Preaching from Herod’s Porch

drawing of Herod's Temple

You’ve never heard it called ‘HEROD’S PORCH,’ but certainly that must have been the inferred imagery when Herod the Great named it, ‘Solomon’s Porch,’ (porticum Salomonis, in the Latin of Herod’s Roman friends).

Now while Kefa and Yochanan were being held by him, all the people ran together to them at the Portico which is called Ulam Sh’lomo, and the people were utterly astonished.

Gevurot 3:11 Orthodox Jewish Bible – Peter & John, with a healed beggar clinging to them, enter the temple’s Portico of Solomon.

A growing gathering of worshipers

We recognize signs of the Holy Spirit burning in the witness of a NEW growing gathering who are part of God’s plan of worship for the JEWS.

Luke, so far, has numbered followers of the Apostles growing from:

  • at least seventy-two (72) disciples of Jesus among the multitudes
  • thousands [4000 & 5000 & many more] who witnessed Jesus’ miracles
  • multitudes [10,000’s] who entered Jerusalem greeting their Messiah Jesus with palms,
  • many who remained faithful even after Christ’s crucifixion in Jerusalem just two months ago

Saul of Tarsus (who may possibly have been present along with so many important Jewish officials) later writes to the Church at Corinth: [1 Corinthians 15:6]

  • After that He appeared to more than five hundred [500] brothers and sisters at one time, most of whom remain until now, but some have fallen asleep..

No doubt MANY of these faithful have come here to Jerusalem for the festival of Pentecost and they gather to hear Peter preach at the Temple and to hear more witness by the Apostles of their risen Lord Jesus Christ.

Herod’s Week-long Festival in Jerusalem

  • one-hundred twenty (120) who received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost
  • that day there were added about three thousand [3000] souls.
Solomon's portico with view of the Temple and crowds

The Apostle John and a lame beggar who can now walk stand here with Peter on Solomon’s Porch.

(Just one problem though — THIS is HEROD’S TEMPLE (and not the house of the LORD built by Solomon)

Herod’s Rebuilt Temple

The Jews loved to recall the greatness of David and Solomon. Several successors to Herod the Great knew the drawing power of Herod’s great building projects, infrastructure successes under the political power of Rome. Political and religious leaders conspired with each other and Rome for their own piece of power in first century Jerusalem.

family tree of the Herod's from Herod the Great

A Herod attempted to murder a baby Jesus & a Herod had Him crucified.

Source: The Herod family

Peter and John certainly knew some of the dangers at the hands of religious and political leaders lurking about near this place where Peter would preach.

As you may recall, it has only been about two months since young John and a terrified Peter had witnessed the frenzied trials and crucifixion of the Lord Jesus here, as well as a manipulated mania of the multitudes incited by the politically powerful.

blueprint of Herod's temple

Renovation began ~20/19 BC. In 9 BC. the temple was dedicated. But even at the time of the Lord Jesus the renovation was not completely finished.

Source: (includes several drawings & detailed descriptions)

The Magnificence of Herod’s Temple

Source New Testament History Special Study 1 - Temple of Herod.pdf NOT secure

This building project begun by Herod the Great renovated the second temple of Zerubbabel, but it differed so greatly from it and the first Temple of Solomon that the Jews referred to it as Herod’s temple.

  • The Temple itself had the same dimensions as Solomon’s, but it stood 60 cubits high – about 90 feet [9-12 stories].
  • Each of four square public courtyards were about 233 feet square – about like 70 yards of a football field with 10 yards added on each sideline, room for very large crowds
  • Behind the 60 cubit towering Temple the long Western Wall of the Temple Mount was 1590 feet long (the length of about 4.5 football fields) – source
  • The Royal Porch [Solomon’s Portico] overhung the southern wall
    • It had a central open area (nave) of about 41 feet
    • and two side aisles 30 feet from the center
    • the center aisle was 100 feet long
    • the whole structure was supported by 162 Greek Corinthian style columns

Acts 3:

9 And all the people saw him walking and shouting, “Baruch Hashem!”

10 And they recognized him, that he was the one sitting at the Sha’ar Hatiferet (Beautiful Gate) of the Beis Hamikdash begging for tzedakah; and they were mishpoyel (standing in awe) and amazement at what had happened to him.

Gevurot 3:9-10 Orthodox Jewish Bible

While he clung to Peter and John, all the people, utterly astounded, ran together to them in the portico called Solomon’s.

And when Peter saw it he addressed the people:

“Men of Israel, why do you wonder at this,

or why do you stare at us, as though by our own power or piety we have made him walk?

Acts 3:12b English Standard Version

NEXT: Peter’s Sermon from Solomon’s Portico

To be continued…


One response to “Preaching from Herod’s Porch”

  1. […] Preaching from Herod’s Porch We’ve been there before; but Peter & John, who had stirred the crowds with a healed lame man at their sides, were NOT supposed to come back. […]

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