Category: Roger’s writing archive

Roger Harned, Christian author – Not all writings are talk of Jesus; however a thread of theme will generally connect to scriptural truth and contemporary application in our 21 c. Christian lives. SHARE a link to your SOCIAL WITNESS to your ‘Friends.’ Please COMMENT on to witness your thoughts of witness to our Christian community.

  • A Merciful Manger

    A Merciful Manger


    Click on the link above to view the poem.
    by Roger Harned
    A Merciful Manger
  • Yesterday I Could Sing

    As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. – 2 Timothy 4:6-7

    A Song from our memories

    Three beautiful young women, gifted beyond measure, shared in ministry to others. Audiences applauded their talent and their enthusiasm emptied in every performance for those who delighted by their singing.

    Now, many years later, the melody resonates only in our memory and their captivating smiles live only in our hearts. But once they were young and beautiful, dancing and singing with vibrancy and grace.

    Death is bitter-sweet, really. It always comes as a shock.. sometimes unexpectedly, yet often slowly.

    She was radiant as a young woman and as vivacious as any young woman beaming to the applause of audiences and generous accolades of friends. How we all remember her, that beautiful woman with the uplifting voice. A melody of her joy still resonates in my heart.

    But that was many years ago. Now the expected silence draws nearer with the drawing of each breath. Her long-trapped soul lies restless in a shell no longer like the glory of her true countenance. And worst of all the melody of hope no longer fills the room or even whispers a pianissimo motif to into the plaintive silence of loved ones all about her.

    I see us from memories of a now-distant past. As they close their eyes together all see her present memory of the glory of youth. They hear her joy of the carefree song – the melodies of love, the outpouring of her gifts. This audience immersed behind closed eyes and long-forgotten memories hear her sing – they hear her sing!

    These divas of days past, no different now. For each the moment does finally come when only their soul cries out, as dry lips do fail: “Yesterday, I could sing… yesterday, I could sing…”

  • Pray



    Created by Roger D. Harned

    Lyric and music adapted from Erik Satie First Gymnopedie (1888)

    © Copyright 2000 – Roger Harned – All rights reserved.


    Piano only will open in a new tab {once you skip the ad}. 

    Open, return to tab & prayerfully follow the full text below.

    (Note: a cappella coda (ending) continues in my arrangement for choir includes lyrics after the original music you will hear. RH)




    Help me when I don’t know what to do.


    I can’t live life without asking you.

    I must pray.

    Oh, Father give me the wisdom to ask

    For my daily path to your way for my life.

    For Jesus’ sake I can now walk with You till the end.


    Thanks for showing me what I must do.


    I must ask for your help every day.

    I must pray.

    Thanks be to Jesus for dying for me.

    Forgiveness is mine for his sacrifice,

    So God helps sinners like me live their lives every day that I pray.

    I pray. I pray. I pray. I pray.


    We must … pray.


    Remembering Rebecca (Becky) Ann Rice Harned (1/9/1949 – 2/10/1999),

    beloved wife (5/22/1976-until the day the Lord took her)

    & mother (from 9/21/1992-until her beloved little girl was only six years old)


    (A biographical aside on Eric Satie {source: Wikipedia} Note his age when his mother died & his description of lost love, ‘leaving Satie broken-hearted…)

    Pray also for me.

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