Tag: social

  • Got a minute? – 5

    Got a minute? – 5

    Originally published 9/15/2007

    Got a minute for… 

    Even more personal… FAMILY:

    Do you relate to your wife (or your husband) in Christ?

    Do you honor your father and your mother, as is the commandment?

    Do your children know Christ’s love and the discipline of His example through you?

    Jesus said of His disciples, “These are my mother and my brothers!”  Hear what the Lord has said of our ‘family:’

     Now brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death.

    And you will be hated by all for my name’s sake.  But he who endures to the end shall be saved. [Mark 12:12-13]


    Will you endure to the end against the unsaved in your family?

    … A brother, a sister, your father or mother, a mother-in-law, an aunt, a cousin, a step-parent; even (sometimes) your husband or your wife?

    Who do you show Christ’s love?

    Do you love the family of your church, your brothers and sisters in Christ, even more than these of your own blood?

    God has chosen you and chosen them by grace for all eternity; yet the blood of those who oppose Christ will dry up and their bones will wither to dust.

    Got a minute for your family? 

    Show them Christ’s love.

    Put the desire of salvation in the Lord upon their hearts and the example of Jesus in your actions.

    Jesus welcomes lost sheep; Jesus welcomes sinners… after all, He shed His blood on the Cross for sinners like you… and sinners like me.

    Christ has redeemed us and brought us near to Him as God’s own family.

    Just one addition to my original:

    commoditiesHave you heard the question:

    How do children spell LOVE?

    Answer: T-I-M-E.

    Do you ask God to answer your prayer?

  • Got a minute? – 4

    Got a minute? – 4

    A minute for prayer… minutes for God’s word… minutes for fellowship…

    And now I get personal.  Who are your friends?

    The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray.

    Proverbs 12:26

    •  Do you number these as ones who would stand in your stead defending you before all in the Lord?
    • Are they an army of love in Christ Jesus?
    • Or are they few, perhaps even one?
    • Do you even stand alone, one silent witness in the sea of a large congregation?
    • Who are your friends in Christ?

    I must confess that I would go alone to the prophet’s mountain, rather than pour forth Christ’s love upon another.  I fear the closeness of other men and other women, who have so often wounded my insecure confidence and challenged my faith in the Lord.

    A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity.  A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; he rages against all wise judgment. – Proverbs 17:17;18:1

    Do we give a minute to a friend?

    And then another to another?

    What counsel will we accept in the Lord from our brother (or sister) in Christ?

    Are we a friend to many in Christ?

    Or are we selfish with the minutes God has graciously given to us?

  • Got a minute? – 3

    Got a minute? – 3

    Got a minute for prayer? Good.

    Got a minute or two for the Bible? Good.

    Got an hour? – 60 minutes out of your 1080 minute week?

    Now it becomes more time consuming.

    Got an extra hour for fellowship?

    When we were growing up, no thought was given on Sunday to taking an extra hour for Sunday school.  We just went.

    Our parents had close relationships with the other adults in our church.  We held close to our church friends even at school.  Now we call it, ‘small groups,’ a more concise meaning of God’s purpose for us.  Sure we studied the Bible.  Of course we pray.  Often there is food and fun.

    ‘Fellowship Hall,’ we used to call the big room with all the food and people on special church occasions; but fellowship happens in small groups, Sunday school, Wednesday nights, community service, mission trips.

    Are you an insignificant lone worshiper at the large weekly church service?

    You are missing out on a great blessing God has set before you: fellowship.

     Love one another as I have loved you.  [John 15:12]

    If we love the Lord, will we not follow His commandment?  J

    Jesus said that the ‘church’ is your family. 

    Got an extra hour for fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ?