Apocalypse 10 + Gospel of the Seventh Seal

Revelation 8
Complete Jewish Bible
8 When the Lamb broke the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for what seemed like half an hour. 2 Then I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and they were given seven shofars.

The Seven Trumpets

You weren’t expecting it…

never-the-less, the sound of the coming Wrath of the LORD is come!


You listened to those who predicted it, yet the Wrath of the LORD was not revealed.

So since it’s been millennia and the END has not come, it will not …

or so you thought.

Apocalypse of the END

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.

Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is.

Mark 13:33 – Caution of the Messiah Jesus to followers
To be continued...

.. but when? …

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