Bar-Jesus is another name for a Jewish influencer on Cypress: Elymas the magician.
Acts 13:
- Luke chronicles THIS history of the first mission of the Church at Antioch published sometime around A.D. 60-62.
- Many Christians may already have read John Mark’s Gospel written during the A.D. 50’s just a few years after this first missionary journey of Paul and Barnabas.
- Luke’s account records events of A.D. 47.
When they arrived at Cypress
Cypress is Greek, NOT Roman
(And certainly not Jewish)
What the tourist visiting Cypress should know:
Cyprus was allowed a large amount of autonomy remaining mainly Greek in culture while adopting and adapting Roman customs. No Roman colonies were settled on the island.
- The island is prone to earthquakes, several in the centuries prior to this missionary journey
- including one as recently as A.D. 16.
- Cypress had been an Egyptian (King Ptolemy) part of Roman Cilicia
- a gift of Julius Caesar to Cleopatra
- After Caesar Augustus defeated Marc Antony and Cleopatra, Rome made it a senatorial province
- separate from Cilicia with Nea Paphos as its capitol
5. And when they reached Salamis, they began to proclaim the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews, and they also had John as their helper.
- .. they began to proclaim the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews
- Luke introduces John Mark as a helper to Barnabas and Saul.
As you can see from the map of cities on Cypress at the time, this mission team would have traveled on land several times to preach the Gospel in synagogues of these Greco-Roman cities on Cypress. Not only was distance a factor in their travel but also mountains which rose to steep heights above the island. This took some time and not just a few days.
In addition to noting last time that Cypress was mostly Greek and Phoenician with a few Jews, previously I pointed out that their ‘additional passenger,’ John, is the same John with earlier connections to Peter’s preaching and miracles.
Luke notes that his fellow Gospel writer [John Mark] also begins this mission trip in A.D. 47.

6 And when they had gone through the whole island as far as Paphos, they found a magician, a Jewish false prophet whose name was Bar-Jesus…
We'll introduce ourselves to this new character Bar-Jesus who they encounter on this mission shortly, but first let's take a quick look at Paphos.

- Traveling roads across the whole island would have been a journey of 110 miles along the coast OR perhaps further if they traveled additional routes familiar to Joseph [Barnabas] and others through the mountains to other cities.
- New Paphos (Nea Paphos), NW of old Paphos by 7.5 miles has a natural harbor and was built by Augustus of Rome for commerce and governing its Provence of Cypress.
- Old Paphos was a centre for Aphrodite’s cult. Aphrodite’s mythical birthplace was on the island.
- .. the grove and altar of Aphrodite at Paphos are mentioned in the Odyssey (700 BC).
- Archaeology established that Cypriots venerated a fertility goddess in a cult that combined Aegean and eastern mainland aspects before the arrival of the mainland Greeks.
- Source: Wikipedia
Aphrodite of Cyprus
- Every spring a festival was held here in honor of the goddess Aphrodite – source
- Phoenician merchants from Kition [Cyprus] who gained permission to found at Athens [Greece] a shrine of Aphrodite, whom they presumably looked upon as their ancestral deity Astarte – Aphrodite. READ MORE BELOW: