Tag: africa

  • What hinders me from being baptized?

    What hinders me from being baptized?

    “Look! Water! What prevents me from being baptized?”

    It’s a life-changing question the Kandake’s official asks Philip after reading about the Messiah Jesus from Isaiah.

    Perhaps you have asked yourself this same question about conversion to Christ.

    ACTS of a Queen’s servant on the road to Gaza

    If you have not read our previous scene from Acts 8, click here.

    35 Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning from this Scripture he preached Jesus to him.

    Philip and the Ethiopian official in his chariot on the road from Jerusalem in Gaza, reading the scroll of Isaiah before he is baptized

    Kandoc’i – Servant of the Queen of Ethiopia

    Philip joins this official (not named in Acts) of the Candace or Kandake of Nubia on the Nile (referred to Ethiopia in Acts).

    Two Men Talk of JESUS

    NOTE: I choose to identify this representative of the Queen with an Ethiopian sounding name based on my personal experience and previous conversations with Ethiopian friends.
    Philip's encounter with this Ethiopian eunuch must have been life-changing for both.

    36 Now as they went down the road, they came to some water. And the eunuch said,

    “See, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?”

    37 Then Philip said,

    “If you believe with all your heart, you may.”

    And he answered and said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”

    Acts 8:37b NKJV – The Ethiopian responds to Philip from his heart to be baptized for Christ

    38 So he commanded the chariot to stand still.

    This scene of Baptism

    Let’s pause here for a moment to consider what our black brother has asked this Hellenist deacon of a Hebrew church back in Jerusalem.

    No matter your background, no matter your sin, it makes us the same: Listen:

    Let’s go down, down, down to the river (You will leave changed)
    Let’s go down, down, down to the river (Never the same)
    Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go down in amazing grace [x2]

    What does it mean to be BAPTIZED?

    Religious doctrine of your past could easily sidetrack our discussion of baptism here, but prior to continuing on our mission trip with Philip from Acts 8, allow me to point our talk of JESUS toward both definition and evangelism.

    Baptized defined:

    • Start here: baptized occurs 51 times in 44 verses in the NASB20.
      • βαπτίζω –
        • to dip repeatedly, to immerse, to submerge (of vessels sunk)
        • to cleanse by dipping or submerging, to wash, to make clean with water, to wash one’s self, bathe
        • to overwhelm
      • Learn more: From a derivative of βάπτω (G911)

    We have already addressed this in the early chapters of Acts in this series, but here is a brief example from an earlier post:

    May 19, 2014 Talk of JESUS.com post with several references from ACTS

    One other series from the Gospel of John and discussion of John the Baptist. [Click below]

    Sep 18, 2018 from TalkofJESUS.com from brief series about Gospel of John

    Returning to Talk of JESUS between Kandoc’i & Philip

    and they both went down into the water, Philip as well as the eunuch, and he baptized him.

    ACTS 8:38b – the moment Philip baptized the Ethiopian official of the Queen in the Name of Jesus Christ

    Now here’s something you will NOT experience at any baptism (but remember with God all things are possible and the Lord had a purpose here to evangelism beyond this event on Philip’s mission).

    39 Now when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, so that the eunuch saw him no more; and he went on his way rejoicing.

    ACTS 8:39 – Yet another sign, this to the just baptized Ethiopian official who had proclaimed:
    “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”

    The eunuch no doubt continues his long journey home up the Nile in Africa, where the Gospel will travel with our brother, Kandoc’i, who will in turn preach Jesus Christ in this first century mission field and court of the Kandake of Ethiopia.

    Philip the Evangelist

    But Philip found himself at Azotus, and as he passed through he kept preaching the gospel to all the cities, until he came to Caesarea.

    Acts 8:40 NASB
    Philip the evangelist flees Jerusalem to Samaria, but then receives a command to go to Gaza, where he baptized an Ethiopian, is taken up from there to Ashdod and preaches along the coast in towns leading to Ceasarea
    places along the mission journey of Philip the Evangelist

    We cannot be certain if Philip running to catch up to this official, Kandoc’i of Ethiopia in his royal chariot was akin in any way to a sign of Elijah running ahead. [Read more.] However after the Ethiopian in the chariot was baptized, the Spirit of the Lord snatches Philip away!

    One more sign for the evangelist to preach and one more miracle for our Ethiopian brother Kandoc’i to witness to his queen and all of the officials of his country far beyond Jerusalem.

    We find Philip next in Azotus Ἄζωτος (Ashdod), a distance by air of over 100 km (<60 miles)! From there we learn that the evangelist will settle in the important Roman port city of Caesarea, a place with which we will become more familiar on the mission journeys of ACTS of the Apostles.

