Tag: author

  • Rumors of Life & Death

    Rumors of Life & Death

    Reporters of News

    And this rumour of him went forth throughout all Judaea, and throughout all the region round about.

    Gospel of Luke 7:17 – KJV

    Sojourners become clarions of news to uninformed ears in new places from the places where they have witnessed life.

    The ‘rumour‘ to which the Gospel-writer Luke refers (above) is Jesus’ raising a young man from his coffin along his own funeral procession in Nain in remote Galilee. Other English translations of the same Greek word [λόγος] use “report.”

    When we return to John’s Gospel (Good News) we will encounter such reports again, some stories which veer from the truth.

    Good News/Bad News: True or False?

    The Disciples who traveled with Jesus from town to town reported the Good News of Jesus the Messiah of Israel to many who had not heard in places distant from the events they had witnessed. Reliable reports from other witnesses also reached the ears of thousands who had not yet seen Jesus in Person.

    The four written NEWS accounts of JESUS CHRIST are not the only news of the Savior. Many reports are oral, even many first-hand stories from witnesses to Jesus’ many miraculous events recorded by the Apostles.

    Picture the Apostles after Jesus’ death and resurrection as reporters and add to their number every saint of the Church who consequently believed their report of the Lord Jesus Christ, then you may realize why John and others had to address false reports of their time.

    While reading the Gospels we discover many who reject the “Good News” of Jesus which challenges one or more of their earthly embraces of sin. Many reject God and refuse to acknowledge or let go of their sins.

    Some will believe in anything in order to deny the Truth.

    Roger Harned – talk of Jesus .com

    All the REPORTERS of Jesus had to be taken at face value for their rumors (stories) of the Messiah. Those who did not witness an event had to ask themselves the same questions we would ask today.

    • Is this even possible?
    • Is their report TRUE or FALSE in some way?
    • If it is true, is this GOOD NEWS or BAD NEWS for me?
    • How should I react? (What must I do?)
    • What is my response to this NEWS to others who have not heard?

    Brief Vitae of the Good News Reporters

    As mentioned previously in Witnesses to Jesus Risen! John and the Apostles continue to report their GOSPEL to others until the end of their lives and John writes to some who have witnessed even more miracles than he reports in his Gospel.

    Briefly from our Gospel archives take a look at these dates of the reports.

    • Jesus was crucified around the year AD 30
    • John Mark’s Gospel – before AD 49; martyred AD 68
    • Matthew’s Gospel – as early as AD 50, before martyrdom ~AD 60
    • the physician Luke’s Gospel/Acts – AD 60-61, prior to the great persecution that began under Nero in A.D. 64; Luke likely martyred in AD 84
    • John writes his Gospel to the churches after AD 85 [~AD 90-100]
    • 2nd c. AD – many Church fathers, disciples of John, Peter & others, testify to the truth of their Gospels and oppose false reports by false teachers.

    Countering False Reports

    So this rumor spread to the brothers and sisters that this disciple would not die. Yet Jesus did not tell him that he would not die, but, “If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? ”

    John 21:23 CSB

    John 21:

    Recall from John’s previous report [Witnesses to Jesus Risen! – Peter] of a third time they encountered Jesus after His resurrection:

    5 So Jesus said to them, “Children, you do not have any fish to eat, do you?” .. 7 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!”

    • Peter enthusiastically dove into the water and swam to meet Jesus on shore before the other Disciples came onshore in a boat filled with fish.
    • Simon Peter and Jesus have a conversation about feeding His sheep and Simon hesitates in his answers to the Lord (our Shepherd).
    • Jesus asks:
      • “Simon, son of John, do you agapaō Me more than these?” then, “Simon, son of John, do you agapaō Me? and finally,
      • “Simon, son of John, do you phileō Me?”
    • Peter’s hesitates in answering Jesus call to agapaō and each time confirming that he loves Him (phileō differing slightly in meaning).
    • The Lord commands him with some subtlety after each response:
      1. Tend My lambs.
      2. Shepherd My sheep.
      3. Tend My sheep.

    And to the reader knowing that Peter has already died for his Lord, (Peter’s dearly departed friend) John offers an explanation.

    17 .. Peter was hurt because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You..

    Good News, Bad News

    John gives the reader some ‘bad news,’ which is no longer NEWS to most and the ‘good news,’ which the other Apostles also witnessed. (Most of them had also died for their witness of the risen Christ Jesus!)

    So the rumor spread among the community of believer that this disciple wouldn’t die.

