Category: Epistles – Is his letter to our church?

Epistles ἐπιστολή or Letters

I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read to all the holy brethren.

Paul’s First Letter to the Thessalonians 


JUNE 2024 – 2025 —


First letter after ACTS of the Apostles:

Epistle of Paul to the Romans Church

Letters – Is he writing to me?
The short answer: YES.

In their epistles or 1st century church letters the Apostles and other men sent out by Jesus build up the saints [small – ‘s’] or members of local first century churches.

A Disciple or other witness of JESUS would write it. Messengers then delivered these church letters to many isolated worshipers.

Followers of Jesus Christ receive these letters as a major encouragement to their personal faith. Then leaders read them to worshipers of their church.

Although the Epistles 0r Letters to the Church were originally written to churches of the first century,

Romans through Jude will seem like letters to your 21st century church.

  • What do Peter, Paul, John and others tell us we must do?
  • Is he talking about an issue in your 21st c. church as well?
  • How does the writer’s advice, warning, or encouragement to the 1st c. believers apply to you as well
  • Is the writer of this letter talking about something you need to address in your 21st century ‘christian’ life?

Contemporary Application of the Letters (Epistles)

Most New Testament writers take on specific issues confronting faithful followers of Jesus Christ. These same issues continue to confront believers until the Lord’s coming again in these last days.

Certainly Christ our Lord will come again to those God has chosen for eternal life.

Believers currently suffer more than most of you who know Christ in your local church can imagine.

In other lands Christians continue to suffer by the hand of the ungodly.
Go into all the world

A 21st century Common Era church can see and hear nearly any atrocity of man or artificial imagination of sinful man’s mind, yet ‘christians‘ dare not speak of any absolute truth of the Lord God or talk of JESUS CHRIST.

Will YOU comment on Scripture and share the Gospel?

I invite you to read the inspired word of Scripture written in these LETTTERS TO THE CHURCH.

YES, He IS writing to YOU.

Beloved brother or sister in Christ Jesus,

Will you read this ‘CHURCH LETTER’ and talk of JSUS through your comment, sharing and email to me about this ‘Letter to you?”

  • The Mirror of the Holy Spirit

    The Mirror of the Holy Spirit

    A brother in the Lord tells of looking in the mirror and hearing the Holy Spirit speak to him of his role in spreading the Gospel.

    Paul writes in his letter to the church at Corinth:

     1 Corinthians 13:

    But when I grew up, I put away childish things. 12 Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.[c] All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.

    13 Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.

    agape – this deep love of God, our heavenly Father, Christ Jesus our Savior, and the Holy Spirit our Comforter is the LOVE we all need

    Look in your Bible. It is the first place to find the love you do not deserve and cannot earn.  Thank you Jesus for this gift of the cross.

  • True of False Teaching?

    True of False Teaching?

    But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will privately bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. – 2 Peter 2:1 – Webster Bible

    How is it that you can listen to false teachers for hours, yet will not READ your Bible even for minutes?

    Do you believe the Bible? How will you know if your teacher is false?

    Peter writes this warning to the church.  Media of this 21st c. rapidly spreads many false teachings who now publicly proclaim ‘damnable heresies.’ You can find whatever you want to believe on the Internet, on TV, on the radio, and in many churches who seek followers of anything to support their false gospel and give to their false causes.

    IF you do NOT hear the Name Jesus, IF Christ is never mentioned, IF you do NOT hear of the Cross and the Resurrection, IF only brief mention of scripture is used to make a point of what God is doing for YOU: beware.

    Most modern Bibles soften the Greek for ‘heresy,’ but the meaning remains. Have you read this warning of Peter to the church? Do you even know what a heresy is?

    Heresy – It’s an act of taking something from someone else, choosing a non-Biblical belief, dissensions arising from diversity of opinions and aims.

    The One certainty of Truth is Christ Jesus. IF you want to follow Him and NOT some false teacher, try reading the Bible just a bit more (daily is best) and listen to those trying to teach you something about God a lot less. False teachers abound.

    Do NOT follow the crowds of false teachers who steal the sheep of Jesus and rob the flocks of their salvation.

    Jesus IS Lord.  Have you heard your shepherd say that lately? Could you be following a liar and a thief? Check out every teaching in the Bible.