 Paul came also to Derbe and to Lystra. A disciple was there, named Timothy..

(We’ll return to maps of the local geography of these three towns from Paul and Barnabas’ first visit later.)
Paul and Silas travel with Timothy in Pisidia
(but not Antioch on this second journey0
Paul, Silas & Timothy
(We’ll follow maps of their journeys later.)

Silas & Timothy; & an unnamed disciple
Paul with Aquila & Priscilla
Aquilla & Priscilla with Apollos
Aquila & Priscilla
Ἀκύλας – Aquila = “an eagle” & Πρίσκιλλα – Priscilla (i.e. little Prisca)
ACTS 18:1-2 .. Paul.. went to Corinth. And he found a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had commanded all the Jews to leave Rome.
AND looking back at an earlier account WE almost missed this: Here is another WHO'S WHO name rarely mentioned on Paul's 2nd missionary journey & not even named in his text in Acts of the Apostles:

Λουκᾶς – Loukâs, loo-kas’; contracted from Latin Lucanus; Lucas, a Christian:—Lucas, Luke.
NT Commentators including Tony Merida, Exalting Jesus in Acts and David Brown point to a subtle key reference of the author Luke in the “we passages” after recording previous acts of Paul and others as “they.”
6 And they went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia..
10 And when Paul had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go on into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.
.. 11 So, setting sail from Troas, we made a direct voyage..
12 and from there to Philippi..
We remained in this city some days.
Luke – a first-person Witness
Like John Mark as a scribe recording the First Missionary Journey on Cypress, the beloved physician Luke now joins Paul’s Second Missionary Journey as a first hand witness.
The author of Acts will also have ample time on ships and in many towns throughout the Roman world of the apostles to the gentiles to interview others for his orderly account and record what has happened previously and concurrently in other places.
AD 49-51
2800 miles (4,500 km)
The Second Missionary Journey of Paul (and many others)
To Be Continued
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