    Rumor vs. TRUTH

    • Who said it?
    • What is the RUMOR?
    • Where were they when it happened?
    • When might this have taken place?
    • Why would your NEWS source tell you?
    • How does this impact you?


    As the last surviving Apostle, John witnesses the Good News of Jesus Christ and His resurrection for decades!

    What happens when a rumor creates a myth short of truth?

    This would happen later when the Church tells stories not supported by Scripture.

    When the saying (or story or myth) multiplies, then eventually encounters truth what most certainly will happen? The rumor is crushed and faith along with it (when the aging Apostle dies).

    And remember, regardless of when or how the saying had started, it has already been around for a time since the original witness is some fifty years before John writes his Gospel truth.

    Many disciples of The Way and saints of the church might easily elevate John (or for that matter, Simon Peter, other Apostles or even family of Jesus) to glory and worship due only the LORD.

    John’s simple approach to false witness

    The always esteemed and ever truthful Disciple does two things:

    1. John states the false witness (translated: saying, rumor, story)
    2. He refutes it by his own authoritative true witness.

    WHO DO YOU BELIEVE? It’s as simple as that.

    The incident in question involves what JESUS said to Simon Peter. Only six other Disciples including John witness it first hand. So John states:

    • 21:23 Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die:
    • yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die;
      • (FALSE rumor – John categorically states: – Jesus said NOT)
    • but,
      • (here is the truth I witnessed, says John)
    • [Jesus said ..],
      • If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? [KJV] or
    • “If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you?” – NASB

    The Disciple by quoting Jesus refutes the rumor of John’s alleged immortality told in this story circulating among early Christians.

    John squashes this rumor before it can multiply into false teaching which will cause us to doubt the ‘Gospel Truth.’

    His own witness, true to facts unknown through rumor, states what happened (decades ago):

    • 20 Peter turned around and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following them—the one who also had leaned back on His chest at the supper and said, “Lord, who is the one who is betraying You?”
    • So Peter, upon seeing him, said to Jesus, “Lord, and what about this man?”
    • Jesus said to him, “If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me!”
      • Peter turned around, John was following him and Jesus.
      • Peter asked the Lord about John, because Jesus had just told Peter:

    18b “.. when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands and someone else will put your belt on you, and bring you where you do not want to go.”

    • John tells the reader, who likely knows of Peter’s crucifixion, why Jesus said this.
    • After having refuted the rumor with the truth, John puts his seal on the whole truth of restating the ‘story.’

    This is the disciple who is testifying about these things and wrote these things, and we know that his testimony is true.

    John 21:24 NASB
    cross words Who's in charge? and a question of Authority

    John’s closing is comparable to Paul writing, “I sign this in my own hand.” At stake is the Authority & Truth of the Lord Jesus

    Rather than adding questions on this section of John,
    I leave you to question Truth vs. fiction.
    Please click PG 2 

    Pages: 1 2

  • About the Author John – a story from Zebedee

    About the Author John – a story from Zebedee

    We have again been working through the Gospel of John with specific focus on the Trinity of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Before moving on to more signs of Jesus as the Messiah, I thought it appropriate to take a brief look at the Gospel’s author John.

    About the Author John

    In a larger sense the Author of Scripture is always the Lord God and specifically the Gospel author John refers to Jesus as, “the Word,” in effect crediting the Lord Jesus for Scripture.

    The Good News of the author John and three other Gospel writers is that Jesus IS the Messiah of God, fulfillment of the Lord’s promise to redeem Israel.

    John’s Gospel differs some from those of the Apostle Matthew, another Jewish author, and that of two gentile author’s, John Mark and Luke. (God-willing I may share more about these Gospel authors at a later time in separate posts.)

    a First century story

    I would like to relate a story to you which involves the author John, who wrote not only the Gospel, but three letters and the Revelation (or Apocalypse) of the New Testament. But first let’s consider the genre of my story to follow.

    Fiction or Nonfiction?

    Although we step away from the Bible and specifically the Gospel for a moment, I have crafted the following “biography” to make you think.

    You might ask of any story, a classic novel, Scripture or a television script: ‘Is it true?’ That is, does this story I’m reading, hearing or seeing represent reliable truth? Is it nonfiction or is it (at least in part) fiction?

    “Fiction or nonfiction,” we may ask thoughtfully?

    If Scripture is true, then our only conclusion must be that the Bible is ‘nonfiction;’ therefore our compelling question must address God’s will, “How should I apply these truths?”

