Author’s Corner – Christian fiction & Christian non-fiction

Christian Author

Christian Author’s only

Invitation: Just send us your connection.

May the Lord bless your writing and give you more opportunities to talk of Jesus.


Roger Harned :{+


8 responses to “Author’s Corner – Christian fiction & Christian non-fiction”

  1. Ann Vogel Avatar

    I’ve written a book via WinePress. It is available as an e-book. It is called If Satan Throws Lemons Throw Them Back.
    It is about the difficult times in life (we all face them) and how to draw nearer to God during them. Many people feel God is punishing them when these things occur. Nothing can be further from the truth. He is right there with us. The blog you see is just one I sporadically write. Go to the WinePress Page and look me up.

  2. Roger Harned Avatar

    Hi, Ann:
    Nice article. It’s the kind of post I am looking for on … but I prefer to have at least one scriptural reference to a blog theme. Do you have one for this? (I’d be happy to post it.)

    I love the title of your book and would be even more interested in posting a link to it. Unfortunately, a search of WinePress of both your name and the book Title did not return anything. (check it out.)

    IF you would send me an attachment by email (which I haven’t checked yet, today)
    I need: a cover photo, a good link to a site with a summary or review of your book.
    thanks. Roger Harned

  3. Linda Caddick Avatar

    Hello Roger,

    May I submit my Biblical fiction novel here?
    Woman of Clay – a journey of the heart.

    Thank you,

  4. Roger Harned Avatar

    May our Lord bless you. – I will set up your
    Author Post & email our Author, Reader & Blogger Guidelines. We want to see many hard-working authors share a post as Christian Social Witness.

    After I have posted, please send your summary.
    (later, after we finish, Linda)
    Authors should SHARE YOUR POST with as many friends, followers & circles as you wish AND invite your READERS to SHARE a review of your Christian book & others.
    After READERS, Christian authors matter most. Social Witness + SHARE us.

  5. Barbara Ann Derksen Avatar

    I am the author of 18 books from a Christian worldview. I write mystery, devotionals, and children’s stories. My website is

  6. Roger Harned Avatar

    Dear Barbara:
    I appreciate your interest in joining the Christian Social Witness of our Authors.
    Please register on the site and send me your promotional paragraph for the book you want to feature. May I suggest that you provide one for the big girls and a separate entry for one of your kid’s books.
    As soon as your register we would love to have you share one of your devotionals. Thank you. May our Lord bless you, your husband and your ministry.
    Roger Harned.

  7. Alice J. Wisler Avatar

    Hi, Roger,

    Trish Jenkins told me about your site. Bless you for all you are doing here!

    I am an author of five novels and one devotional on grief and loss. Getting Out of Bed in the Morning: Reflections of Comfort in Heartache (Leafwood Publishers) deals with the many faces of grief and sorrow as well as forgiveness, anger, beauty, God’s love, and hope. It was inspired by my son Daniel who was four when he died in my arms after treatments for cancer.

  8. Roger Harned Avatar

    May the Lord bless you and continue to minister to you. I’m posting your book on our site next week. I would love to have you share in our discussion on grief.

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