.. near the beginning ..

the Gardener, the Shepherd and the Hunter - a story by Roger Harned takes place in a garden, which at first looks like the garden of Eden

Scene Two:

a First Garden (& its early harvest)

An illustration of times in life beyond the bounds of time and place

The Gardener, the Shepherd and the Hunter – 2

Cahyin K’naw

Once I closed my eyes and looked again into the far reaches of the line the man had shown me before, a garden faintly emerged from the mysterious mist moving above and below this faint line.

And once again I heard the man’s voice which had also faded from my hearing as I had looked so far towards the end of our line.

It would probably be best for you to look more closely at today than so far forward beyond the end of the line to a scene yet to come, he said.

I closed my eyes even more tightly, listening intently to my Guide’s every word.

I’ll try to show you pictures that are not so familiar to a blindness of your eyes as you visit this garden with me.

Even though my closed eyes saw the light of the garden clearly by now, I was surprised to see that it wasn’t a garden of beautiful flowers as I had expected. Instead, I saw the dirt of this ground (not even tilled into rows).. and various plants (crops, really).

Do you see that man there .. in the garden?

No plant (it seemed) looked ready to harvest or eat..

The man had just.. (well, I’m not really sure what he was doing)..

Yes. Who is he?

His name is Cahyin K’naw.

(The foreign-sounding name meant nothing to me.)

Cahyin: an unexpected harvest

You can just call him Farmer Smith if you’d like.

What has he planted?

He has sown the seeds of envy and will harvest the thistles of thanklessness.

(I had no idea what he meant.)

Smith was sweating as he walked away .. further east of the garden. So as Smith walked further toward darkness (where I could not see), I asked my garden Guide,

What’s he doing now?

As we observed Farmer Smith’s dejected demeanor and my Guide seemed to ignore my inquiry he noted,

I will need to have another talk with him..

Then He motioned for me to follow him toward another place near the garden.

Was the darkness into which Smith walked similar to when I had opened my eyes to the world at the end of time’s line and everything had gone dark?

(And how was it that I saw my Guide motion so clearly even though my eyes were shut?)

I no longer could recall Smith’s foreign-sounding name.

Then seemingly from out of nowhere, my Guide asked me:

Would you like to know where ONCE UPON A TIME first began a story?

YES! I replied with great animation of my excitement to learn what I had wanted to know since I was a boy.

from the Voice of Truth

וַֽיְהִי מִקֵּץ יָמִים וַיָּבֵא קַיִן מִפְּרִי הָֽאֲדָמָה מִנְחָה לַֽיהוָֽה׃

Bereishit (Genesis) 4:3:: Westminster Leningrad Codex (WLC)

Cahyin K’naw – Cain: a cultivator of the ground

CLICK HERE for MORE Original truth of a gardener:  Strong’s H7014 – qayin

“If you do well, will your face not be cheerful?

And if you do not do well, sin is lurking at the door;

and its desire is for you, but you must master it.”

Genesis 4:7 NASB20 – The word of the LORD to Cain
The Gardener the Shepherd and the Hunter - Introduction to a story by Roger Harned
NEXT: Scene Three: a shepherd near the beginning

I want to mention that we will have NO MORE PICTURES of this world to illustrate the rest of our Story.

NEXT: Scene Three: a shepherd near the beginning

The Gardener, the Shepherd and the Hunter

Roger Harned, Christian Author


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