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Searching for Easter
Table of Contents
A brother in the Lord suggested that I update my ‘about Roger’ bio here on TalkofJESUS.com after I witnessed my personal story once more of coming to the Lord during the Lenten season on a Good Friday when after having been a Christian all of my mortal life (4+ decades at that time) I received the Holy Spirit.
Truly I tell you that I prefer for you to READ about and Talk of JESUS through your comments here than for you to dwell on any particular saved saint (small ‘s’) like me.
COMING SOON: MORE UPDATED posts from the past (in addition to those linked to the bottom of this page). For your convenience:
What is the Gospel? What are the Gospels?
Idols – Stumbling in Christian Liberty – 1 Corinthians 8
Hail Mary, humble wife of GOD
a Failure of Kings Advent 4 of Christ
Easter A.D. 2023
A.D. actually stands for the Latin phrase anno domini, which means “in the year of our Lord.”
In truth you will find difficulty and BIAS when searching online media for ANYTHING related to JESUS, CHRIST, LORD, GOD, EASTER or the RESURRECTION!
Search for something so simple as B.C. (BEFORE CHRIST) or A.D.
via Google, Siri, Alexa, Meta, Apple or Microsoft products, Wikipedia.. (even traditional dictionaries, i.e. Britannica, Cambridge, Webster..
a long list of biased sources marking terms related to “God” as ‘archaic’
What result does the WORLD of online media bring you?
Biased ‘information’ favoring the anti-Christ.
My 2023 (of the COMMON ERA) of this world search for “Easter” looked something like this:
- Eggs (pictured from top of a search with creative commons license)
- Baskets (Bunny Free)
- Colorful baskets with bunnies and/or eggs
- Micky & Minnie Mouse
- Nikes (a special spring swoosh also not creative commons)
- Chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies, etc.
- a dark scene with a Cross in the distance
- a weather picture (even ‘mother nature’ gets in on the act)
Christ’s Resurrection Celebrated ~2 Millenia!
Christians have celebrated Easter for nearly 2000 years now.
I won’t get into the B.C./A.D. thing again or how a Roman god changed the calendar or other such controversies including:
- What year was Jesus born in Bethlehem of Judea OR
- What year did the Jews and the Roman Governor of Judea Pontius Pilate execute Jesus on the Cross? OR
- What month of the 1st century year did JESUS rise from the grave in Jerusalem?
- (What was the DATE of the Jesus’ resurrection?)
Investigate Christ's resurrection further on GotQuestions.org or other reliable Biblical Christian source.
Talk of JESUS .com + 10th year of Christian Social Witness
Our A.D. 2023 posts have mostly followed ACTS of the Apostles.
IF you think about the first celebrated Easter seasons of the first century you’ll realize that Luke’s storyline account would have been interrupted ~40 TIMES between Jesus’ resurrection ~A.D. 30 and Rome destroying Herod’s third Temple in A.D. 70.
I have also interrupted TalkofJESUS.com series, i.e. the Gospel of John, with Scripture related to Easter.
Talk of JESUS .com posts resurrected here from previous post series include tags (or topics) of:
- Easter
- Resurrection
- Lent
- Good Friday
- (possibly others related to a previous series connected to these)
Christian Social Witness of EASTER!
Palm Sunday
Good Friday, April 7, A.D. 2023
COME BACK ANYTIME before Resurrection Sunday, APRIL 9, A.D. 2023, to READ, consider, comment and SHARE the Gospel of what I have previously witnessed about Easter.
Comment on Scripture + Share the Gospel