Tag: quiz

  • Survey 3 key questions for 2024 of the Common Era

    Survey 3 key questions for 2024 of the Common Era

    Would you answer just 3 questions about the Bible teaching you believe?

    The following brief SURVEY is taken from a more extensive examination of doctrines Learn more: Chicago Statement on Bible Inerrancy [1986]

    From a 2021 SERIES on Doctrine: 
    Do you believe THAT?
    A Scripture Teaching Survey.
    Followers of Christ must always expect an attack against Scripture. Church doctrine is a line in the sand. - How will a leader or council of leaders choose what the Church will teach?
    About Roger – TalkofJESUS.com Doctrine & teaching

    (Does your Pastor preach THAT?) (Have you read that in your Bible?)

    (Your email questions and comments are always welcome.)

    1. Is all Scripture the word of God?

    2. Is Scripture the ONLY Authority of God’s word?

    3. Is every word of the Bible TRUE?

    Please tell us WHY you answered YES or NO to questions 1, 2 &/or 3 in YOUR COMMENT below.

    (anonymous) Questions? about the latest or any Scriptural post? Comment on a talkofJESUS.com post
    The YES & NO pages both contain MORE info about Doctrine. - RH

    Pages: 1 2 3

  • Scripture Teaching Survey – 1

    Do you believe THAT? A Scripture Teaching Survey.

    (Does your Pastor preach THAT?) (Have you read that in your Bible?)

    Would you answer 3 questions about Bible teaching you believe?

    Simply answer YES or NO to a few fundamental questions about Scriptural teaching you have heard and believe.

    1. Is Scripture the word of God?

    1. Does the BIBLE have Divine Authority? (QUESTION #1 paraphrased] {click YES or no button for each question}

    2. Is Scripture the Sole Authority of God’s word?

    3. Is every word of the Bible TRUE?

    Please COMMENT WHY you answered YES or no to questions 1, 2 & 3.

    Pages: 1 2 3

Do you SHARE the Gospel by either email or text?