Category: 4 Gospels + Good News of the NEW Testament

What are the Gospels?

FOUR Gospels:

GOOD NEWS! (That’s what Gospel means.)

Matthew, Mark, Luke & John begin the New Testament proclaiming the Good News of Israel’s long-awaited Messiah and talk of JESUS Christ.

The four Gospels are first hand witness + proclaiming GOOD NEWS

  • by two Jewish Apostles of the Messiah JESUS, Matthew & John
  • Two gentile (non-jewish) followers of THE WAY of Jesus Christ, Mark & Luke, who proclaim the GOSPEL recorded from witness of Peter, Paul and other Apostles and disciples of JESUS in the first century.

READ the Good News of the Messiah and Savior Jesus from accounts of His twelve Apostles & others witnessing the resurrection of the Lord Jesus from the four Gospels of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

SHARE the Gospel

  • with your Christian friends and those who do not yet believe in JESUS CHRIST.
  • Comment on a TalkofJESUS post and SHARE in your social media world.
  • First be reconciled

    First be reconciled

    So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go.

    First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. – Matthew 5:23-24 ESV

  • Jesus IS the Way

    Jesus IS the Way

    Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. – John 14:6 NLT

  • Follow Me.

    Follow Me.

    Jesus said, “Follow me.” –  Matthew 4:19