Tag: teaching

  • a Brief Apologetic for Doctrine

    a Brief Apologetic for Doctrine

    Doctrine (of the Common Era) Defined

    A doctrine is a set of principles or beliefs, especially religious ones.

    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

    Quite simply EVERYONE has doctrines WE believe, beliefs and opinions WE teach unyieldingly or perhaps underpinning our speech subtly.

    Due to its everyday influence on our lives I have reviewed and retaught DOCTRINE here with some regularity.

    1. something taught; teachings
    2. something taught as the principles or creed of a religion, political party, etc.; tenet or tenets; belief; dogma
    3. a rule, theory, or principle of law
    4. US
      an official statement of a nation’s policy, esp. toward other nations
      the Monroe Doctrine
    1. a creed or body of teachings of a religious, political, or philosophical group presented for acceptance or belief; dogma
    2. a principle or body of principles that is taught or advocated
    Read the fine print below for a more succinct examination of doctrine. - RH

    doctrine refers to a theory based on carefully worked out principles and taught or advocated by its adherents [scientific or social doctrines]; dogma refers to a belief or doctrine that is handed down by authority as true and indisputable, and often connotes arbitrariness, arrogance, etc. [religious dogma]; tenet emphasizes the maintenance or defense, rather than the teaching, of a theory or principle [the tenets of a political party]; precept refers to an injunction or dogma intended as a rule of action or conduct [to teach by example rather than by precept]

    Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.
    Do you really believe that? doctrine - a line in the sand [picture of Jesus kneeling down to draw a line with his finger
    DOCTRINE – What do you believe? Can you affirm it to others?

    Doctrine + TalkofJESUS.com

    HERE are several links where you should find teachings to Comment on Scripture OR respond to a doctrine with YOUR opinion.

    First, a summary PAGE which includes links to several earlier pages & posts on Doctrine.

    I asked, “Is the Church still ‘christian’‘ & other thought-provoking categorical questions about ‘the church in a 2022 SERIES [linked here].

    Recall of a church? WHY do that? SO WHAT IF WE preach what WE want? Pictured Medieval church bell tower during sundown in valley
    Evangelical Reconstruction

    SEARCH TalkofJESUS.com by topic for ‘Doctrine

    Do you really believe christianity-lite? Doctrine for a christ-less Common Era christianity-lite typically erases the lines where Scripture and doctrine holding to what is written.
    topical ‘christianity’

    We have explored contemporary issues of doctrine as well.

    Why to atheists try so hard to deny the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

    apologia not actually an ‘apology’

    It seems in the Common Era of NO ABSOLUTES and arguments of ANTI-this’ and ANTI-that’s I had best DEFINE what I mean to apologize to BOTH

    + disagreeing ‘christians

    • and semi-committed A-theists – [mortals AGAINST god AND unequivocally opposed to JESUS Christ].

    WHY this SERIES?

    I could share many reasons in this Common Era of 2024 WHY I am revisiting ‘doctrine’ but #1:

    For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.

    2 Timothy 4:3-4 Legacy Standard Bible

    Apologetic for a Common Era approach to Biblical Doctrine

    From Before Christ to Before the Common Era

    In common Greek, apologia refers to the speech that an accused person delivered in court, rejecting the charges filed against him or her. The apologists of the second century chose this term because they wanted to show that the charges filed against Christians were unjustified and that the truths of their faith could be described and defended. An apologia was dedicated to the Roman emperor, who certainly never read it. [Max L. Stackhouse, “Apologia,” 1988]


    The A.D. Second Century CHRISTIAN apologist to whom the article refers is Justin Martyr.

    In addition to arguing against the persecution of individuals solely for being Christian, Justin also provides the Emperor with a defense of the philosophy of Christianity and a detailed explanation of contemporary Christian practices and rituals.

    The First Apology is dated to between AD 155–157

    The theologian Robert Grant has claimed that this Apology was made in response to the Martyrdom of Polycarp ~ in the year of our Lord 155.

    source & Christian History Polycarp

    Do you REALLY believe? Is DOCTRINE of the Bible a line in the sand for you? OR has DOCTRINE of the COMMON ERA become a blurred line in the sand of 21st century CE?
    2024 of the COMMON ERA DOCTRINE

    YOUR ‘What?‘ Questions of the Common Era

    From an earlier post.

    WHEN did the Common Era Begin?

    Was there an unexpected BIG BANG that exploded TRUTH into truths?

    Have centuries of history defined by the word of Almighty GOD fallen into a bottomless black hole of godless futility?

    Does a blurred timeline of History not continue to point toward Christ Jesus born into this common world of sin?

    updated 2024 of the Common Era

    Comment on Scripture + Share the Gospel

    Talk of JESUS .com

    NEXT: DOCTRINES of the Common Era: 

    FOLLOWED BY more 2024 C.E. examinations of KEY Doctrines
  • Lectures in the School of the Master

    Lectures in the School of the Master

    Previously, Luke tells us about Apollos leaving Ephesus as the Apostle Paul arrives and begins preaching to the Jews.

