Tag: atheist
An Impossible Assignment + Disprove the Resurrection
NEED an apologetic? LISTEN to one of the best arguments of Christians to refute the nonsense of supposedly “scientific” skepticism about the RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST after 3 days in a guarded grave. SHARE “So if they were interested in affirming the fact of his death, all they had to do was take the body…
Atheology- Expelling Christology
What makes GOD so offensive to the a-theist who avows opposition to the LORD? In a WORD: CHRIST + Atheology – Scientific study of Everythingology The Religion of A-theism likely has as many branches as Protestantism, which also continues to splinter into several inclusive branches teaching humans Everythingism. The Letter of Paul to the Churches…
Everythingology for an all-inclusive church
When did astrology become astronomy and science become ‘everythingology?’ Each time adam sought to explain life separate of the glory of God and science dismissed the study of God. Roger@TalkofJESUS.com Let’s study it: The SCIENCE of false premise Last time I asked you, (my fellow ‘Christian’ with little interest in ‘theology‘): AND I warned that…
Inerrant TRUTH: Our reasoned Biblical Faith
WHY would you study the HOLY BIBLE? For inerrant truth! Do we believe by faith? YES, but not a fantastical faith or unrealistic religious calling to that which cannot be known. In most circumstances and communications, truth matters to me and also to you. Certainly God speaks only truth and the Bible is where ‘it…
Prayer: Begin with God
To begin, let us get over how selfish we are, even by our prayers for loved ones. He IS God! and I am not. What is prayer, anyway? (Think about it. What is a prayer? Why would you even bother to pray?) Prayer is many things. Most of our mind and flesh would relegate prayer to a…