    Comment on Scripture + Share the Gospel

  • Africa: Faith in a House of Cards

    Africa: Faith in a House of Cards

    Americans, Europeans, many South Americans, South Africans, Australians, upper class Indians and upper class Asians of countries like China and Japan are very blessed.

    Even though we may be poor compared to most of our own countrymen, most ‘relatively rich’ Christians (like us) do NOT see and hear the great need of many brothers and sisters in Christ, let alone the great needs of Christian missions to others in countries and states hostile to Christ Jesus.

    How often do you hear of Christian Missions in places like Cameroon and Central African Republic?

    Central African RepublicThe MAP of our world changes continually, nowhere more radically than Africa. The reasons do not change: greed, power and control by religion (especially Islam, but also others).

    Here is a better current perspective to ‘world history’ than a schooling from ancient textbooks of the 20th century. Visit any continent (courtesy BBC country profiles) like this one for Africa. Facts & History will reveal an ongoing battle of Islamist radicals and others to displace and defeat Christians.

    As you may know from Sudan and other troubled places in Africa, greed and radical religious beliefs know NO boundaries. Patient authoritarian Islamist leaders aggravate and stir the hatreds of hot spots from their comfortable places in Saudi Arabia, Iran and many other countries.

    Persecuted Christians on all continents and the Christian missions which bring the Gospel of Christ Jesus to the unsaved have been on my heart for many months now.  Many fine missionary organizations support these through our many small contributions though our local churches.

    Check with your own church and you can often find ways to contribute even more to these MANY needs.  Just one example of our church is Operation Christmas Child.

    I know you know John 3:16; do you know 1 John 3:16? (& 17 & 18)?

    For truth we do not hear and in deed we have no charity (agapē).

    The Middle East typically receives the most press. As a reminder, many of the troubled countries are part of N. Africa.

    On occasion we will hear of troubles of Somalia, Kenya, or other African peoples in struggles against the tyranny of evil, greed, military force,  rebels, anarchists, Islamists,  forces of  ‘nature’, famine, war… etc. etc… while mention of the daily struggles and needs of the poor remain rare.


    Posted by  on Friday, May 10, 2013

    Here is the full story you never hear from just five months ago. Please pray for and support the missions of these faithful Christians.


    One might be shocked to learn that some areas of Africa have become mighty fortresses for Christ, but great need persists for these faithful Christian brothers and sisters, especially for many abandoned children who would have no hope were it not for the love of these faithful Christians.

    Ghana, a country once known as a place where Portuguese and British ruled and exported slaves into other parts of the world has now become a place where the freedom of Christianity is sent into other parts of Africa.

    Never-the-less, Americans, Europeans and others do not realize the extent of poverty in nations such as Ghana, where the average annual income is only $1,410, compared to $48,620 in the US or $36,010 USD in Hong Kong or $80,440 in Qutar, a place for Arabian princes and World Capitalists to shelter their considerable wealth.

    2013-09-26 Saida's children

    Refugees from war-torn African nations and abandoned aids babies of immoral powerful men depend on the support, love and charity of Christian community and even homes of many compassionate Christians in places like Ghana.

    They depend on the financial support of Christian missions and a few individual Christian churches and missions.

    Please consider support and prayer for one of these welcomed into the love of Christ Jesus.

    These are the faces of orphans living in a Christian home in Ghana and provided for by a poor worker in a nearby home for other orphans.

    These are the faces of Christian love.  These little ones are also the faces of Christian need for a Christian sister with barely enough to keep food on their table.

    I will close with a personal story of Christian love from this beloved sister in Christ from just last SUNDAY, 6 OCTOBER, 2013 (a day our church feasts every month after first Sunday communion.)

    Ghana-Tracywe met Tracy last Sunday when she was at church Alone!

    She didn’t want to go back home because she was denied from eating food for the last four days as punishment for the not carrying her auntie’s baby!

    she preferred sleeping at church than going back home, so we went with her and talked to her auntie about it!

    she is now living a happy and hopeful life! Thank You for your prayers!!

    Who else will intervene for Jesus when others turn away the little children?

    If you can help in any small way, in addition to prayer, please visit the link behind  “Child Passion Children’s Home, with Patti Crabtree Brown and 22 others. we follow the biblical directive to rescue, love and care for orphans. We believe that when we do, we are following Christ’s commandment and are acting as His hands and feet.”

    Jesus said: And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.” – Matthew 10:42


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