Originally published 9/15/2007
Got a minute for…
Even more personal… FAMILY:
Do you relate to your wife (or your husband) in Christ?
Do you honor your father and your mother, as is the commandment?
Do your children know Christ’s love and the discipline of His example through you?
Jesus said of His disciples, “These are my mother and my brothers!” Hear what the Lord has said of our ‘family:’
Now brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death.
And you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. [Mark 12:12-13]
Will you endure to the end against the unsaved in your family?
… A brother, a sister, your father or mother, a mother-in-law, an aunt, a cousin, a step-parent; even (sometimes) your husband or your wife?
Who do you show Christ’s love?
Do you love the family of your church, your brothers and sisters in Christ, even more than these of your own blood?
God has chosen you and chosen them by grace for all eternity; yet the blood of those who oppose Christ will dry up and their bones will wither to dust.
Got a minute for your family?
Show them Christ’s love.
Put the desire of salvation in the Lord upon their hearts and the example of Jesus in your actions.
Jesus welcomes lost sheep; Jesus welcomes sinners… after all, He shed His blood on the Cross for sinners like you… and sinners like me.
Christ has redeemed us and brought us near to Him as God’s own family.
Just one addition to my original:
How do children spell LOVE?
Answer: T-I-M-E.
Do you ask God to answer your prayer?