Category: Christian Social Witness

Christian Social Witness of Roger Harned and other Talk of JESUS .com authorsChristian Social Witness has increasingly become about SOCIAL MEDIA platforms & sharing live preaching & local Bible studies virtually. Stories in this category address 21st c. Christian issues of communication. Here’s where I need your help:
Would you email and tell us how, when & especially where you TALK to others online? Thanks for your COMMENTS & ideas. – Roger

  • An Impossible Assignment + Disprove the Resurrection

    NEED an apologetic?

    LISTEN to one of the best arguments of Christians to refute the nonsense of supposedly “scientific” skepticism about the RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST after 3 days in a guarded grave.


    “So if they were interested in affirming the fact of his death, all they had to do was take the body and put it in the middle of Jerusalem and say,

    “Look, don’t let anybody live with any nonsense. Jesus is dead.” 

    BUT the body of JESUS was not in the tomb!

    Pastor Begg makes a notable case about the RESURRECTION which makes so much more sense than EVERY objection by those who REFUSE to believe in Jesus Christ for their own selfish excuses.


  • Who is the HOLY Spirit?

    Who is the HOLY Spirit?

    Third Person of the Trinity of One God

    This week’s one sentence question:

    Who is the Holy Spirit?

    people receiving the Holy Spirit descending like a dove
    Once again this Friday our QUESTION does not come from a READER COMMENT, however after listening to this ANSWER from Ligonier, a trusted theological source, please feel free to ask your additional question in a comment or comment on the sermon which I hope that you will share. 

    Order from Chaos

    IF a reader had asked, “What is the Holy Spirit?” our comment string of answers likely could have been chaos.

    Today’s QUESTION, ‘Who is the Holy Spirit?’ provides an opportunity for me to share an answer from this week’s Ligonier broadcast on Wednesday.

    Sinclair Ferguson provides one of the BEST explanations of the Holy Spirit I have heard.

    I pray that you will take a few minutes to listen to it on the LINK below. – Roger

    Renewing Your Mind – Order from Chaos

    Comment on Scripture + Share the Gospel

  • What is Atonement?

    What is Atonement?

    (Of course Christians are supposed to know about atonement for sin,

    but can YOU explain it?)

    Here is just one example of a question YOU could ask.

    Questions Christians are Afraid to ASK

    ASK any brief question like this and we will not only post it on Talk of Jesus .com but begin a comment string to ANSWER YOUR QUESTION and provide a place for discussion with your friends and others in additional comments.