Do you really believe that? doctrine - a line in the sand [picture of Jesus kneeling down to draw a line with his finger

WE continue in a detailed study of DOCTRINE from three ICBI Chicago Statements of the late 20th century theologians.

Let’s be clear and concise about DOCTRINE here, etching a LINE which CANNOT BE CROSSED without turning against the way, the truth and the life of the LORD GOD.


you also DENY any DOCTRINE opposed to the Authoritative Word of God and THE HOLY BIBLE.

Christ Jesus: Almighty, Ever-existing, Perfect and Loving LORD God, came into this world of His creation as man like us;

Confirming all Authority of Scripture AND His Own Deity;

Loving souls in the flesh and blood of those He chose as LORD for eternal life before our creation,

By HIS Own Perfect Sacrifice to rise again with Christ,

To the glory of our Lord Jesus, God the Father and the Holy Spirit of the LORD, forever and ever. Amen. – The Perfect Coauthority of Christ & the Holy Bible
Perhaps you would like to PAUSE to pray about what you have just read OR to seek your own answers to the eternal questions of our 'final test.' 

To Affirm Truth requires us to Deny Teaching which is False

How did you do on last week’s ICBI QUIZ?

Did you also discover from our brief look at the ICBI approach to DOCTRINE that we draw a LINE IN THE SAND by AFFIRMING a Doctrine which also puts us on record that we DENY Doctrine which opposes the TRUTH we have affirmed?

To summarize our Saturday series on DOCTRINE you may refine my emphasis thus far into primarily two Doctrines: God IS HOLY! & SCRIPTURE is HOLY!

Part 1 – a 10 question quiz from ICBI

PART 2 – Deny Doctrine opposed to God & Scripture

I began this series about teaching (that is, doctrine) with God IS Holy, because THAT is (or should be) what ALL Christians believe (among other things). Any who deny THAT doctrine are by definition atheists or polytheists (in effect, idol worshipers of one sort or another).

AND for ANY ‘christian’ to DENY the doctrine of the Bible as the absolute TRUTH of God would be to concede conflicting truths: so-called ‘facts’ of false religion, theoretical ‘science and inconclusive philosophies in conflict with GOD; yet illogically intolerant of Christ, while tolerant of any other’s deceptions by theirrelative truthsof this world.

You examine the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is those very Scriptures that testify about Me

John 5:39 NASB20 – Words of the Lord Jesus Christ to teachers of false doctrine

In the Gospel of John, The Lord Jesus Christ reveals an absolute connection between Old Testament Scripture and His Own Incarnation as the Living Word of God, thus affirming the Truth of the entire Holy Bible:

ἐγὼ καὶ ὁ πατὴρ ἕν ἐσμεν

“I and the Father are one.”

John 10:30 GNT, CSB – Words of the Lord Jesus Christ to those who do hear His voice.

Christians must Deny Doctrine opposed to Jesus Christ

Logos: Greek describing Jesus Christ.

“In the beginning was the word…

John 1:1

The HOLY BIBLE confirms that Christ Jesus stood firm against those who accused Him of being anyone other than GOD. Do YOU?

.. do you say, ‘You are blaspheming’ to the one the Father set apart and sent into the world, because I said: I am the Son of God?

John 10:36 – A question of the Messiah to accusers, preceded by this in John 10:35 – If he called those to whom the word of God came ‘gods’—and the Scripture cannot be broken

Christ declares that Scripture cannot be nullified*

and JESUS IS the Word* of God. quoting the Gospel of John 10:35 & John 1:1-3

When you examine Doctrinal Statements of your Church or denomination, as well as ancient Creeds, Catechisms and Confessions of Faith, certainly other Doctrines (teachings) must be included in what YOU believe, i.e. Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Communion, Baptism, Trinity, Eternity, Heaven, Hell, Justification, Providence, etc.

Connecting DOCTRINES to Christian Life and Witness

True False test & red pencil

Today we will give you an opportunity to take a comprehensive FINAL TEST from the ICBI library (if you choose).

EACH of the THREE Summits sponsored by the International Council on
Biblical Inerrancy
[ICBI] are linked separately on the pages to follow. I have also included a brief summary of TOPICS & KEY Doctrines, which these theologians both AFFIRMED TRUE and DENIED FALSE TEACHING by their signatures.

Are YOU ready for your TEST on DOCTRINE?

Who says there is NO prayer in schools? (No pressure -- :) + 
Here are some questions for this ever-so-brief TEST time before the final bell.)

Click the next page number below
to continue...

Pages: 1 2 3 4


One response to “Do YOU AFFIRM True & DENY False DOCTRINES?”

  1. […] AFFIRM that we have a reasoned faith in God, Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Trinity; Sin, Judgment and […]

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