    Roger Harned – talkofJesus.com

    I caution however of entertainment which claims ‘authoritative’ speculation that misleads the masses into false and dangerous applications. Just one example would be “The History Channel.”

    We naturally assume anything claiming history or science to be a reliable true source of researched fact. Yet what about a fantastical speculation proclaiming possibility of “Ancient Aliens,” which invades our thinking as pure fiction with no basis in fact?

    Many writers of supposed ‘scientific fact’ place such nonsensical fiction in the same speculative category as they do the Bible. Their heretical premise implies that God does not exist anymore than ancient aliens do (therefore both are fiction). These authors create gods of their own making, denying the glory of the Living God.

    Of course not all fiction denies the truth and historicity of Christ. Thankfully some fiction pursues a higher calling to give us insight into the historical men and women of the Bible, or even the true nature of faith following the Lord Jesus as a true Christian. Perhaps one of the best of these would be John Bunyan’s “The Pilgrim’s Progress.”

    Historical Fiction

    If a story, i.e. nonfiction, doesn’t qualify as fact, then what kind of fiction is it?

    Some stories illustrate imagined or actual characteristics of historical characters who actually existed. One example might be the story of George Washington chopping down the cherry tree. (Certainly you can think of others.)

    I would caution that many such stories have hidden agendas often opposed to the Lord God. So a story may pose as historical fiction when in fact it is not historical in any way (other than taking the name of its lead character in vain).

    Some so-called ‘christian’ cults would have you believe that Jesus was nothing more than a character in the historical fiction of the New Testament of the Bible. It’s also important here to point out that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is NOT a “historical fiction,” acknowledging that Jesus was real and did exist in the first century, while denying Christ’s deity.

    No deception of the devil will lead your soul astray more than this lie against the saving Son of the Most High! Many will concede and even preach the existence of Jesus, without worshiping Him as Lord.

    A Father of Thunder

    The following story hopefully will illustrate a helpful perspective as historical fiction from the first century A.D.

    Although based on the characters discussed, including the author John, this fictional account is not intended to provide evidence for John’s Gospel, but to provide circumstance into its writing by the author John.

    Sea of Galilee earth view as point between Italy on the Mediterranean and northern seas to Egypt to the south and lands to India in the east.
    Israel & Sea of Galilee – crossroads of cultures and trade

    And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?

    Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life:

    but teach them thy sons, and thy sons’ sons…

    Deuteronomy 4:8-9 KJV


    Men call me Bonerges for my thunderous commands they hear ‘mongst my fleet on the Galilee.

    satellite view of of north end of the Sea of Galilee
    Sea of Galilee at inlet of Jordan River in the north

    I thank the LORD for my blessings and that of my boisterous leadership, but mostly I call out for the supply of my business. Though faithful to the LORD in every area of my life as a Jew, I am no hammer upon the anvil of Israel’s hard-forged apostasy.

    Now that my double blessing of sons join my fleet as young men of God, I must teach them not only of fishing but of the leading of men.

    The LORD made me a man of modest means, so now I may send them to any man of God of my choosing to learn more of the LORD’s will for their lives. It’s not so simple though; for our life as Jews in the land which was once Israel had never been simple since Solomon.

    Whether here in Bethsaida or on journeys to Jerusalem (also never the same again) all we seem to argue is how the LORD wants us to follow in a strange land which was once our own.

    I should even say it was once HIS, but is no more. God help us.

    Ahh, who would have thought that Israel could become a land which is not ours or the Lord’s?

    (the second Law) דברים

    We are sons of Moses; I have been praying on this Scripture.

    Where shall I send my sons to learn the faith of our fathers?

    “Give ear, O heavens, and let me speak;
    And let the earth hear the words of my mouth.
    “For I proclaim the name of the LORD;
    Ascribe greatness to our God!

    וַיֹּ֗אמֶר אַסְתִּ֤ירָה פָנַי֙ מֵהֶ֔ם אֶרְאֶ֖ה מָ֣ה אַחֲרִיתָ֑ם כִּ֣י דֹ֤ור תַּהְפֻּכֹת֙ הֵ֔מָּה בָּנִ֖ים לֹא־אֵמֻ֥ן בָּֽם׃

    “Then He said, ‘I will hide My face from them,
    I will see what their end shall be;
    For they are a perverse generation,
    Sons in whom is no faithfulness.

    from the song of Moses – Deuteronomy 32:(1,3,)20 WLC;NASB

    What is the will of the Lord God for my sons James and John?

