Tag: silence

  • A Temporary Throne – 8

    A Temporary Throne – 8

     CHAPTER 8



    Job 6: 8 “Oh, that I might have my request,
    That God would grant me the thing that I long for!
    9 That it would please God to crush me,
    That He would loose His hand and cut me off!

    I smiled in love, as I bowed my head in thankfulness.

    And my mouth was opened, as the joy of the Lord’s grace overflowed from my heart.

    “Thank you, Lord, for your mercy and grace.”

    I looked up toward our Lord God’s loving Face. (I cannot describe the Image of His loving countenance.)


    AGAIN, the Lord spoke to me personally; this time FACE to face, as I stood before the LORD at the THRONE of Heaven.

    “Lord, I am broken by your silence to my prayer.”

    SILENCE… I stood still… as it seemed time itself stood still.

    The Lord smiled warmly and looked deeply into my soul.

    “Lord, You have Eternity, yet You measure my mortal days.”

    Continued SILENCE…

    “I would witness your love in my remaining days; yet You, Lord, remain silent in answer to my prayers.”

    To be continued…

    A Temporary Throne is an original work of Roger Harned,

    © Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved by the author.

  • A Picture of Heaven – Chapter 12

    A Picture of Heaven – Chapter 12

    A moment of silence…

    We were asked to stand as the music began once more in our surroundings of the darkened church. It seemed sadder than before.

    I looked toward a glimmer of sun breaking through a window and reflecting off the brass cross on the altar.

    I looked down at a hymnal … to a somber lyric, crying out to me:

    Let all mortal flesh keep silence,

    And with fear and trembling stand;

    Ponder nothing earthly minded, 

    For with blessing in His hand,

    Christ our God to earth descendeth
    Our full homage to demand…

    Lord of lords, in human vesture,
    In the body and the blood;
    He will give to all the faithful
    His own self for heavenly food…

    As the Light of light descendeth
    From the realms of endless day…

    ‘Is Heaven really endless day?’ I thought, as my mind wandered upward.

    That the powers of hell may vanish
    As the darkness clears away…

    At sometime during the hymn I had sunk into the pew and hung my head in shame.

    My eyes flooded with tears.

    I recalled from somewhere in my past, my hearing of Reverend Birney’s booming voice from the back of the church to begin our worship service. (I think it was from one of the Prophets.)



    At His feet …with ceaseless voice they cry:

    Alleluia, Lord- Most- High!

    I saw it suddenly – in a little girl’s Picture of Heaven.

    All of the hidden glory of the cross, glorified in Heaven!

    Then I realized that I was the only one brought to my knees – the only one not standing.

    I sheepishly stood once more, as eight men dressed in black began to roll the casket down the aisle beside me toward the doors at the rear of the church.

  • Were you once a ‘friend’ of Jesus?

    Were you once a ‘friend’ of Jesus?

    What would Jesus say about you?

    Do you witness HIS NAME?

    A long time ago the lyrics of a couple of wonderful songs by Paul Simon seemed nonsensical to me, yet the soothing sounds settled my thoughts into a place of silence – a tranquility of inaction in a chaotic world.

    Suppose Jesus Christ, Lord and King, wanted someone to witness for HIM online.  Would it be you?

    And if so, do you suppose that Jesus Christ would want you to remain SILENT? (Shouldn’t you at least have a comment about Jesus?)

    Take in just a little of the Paul Simon lyric from so many years past:

    Hello darkness, my old friend
    I’ve come to talk with you again …

    There is NO darkness in Christ Jesus. HE calls us to the Light.

    Yet hear the warning of Simon’s lyric:

    People talking without speaking
    People hearing without listening
    People writing songs that voices never share
    And no one dared
    Disturb the sound of silence

    “Fools”, said I, “You do not know
    Silence like a cancer grows

    *The Sound of Silence – Paul Simon 1964

    SILENCE about sin…

    Silence about the Savior of your soul…

    A cancer… a cancer of silence about Christ Jesus, in these last days.

    So where is your voice?  What is your Christian Social Witness?

    Are you yet silent?

    Where are your comments?  Can we have a conversation… can we talk of Jesus if you remain silent?

    And if you dare share any scripture in our community of Christians, why not also share your Christian Social Witness with others.

    I know it seems out of place to think of Jesus, a King awaiting His Day of triumphal return to give any thought of you; but JESUS LOVES YOU.

    Our Lord, who suffered for you on the cross so that you might live is waiting for you to say something — anything – a thank you, or I know Him — JESUS wants your witness to Him.

    Dear sister in the Lord, must Jesus plea once more for you:

    Remember me to one who lives there
    She once was a true love of mine.

    {Scarborough Fair Lyrics – by Paul Simon}

    Dear brother or sister in the Lord,

    Just because Jesus loves your friends and your family does not mean that you should keep silent about Him.

    Praise His Holy Name!

    As much as great lyricists like Paul Simon may speak to us, no music in Christ’s ears is more joyous than your song of witness that HE IS and He loves you.  Jesus is our friend. SHARE HIM with the world – the ones who dwell in our old friend, darkness.

    Our silence for Jesus breaks His heart.  What is your witness? Jesus is a friend of sinners.

Do you SHARE the Gospel by either email or text?