The Rest of the Story
We don’t like waiting, do we?
Perhaps you have been following my regular Monday, Wednesday & Friday journey through Scripture lately and suddenly NOTHING! It’s been almost a week.
- Could you have waited 40 days? [23 APRIL, A.D. 2021?]
- What if the LORD required you to wait 40 years? A.D. 2060
- OR Must fulfillment of the Promise WAIT millennia for its Redeemer?
Moses’ story in five parts, some books more familiar to us than certain significant stories in places like Numbers, progresses fairly smoothly from Genesis.
We get to Exodus, some parts duplicated in Deuteronomy as reinforcement of their importance — and many of us doze off during the ‘priestly’ instructions to the Levites (which included MOSES & Aaron) — some Christians hear Jesus quote it frequently without going back to the Bible the Lord quotes for context of understanding…
Here in Numbers is where we must feel what it must have been like for those following Moses from Egypt to the Promised Land.
And here is The Rest of the Story of disobedience by God’s chosen, delay due to the breaking of their covenant with the Lord God.
The contrast of the sin of the people clearly evident in disobedience throughout Numbers to the Absolute Righteousness, mercy and grace of the LORD presents all mankind, — Jew or Gentile, Christian or unbeliever, ALL — viewing our hope in a new covenant to a remnant chosen through God’s grace.
READ all the intercessions before the LORD for sin in the wilderness and you may see your own inexcusable rebellion against our Only Savior and Redeemer.
So remain faithful, keep you eye on the Lord and soon — in the next post we will, God-willing, continue in the wilderness with Korah’s rebellion.
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