Tag: Christ
Two-faced Tolerance :)(: of the Church Against Christ
“But there are some of you who do not believe.” “Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve, and yet one of you is a devil?” Gospel of John 6:64a, 70b LSB [in context] Jesus chose Judas as a Disciple of his master’s teaching [doctrine], yet Judas betrayed his lord Jesus with a greeting of…
Stand fast therefore in the liberty
It’s Memorial Day (celebrated holiday in the not-so-united States). Flags for freedom flown for feasting leaders of the free world or drawn to half staff for some politically offensive act of violence by an ungodly man. Hardly a memorial to any who have died for the freedom of any man or woman who suffers the…
What’s good about Good Friday?
15 April, in the year of our Lord, 2022: Looking for a question that will trip-up nearly any 21st c. christian? And since I have answered it before rather than answering it yet once more today on this GOOD FRIDAY, I will point you (my christian, jewish and anti-Christ friends) to previous Good Friday posts…
The Golden Rule
Read: Luke 10:24-26 (Don’t miss the question which sets the stage of this most famous parable of Jesus.) Parable of the GOOD Samaritan A Democrat, a Republic and an Indian were going down from Washington to.. NO, that’s not it. An evangelical christian, a jew and an Indian were going down from the Capitol to..…