    To be continued...
  • About Roger, a 21st c. Christian Author

    I first wrote for myself

    Roger Harned, born in Ohio in the USA. I grew up in a small village listening to many stories of family and others every day. I grew up listening to good preaching as well.

    I’m a storyteller, some may say an author. I read and write out of my love for understanding the hearts of others, more specifically the Lord. My writing career had been a private pastime which included lyrics, poems and scribbled ramblings on the youthful musings or love.

    Did I mention my first love was music? As a teacher listening to music entering the hearts of others, I arranged what I hoped would be heard. Yet mostly, it was not. A conductor dreams of becoming a maestro and leader of the genius of others. A woman once called me ‘maestro’ after hearing me conduct the Cortland Community Band in a 30th anniversary concert. One fan, for whom I am thankful. Even so I did compose many songs which never had an audience. Great music, silent for all time.

    Now I orchestrate words for others lead by the Creator of all readers. I pray that the Lord brings hearers of the word to my exposition of scripture.

    We listen to a lyrical love of a Savior who loves us sacrificially. Once born again in the Spirit of the Living God, my writing flowed from the Word, Christ Jesus.

    Since that time twenty some years ago, the Bible speaks volumes to a silenced soul with prophetic conviction I sometimes tremble to share.

    The written of the LORD humbles my flesh and refines my soul.

    A Perfect Author draws new readers to His Love

    Any preacher could tell you (in private) that expository preaching is nothing less than revealing an unfolding story of a Perfect Author. No man in the pulpit or arena is up to it. The Author of Scripture IS the LORD, who reveals to mortals by the Spirit what must be written and proclaimed.

    Only One Son of Man, God Incarnate, taught perfect Law and unerring prophesy to the elect and adopted of the LORD.

    John 1:1-4

    I’m not the Author, only a messenger

    Readers here will not be particularly interested in what I have to say, but what the Lord has to say. I try not to say too much, as is the reaction of Prophets before Almighty God. Isaiah 6:5 

    Links provided here from my personal research direct the reader to scripture or trusted scriptural authority from more studied teachers of the faith. Again, any faithful writer about God will direct you to the Lord’s story and not our own imperfect application. I pray that the Lord draws you to explore further the great richness of scripture behind these links.

    Let the Spirit speak to the depths of your soul from scripture.

    “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

    2Timothy 3:16-17

    My author blog

    Roger Harned - Author blogThe Lord led me to this place because a publisher convinced me that authors need followers. To that end I also promote my posts on other social media such as FaceBook, Pinterest and Twitter. Therefore your follows are most appreciated.

    In addition to excerpts from my book and writings, may posts explore scripture in brief posts directed to our 21st c. attention spans. Therefore many posts from my series will conclude with the well-known cliff-hanger: “To be continued…”

    I’ve never relished the challenge of painting a fancy resume. Let the Lord and others witness my contributions in exposition, prophesy and witness.  And may Christ Jesus speak through me and my writing always glorify the Lord.

    I love scripture, first and each time I study a passage of the Bible the Lord reveals more of His story. I credit many favorite authors and some dedicated instructors of writing and theology for my love of words and writing skills. Anything you may glean from the more than five hundred posts on talkofJesus.com is a gift from the Lord. Yet many more-gifted authors before me greatly influence my appetite for context and application.

    I rely on the Lord and the Holy Spirit for direction of my ‘talk’ of Christ Jesus in this place. I pray you will share the Lord, that by your social witness talkofJesus.com will impact the heart of another in some way.

    Roger’s Personal Post Script

    P.S. On a personal note, I was married for more than twenty-two years to a beautiful soul who was raised Catholic. She suffered cancer and died in her fiftieth year. As a result, our only daughter and I grew into a deeper faith in Christ.

    I was raised in the Methodist church and have been active in lay ministry and teaching in several denominations. The Holy Spirit brought me to my knees before the cross, a story told also on my searchable website.

    I’m a sinner, redeemed in Christ, an unwelcome ambassador in this decaying world. Therefore I live here as one longing for God’s love in an eternal world of light and joy. Here I have also suffered divorce, survived cancer and found a place and purpose in my work and in the heart of my wife.

    The goal of Christian Social Witness is to SHARE the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    And as for my book and my work, I leave you only with today’s hope for tomorrow’s joy. Please remember me in your prayers and pray that the Lord will continue that good work of this 21st c. Christian.

    I pray, if it is the Lord’s will, your eternal soul and mine, through the love and grace of Christ Jesus are:

    To be continued…



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