    Two Schools of Thought in Ephesus

    The School of Our Master the Lord Jesus Christ is led by the lecturer Paul; known as the Apostle to the Gentiles and formerly known as Saul of Tarsus.
    Picture this setting & scene in either the 1st century A.D. where it took place OR in a more Common Era scene in a University of this time:

    We haven’t heard from Paul in a while. I heard that he has been teaching in the School of Tyrannus. Is that so?

    Born: Saul of Tarsus, c. 5 AD, Tarsus, Cilicia, Roman Empire (in 21st-century Turkey) Died: c. 64/65 AD, Rome, Italia, Roman Empire

    Let’s go over to the big lecture hall and see.

    lecturer reading from podium

    Paul has already encountered various schools of thought at several points on his missionary journeys. His Pharisaical School in Jerusalem had taught different doctrines than an exclusive School the Sadducees. So the renounced Jewish scholar comfortably challenged other beliefs and philosophies.

    And just like back in Corinth Achaia, Paul must reconcile perceptions of Christ with the Greeks and Yeshua Messiah of the Jews to followers of The Way in Ephesus.

    Now that he resides in this key city of Asia Minor where the Holy Spirit initially had prevented Paul from going, Paul will no doubt need to answer many questions about our Lord Jesus Christ.

    AND let’s not overlook Paul’s perseverance during several months of Apostolic teaching in Ephesus that took place here which Luke covers in just a few summary verses.

    the Apostle Paul begins his 3rd missionary journey by land traveling from Antioch Syria to Ephesus in Asia Minor

    A brief reminder:

    Paul began his journey to Ephesus in ~A.D. 52 by land from the church in Antioch and will not return from this 2700 mile mission for about five years.

    As is his general practice the Apostle first teaches the Good News of the Messiah Jesus to the Jews.

    And he entered the synagogue and for three months spoke boldly, reasoning and persuading them about the kingdom of God.

    Acts of the Apostles 19:8 ESV – Luke’s account of Paul upon arrival in Ephesus

    The first three months

    Twelve converted disciples join Paul, listening to the Gospel as the Apostle teaches fellow Jews how Jesus fulfilled the Scriptures as the Promised One. Many Jews believe during this time of Paul’s proclaiming Jesus in the synagogue and consequently follow The Way.

    Yet like everywhere else, some remain immovable by truth or any other teaching than that which serves them.

    But when some became stubborn

    and continued in unbelief,

    speaking evil of the Way before the congregation..

    [A familiar pattern of stiff-necked men standing firm on their shaky ground of unreasoned truth and false doctrine.]

    .. he withdrew from them and took the disciples with him, reasoning daily in the hall of Tyrannus.

    Acts of the Apostles 19:9
    painting of apostles in a public gathering - unknown artist - photo free to use
    NOTE: Although this picture is NOT the School of Tyrannus, don't miss the significance of this School in the city of Ephesus as a university where men could gather to hear lecturers in order to learn and discuss their teachings.

    ~A.D. 53 – A.D. 54

    Let’s look a root problem of unbelievers from the Greek root words Luke chooses translated from the NASB:

    But when some were becoming hardened and disobedient, speaking evil of the Way before the [multitude]..

    Acts 19:9a NASB20
    • ἐσκληρύνοντο – to make hard, harden, metaph. to render obstinate, stubborn
    • ἀπειθέω – apeitheō [Does any familiar English term come to mind?]
      • to refuse or withhold belief
      • to refuse belief and obedience
      • not to comply with

    Men APATHETIC to sound doctrine and truth of the Gospel may claim to be religious men. Stubborn and stiffnecked sinners TURNED AGAINST Christ’s Apostle of Good News and they will turn against YOU as well for your witness of JESUS Christ as your Lord.

    Apparent apathy to Christ and disobedience to the very word of God go hand in hand.

    “The one who believes in the Son has eternal life;
    but the one who does not G544 [apeitheō] obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.”

    Gospel of John 3:36

    THREE MONTHS Paul had reasoned with the Ephesian Jews in his manner of quoting Scripture and applying the Old Covenant to their Messiah JESUS. A remnant is saved and follow. The rest will continue in their false faith for refusing to look up to the LORD from the wilderness of their refining.

    The heart-hardened enemies of the Gospel murmur to the multitudes against the followers [disciples] of the Way, the Truth and the Life redeemed through Christ our Lord.

    in the hall of Tyrannus

    DAILY, from the fifth hour to the tenth (that is, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.) according to some manuscripts

    IF Tyrannus Lecture Hall welcomed Paul as a visiting professor now
    Lecture Hall

    The lecture hall of Tyrannus is an important place of teaching Roman cultural context in a Roman community of the empire.

