A Temporary Throne – 1

A Temporary Throne is a Christian fiction serial story asking questions about salvation and God


I can’t really say how it happened, but I found myself in Heaven at the THRONE OF GOD.

It wasn’t at all what I expected. In fact, (if thought or dream could even be spoken of as a fact of reality), I was certain that I had been called to the THRONE OF GOD for a reason NOT related to a Judgment of my life. For that, I was thankful.

I had fallen to my face before GOD, clinging to the ground (or whatever it was), as though I were dead. In fact, (again, if the retold image of thought or dream can even be spoken), I lay on the ground dead – just like a corpse in a casket – except face DOWN.

I WAS DEAD… or had been… but here I lay at the foot of the THRONE OF GOD. And before the THRONE, I knew that I was ALIVE – here on the ground (or clouds, or whatever it was).

I lay there awaiting the VOICE OF GOD; for I was certain that I had been summoned to appear before the THRONE. I had no thought when GOD might speak; but as I lay there like a corpse not yet raised to life again, I listened.

To be continued…

A Temporary Throne is an original work of Roger Harned,

© Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved by the author.



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