Susan Boyle – Dreams can come true

The Unauthorized Biography by Alice Montgomery

Christian Biography – Review by Roger Harned

NOTE: As part of our focus on reviews of books for Christian Readers, I have made a commitment to post regular reviews in addition to the reviews of others on this site.

This book about Susan Boyle caught my attention because of her public witness for Jesus Christ by choice of her music in a hostile environment of secular television. Her gentle heart and tremendous talent now have the attention of millions.

Alice Montgomery catches the flavour of Susan’s meteoric sudden rise to fame after years of humble service and preparation. Here is a sampling of her story:

“It turned out that Susan, like so many single women, had become the primary carer for her mother Bridget, and Bridget’s death three years earlier had left a terrible gap in her life.”

Going back to age 25, the London Daily Mirror had discovered Susan singing “Jesus Christ Superstar.”

Later Susan would be sought after by the likes of Lloyd Webber and numerous others.  

Montgomery details the adventure of Britain’s Got Talent and other shows that brought Susan into the public eye.  Her biography also includes several color photos from Susan’s life and many stories from different eras of Susan Boyle’s most unusual life.

Montgomery points out many revealing facts like this one:

“The first issue Oprah tackled was the makeover nonsense, which had attracted such criticism from some quarters, as if a woman shouldn’t be allowed to make the best of what she had.”

Millions heard Susan’s performance of “Ave Maria” for the Pope.

One story of humility that touched me was this quote by Susan:

“’I was a cheeky little girl at home,’ Susan told the Sunday Times. ‘You had to fight your corner in a family the size of ours.’”

Her story is compelling, interesting, and in her own personal way, a witness of Christ and example to many insecure young women who just want to say: I dreamed a dream.



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