Category: A Picture of Heaven

a picture of heaven - Fiction - a serial short story about grief
by Roger Harned

A Picture of Heaven is about grief – a serial short story about death and eternal life as told by a man looking at a picture at a funeral drawn by a little girl. a fictional story about death fiction, heaven, grieving family and friends eternal life, as seen through the eyes of a child’s hope. – This first episodic short story on will begin on Monday, 2 September, 2013 with the prologue and continue through 14 episodes on Monday – Friday. (Of course you can always go back into the archive to read an episode you missed.
Stay tuned. PLEASE comment on the individual episodes with your thoughts, impressions, and witness. You may even have a witness of your own to SHARE WITH OUR READERS, who we pray will pass along our Christian Witness to their Social networks of ‘friends.’ Tune in EACH day, Monday – Friday. – Roger Harned

  • A Picture of Heaven – Chapter 14

    A Picture of Heaven – Chapter 14

    As I walked through the brilliance of a field now bathed in light, through gentle caressing breezes which flowed over lily and daisy, I basked in the warmth of something I had never known: a love of God.

    I now embraced a love and tenderness toward Jesus I had never sought, but now had found.

    As I had journeyed from the grave and thought of these things, I had been completely unaware of a stream I had crossed in delight, when suddenly a little girl came running toward me, dragging along a beautiful woman also prancing along behind her.

    “Do you remember me?”

    I looked at her loving face and smiled.

    “You showed me your picture of Heaven,” I recalled as I smiled again.

    “This is my mommy!”

    I was certain.

    Jesus sent us here to show you the way.”

    She beamed in that same love that she had said her mommy had every time she talked about Jesus.

    Now I saw this same love in the souls of both child and her beautiful mommy.

    “You know what?” she exclaimed.

    JESUS said that we can call God, ‘Daddy.’”

    I smiled in joy and reached out my hand to her, THANKFUL that Jesus had sent this little girl to me with a picture of Heaven.


    A Picture of Heaven is dedicated to our beloved daughter, Rachel Katherine Harned, whose mommy died when she was seven. Rachel earned her Master of Arts in Christian Counseling from Wheaton College, currently works for a local hospice and will turn age 21 tomorrow, 21 September, 2013.

    Happy Birthday, Rachel.

    Your Daddy loves you.

  • A Picture of Heaven – Chapter 13

    A Picture of Heaven – Chapter 13

    “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust…” echoed the near-silent words of the graveside.

    I thought of the stark contrast of the graveside scene to the love and glory of the depiction of Heaven in the little girl’s picture.  I smiled with joy.

    Amen,” the words of the graveside service confirmed in my heart.

    They now seemed to be speaking to my soul, rather than to the clutter of noise in my ears and my thoughts.

    Everyone left the graveside. I watched as the casket was lowered… and then I left.


    It had always seems too difficult to glorify God on earth. We really do love our sin and hate God.

    Yet that day and one picture had changed everything.

    Jesus was now real. Jesus was now: God in the flesh — flesh and blood, broken and shed for me. His love even for a sinner like me.

    I thought of the picture of Jesus carrying a lamb.

    I thought again of the weightier significance of a childhood song:

    Jesus loves me

    This I know

    For the Bible

    Tells me so.

     I am weak

    But He is strong

    It’s for His love

    That I now long.

    I think the kid’s verse is different, but this is what I was thinking.  It’s what I was singing in my heart.  And I had His joy – like a lamb warmly held in His arms.  I was safe from the world now.

    Jesus loves me, this I know… and I had a little girl to thank… a little girl with a picture of heaven.


    Conclusion to follow tomorrow; but in case you missed any chapters or want to SHARE: 

    A Picture of Heaven – prologue.

  • A Picture of Heaven – Chapter 12

    A Picture of Heaven – Chapter 12

    A moment of silence…

    We were asked to stand as the music began once more in our surroundings of the darkened church. It seemed sadder than before.

    I looked toward a glimmer of sun breaking through a window and reflecting off the brass cross on the altar.

    I looked down at a hymnal … to a somber lyric, crying out to me:

    Let all mortal flesh keep silence,

    And with fear and trembling stand;

    Ponder nothing earthly minded, 

    For with blessing in His hand,

    Christ our God to earth descendeth
    Our full homage to demand…

    Lord of lords, in human vesture,
    In the body and the blood;
    He will give to all the faithful
    His own self for heavenly food…

    As the Light of light descendeth
    From the realms of endless day…

    ‘Is Heaven really endless day?’ I thought, as my mind wandered upward.

    That the powers of hell may vanish
    As the darkness clears away…

    At sometime during the hymn I had sunk into the pew and hung my head in shame.

    My eyes flooded with tears.

    I recalled from somewhere in my past, my hearing of Reverend Birney’s booming voice from the back of the church to begin our worship service. (I think it was from one of the Prophets.)



    At His feet …with ceaseless voice they cry:

    Alleluia, Lord- Most- High!

    I saw it suddenly – in a little girl’s Picture of Heaven.

    All of the hidden glory of the cross, glorified in Heaven!

    Then I realized that I was the only one brought to my knees – the only one not standing.

    I sheepishly stood once more, as eight men dressed in black began to roll the casket down the aisle beside me toward the doors at the rear of the church.

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