Reader blog – SHARE your review of a Christian Book with us

Talk of is a community for Christian social witness.

If you are reading a Christian fiction OR Christian non-fiction book, please comment here.

We will add you to the book discussion on

We want to get the Word out there to other Christian readers and answer their questions.

Besides regular reading of my BIBLE, what BOOK should I read?

What issue of Christian daily life does it address?

How does this BOOK help you to talk to Jesus?  How did it help you?

What is your witness for Jesus Christ?

Why should I READ this book? 

Please share your brief experience of how this Christian book impacted you.  Share your READER review for others with us.

IT’S SIMPLE: Just COMMENT here with:

  1. Book Name
  2. Author
  3. What reader audience will like it most. (there may be more than one).
  4. Please include your Name and we will contact you asking for your actual review.  We can use a separate document OR simply a link to your review on another Book site, i.e. Amazon, Goodreads, etc.)

(We have another section for authors.)  We really look forward to hearing from some of the many readers of Christian books. Won’t you join us?

May our Lord bless you and keep you in His Word and His Way.

Roger :{+



5 responses to “Reader blog – SHARE your review of a Christian Book with us”

  1. MaryAnn Koopmann Avatar

    Unleashing the Spirits (Volume 3)

    by Adrienna Turner


    This is a very little book with a whole lot of promises! As you pray each prayer from your heart to God, you will be blessed in many ways through the Holy Spirit speaking to you. Amazing. There are wonderful blessings waiting for you. This is her best work yet.

    A companion to Adrienna Turner’s book, Unleashing the Spirits (Volume 3), this study guide helps us to further explore God’s Word and His promises. This more in-depth journey offers special encouragement to follow in the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit in every area of life, including

    • receiving all God has and then giving away His love to others
    • discovering how obedience to His voice can provide direction and purpose
    • being transformed in mind, character, emotions, and understanding

    Created for individuals or small groups, Unleashing the Spirits provides thoughtful questions, helpful discussion insights, and other creative ways to go deeper with this important content.
    This book totally touch my heart and solves my problems. This book makes you look at your life and what you need to change. The only person you can change is yourself but you can definitely lead by example. Thank you Jesus for this wonderful, powerful great book and references. You have to get this book. This will help us to prepare for Spiritual Warfare between Good and Evil. Adrienna Turner, keep up the good work! You and God did great! Praise the Lord!

  2. Deborah Heal Avatar

    Trish Jenkins in Treasures of Darkness shares her experiences in prison and how the Lord gave her a ministry among her fellow inmates. I was so touched my her humility and faith. A riveting book.

  3. Roger Harned Avatar

    Hi, Deborah. May the Lord bless you for your selfless witness for a book by a fellow author.
    Please, register at the bottom so I can add you as one of our Christian authors.
    I need a link to Treasures of Darkness.
    We would also like you to post your latest book as an author. (I will link it to your blog.)
    Thanks again for your Christian Social Witness.
    Let’s SHARE & pass it on.
    Roger Harned

  4. Roger Harned Avatar

    Hi, Debbie
    Sorry to have not gotten back to you sooner.
    Please register on our site so I can post a more comprehensive review of Treasures of Darkness.
    I would appreciate the opportunity to include you as one of our authors and promote one of your books, too.
    I look forward to your registration & comments. Your Christian Social Witness is important. Please SHARE MORE with us.
    Roger Harned

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