    21st century believers may not understand the openness in a university-type forum from the teaching and disciples of Paul OR even the Lord Jesus. So in order to understand this PLACE of Paul’s CLASSROOM better we will examine it from the Greek which Luke records in just one of today’s three verses:

    ὡς δέ τινες ἐσκληρύνοντο καὶ ἠπείθουν κακολογοῦντες τὴν ὁδὸν ἐνώπιον τοῦ πλήθους ἀποστὰς ἀπ᾽ αὐτῶν ἀφώρισεν τοὺς μαθητάς καθ᾽ ἡμέραν διαλεγόμενος ἐν τῇ σχολῇ Τυράννου

    Acts 19:9 Morphological Greek New Testament

    scholē tyrannos

    Τύραννοςtyrannos – A provincial form of the derivative of the base of κύριος (G2962)

    Its base word and root Christians may recognize but have never considered in this context of first century A.D. controversy in witness to the Gospel in the Roman Empire.

    • Tyrannus = “sovereign
    • kyrios – From kuros (supremacy)

    It’s the ‘sovereign school’ OR School of the Sovereign.

    Is Paul now teaching in the highest school, so to speak, in Ephesus, an environment we would understand to be a University?

    • scholē – probably feminine of a presumed derivative of the alternate of G2192; properly, loitering (as a withholding of oneself from work) or leisure, i.e. (by implication) a “school” (as vacation from physical employment):—school.


    Does the SCHOOL NAME imply a particular Sovereign for whom it is named?

    (And, let the hearer understand, Ephesus, like Jerusalem, Corinth or Rome itself has only ONE SOVEREIGN.)

    But they cried out,

    Away with him, away with him, crucify him.

    Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King?

    The chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar.

    Gospel of John 19:15 King James Version

    κύριος – kyrios – Strong’s G2962 – masculine noun From kuros (supremacy)

    Lord, Lordship:

    properly an adjective, signifying “having power” (kuros) or “authority,” is used as a noun, variously translated in the NT, “‘Lord,’ ‘master,’ ‘Master,’ ‘owner,’ ‘Sir,’ a title of wide significance, occurring in each book of the NT save Titus and the Epistles of John. It is used

    Vine’s Expository Dictionary


    Luke does not say specifically in these four verses, but we must believe that in one form or other that the Apostle proclaims the Gospel, JESUS IS LORD.

    Paul said, “John baptized with a baptism of repentance, telling the people to believe in Him who was coming after him, that is, in Jesus.” When they heard this, they were baptized into the name of the Lord G2962 Jesus.

    Acts of the Apostles 19:5 NASB20
    map of 1st century Asia
    Asia Minor

    This continued for two years, so that all the residents of Asia heard the word of the Lord G2962, both Jews and Greeks.

    Acts 19:10 of the Apostle Paul in Ephesus

    NEXT: Paul I know…

  • Church – Questioning Preaching and Teaching

    Church – Questioning Preaching and Teaching

    What are OUR answers?

    The Questions so far:

    Did God really say, Church?

    • Who believes that God created the CHURCH?
    • Did Scripture really say..?

    From our site moderator and author, Roger@TalkofJESUS.com [Your response or question by email is welcome.]

    Does the preacher of the Word who shepherds your church have the integrity to ALWAYS use the written word of God from the Bible as written?

    Everythingology for an all-inclusive church

    • WHY the Big Bang?
    • WHY does the ATHEIST persist in asking the CHRISTIAN, “Why?”
    • WHY is so much ‘SCIENCE’ built on FALSE PREMISE?

    Everythingology – definition:

    1. Endless study of everything; 2. Theoretical theology of humanity as god.


    Atheology- Expelling Christology

    NO Christology a study of creation without Christ

    What makes GOD so offensive to the a-theist who avows opposition to the LORD?

    • Has much changed in twenty-two centuries? [See: Romans 1]
    • WHAT IF god is dead in the evolved minds of humankind?
    • WHAT IF JESUS is NOT God?
    • And WHAT IF the HOLY SPIRIT has never shown God’s power?

    Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?

    Question of the Apostle Paul to Christians at Corinth – 1 Cor 15:12 ESV
    Evangelical Christian flags

    Is the Evangelical Christian?

    • What is it that they do?
    • How do YOU become one? 
    • Would you even want to add YOUR name to a list of evangelical Christians?
    • What is it that authentic Evangelical Christians do?

    Is the CHURCH still Christian?

    A 21st c. RECALL of the CHURCH + church bell tower overlooking horizon + Is OUR church Christian?

    What makes a church Christian?

    • does its NAME etched in its brand guarantee preaching of Biblical Christianity?
    • Who are those Christians in that building?
      • Members?
      • Attenders?
    • What do they do when it’s not Sunday?

    What makes a Catholic catholic? OR an Orthodox Church orthodox?

    And what are all those Protestants protesting against?

    SEE my LIST & definitions of  so many Protestant Denominations. 
    sola: only Grace only Faith only Christ only Glory of God only Scripture

    Where do Protestant Denominations draw their lines in the sand?

    Where does Evangelicalism fit into a contemporary culture of Christianity?

    Last week you read some 20th c. Church history. This week how about adding YOUR best answer to a comment on this post?