Tag: creation

  • INTRO to our Story of The Gardener, the Shepherd and the Hunter

    INTRO to our Story of The Gardener, the Shepherd and the Hunter

    INTRODUCTION: Once upon a time...

    I love a story that begins, Once upon a time, don’t you?

    Your parents may have used different names for stories like this:

    • Fairy Tales, Fables, Adventures, Fantasies, Science fiction. (I think Disney has a ‘LAND‘ for every one of them.)
    • Romances… (You know, “.. AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER.”)
    • SuperHERO stories, cartoons, comics, games, and movies.

    As a parent if I were to tell you our secret about any Once upon a timeSTORY, then I must confess that even though we call them CHILDREN’S STORIES, almost EVERY parent loves these stories too.

    Once upon a timeSTORIES are FICTION.

    That is to say, they are NOT TRUE. And even some grown-ups forget that.

    BUT.. these stories may tell an important truth to us.

    ANY STORY may include an illustration of times in life beyond the bounds of time and place – a picture of some person at some time in some place that we cannot see, hear or touch.

    These stories may have men or women, boys or girls..

    sometimes even animals we might like to be like.. or must be careful not to be..

    or worse yet, those people, creatures and things we must stay away from altogether.

    HEROES or VILLAINS (good or bad) may have been like someone we know (or don’t want to know). They may be just like real people who lived ‘once upon a time’ who we have never met.

    THIS ‘once upon a time’ story, although it is FICTION, also includes some NON-FICTION characters at times – men and women who teach us good things for these times from their REAL lives a time long ago.. or even a time after any of us can imagine.

    Parables, Allegories, Myths and more

    As part of my introduction to The Gardener, the Shepherd and the Hunter my intent is not to instruct you in literature, but rather to provoke additional thought about Scripture and my serial story which follows. - Roger Harned

    a Parable

    You have read or heard many parables, especially those told by JESUS, written down for our instruction in the Gospels of the Bible.

      • NO, I think. (I cannot be certain.)
      • YES, Jesus paints pictures in His Words of absolute inviolable truths.
    I will open my mouth in a parable;
    I will tell riddles of old,
    Which we have heard and known,
    And our fathers have told us.
    We will not conceal them from their children,
    But we will tell the generation to come the praises of the LORD,
    And His power and His wondrous works that He has done. 

    CLICK HERE FOR ALL of Psalm 78 A contemplative, moral instructive song of Asaph.
    Listen, my people, to my instruction;
    Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

    an Allegory

    • a story, play, picture, etc. in which each character or event is a symbol representing an idea or a quality, such as truth, evil, death, etc.
      • source: the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

    Some Bible Stories are allegories.

    The Holy Bible also contains fictional truths told as allegories in addition to many oral (or verbal) histories — each told, then later recorded in writing, as accounts of TRUE history, i.e. non-fiction.

    I believe that Moses' creation narrative may be an allegory -- a most accurate illustration of the truths of God and creation, good and evil; 
    a screenshot outside of time (to update his picture) of THAT WHICH NO MAN can see of life (eternal or otherwise) and death.

    Theologians have debated such truths of the Bible for millennia; but we must not dismiss God’s Truth by any misconception of man which debates the literal and symbolic of any of God’s Scripture. – RH

    Your COMMENT is welcome about God, Creation, Moses, JESUS or the Bible.

    The Gardener, the Shepherd and the Hunter

    The story I introduce here today is neither parable or allegory, but quotes Biblical truth.

    However, if you would like to sample a classic allegory from English literature, check out the best-loved Christian allegory of all time:

    The Pilgrim's Progress of John Bunyan

    CLICK HERE to READ this classic English allegory,

    “The Pilgrim’s Progress”

    Myths and Fables

    • myth
    • a story from ancient times, especially one that was told to explain natural events or to describe the early history of a people; this type of story; SYNONYM legend
      • ancient Greek myths
      • a creation myth (= that explains how the world began)
      • the heroes of myth and legend
        • source: the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
    Permit me just one comment on this widely accepted definition of myth:  
    Ancient Greek, Roman and eastern religion myths include gods (idols), legendary heroes (often gods or early icons of the faith), and a creation myth which includes one or more of the above. 
    Many will attempt to dismiss ALL explanations of creation as false BECAUSE THESE ARE 'CREATION MYTHS;' however one explanation of creation must be TRUE (for the heavens and earth exist). 

    The stories of the LORD GOD and creation describe life beyond the bounds of time and place;

    therefore creatures that we are, man can neither prove nor refute the eternal and immeasurable beyond this brief mortal life.

    • fables
    • a fictitious narrative or statement: such as
      • a legendary story of supernatural happenings
      • a narration intended to enforce a useful truth
        • especially : one in which animals speak and act like human beings
      • source: Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary,


    Many will know of or have read a famous Christian fantasy:

    visit Narnia.com

    C.S. Lewis also tells a favorite of mine appropriate for teens and especially adults, a story about two devils: Screwtape and his bumbling apprentice, Wormwood.

    C.S. Lewis delves into moral questions about good v. evil, temptation, repentance and grace. - source:


    our Story of Three Characters

    It's up to you to solve the mystery of each to learn who they are.
    The Gardener the Shepherd and the Hunter - Introduction to a story by Roger Harned

    The Gardener, the Shepherd and the Hunter

    NEXT: ACT 1: The Gardener

  • Do you FEAR Almighty GOD!?

    Do you FEAR Almighty GOD!?

    • In the year of our Lord, 2022: God

    What do you believe about God?

    Short takes from Scripture:

    In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

    Genesis 1:1

    וְהָאָרֶץ הָיְתָה תֹהוּ וָבֹהוּ וְחֹשֶׁךְ עַל־פְּנֵי תְהוֹם וְרוּחַ אֱלֹהִים מְרַחֶפֶת עַל־פְּנֵי הַמָּֽיִם׃

    Bereishit (Genesis) 1:2 :: Westminster Leningrad Codex (WLC)
    earth rotating
    And the earth was a [waste] formless and desolate emptiness, and darkness was over the [primeval ocean] surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.

    Do you believe in God? – אֱלֹהִים

    Is your god or are your gods the God of Scripture?


    OR do you, a mere MORTAL & created one create a god you DO NOT FEAR?

    • What if your theory of creation is wrong?
    • Then might your concept of LIFE, DEATH AND JUDGMENT also be suspect?
    • Will you bet your ETERAL soul on this failing flesh?

    What is your short take on Genesis 1:1-2 and the God (according to Scripture) who caused the biggest bang in the cosmos and created man from the dust of creation? 
    ASK your question in the Comments below OR give us your short take on the God of Creation.
    ALL COMMENTS ARE WELCOME, but MODERATED. And all links provided for your further study are secure.

  • You Will Not Be Led into the Promised Land


    This brief NEW series is about God and the LORD’s own relationship to man. It follows a pilgrimage from which many turn away.

    These human failings by some from the Bible serve as cautions to those journeying toward the eternal place where the Lord welcomes those who do not refuse to follow.

    :וַיֹּ֥אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֖ים

    And God said:

    There’s something about God [‘ĕlōhîm – אֱלֹהִים] you need to understand from the beginning. When God said, it is; that is, God’s word given to man is always a promise.

    By contrast and by our tendency to turn from God, men (and women) break our promises, violate our vows and void our covenants with our Creator, even as as we do with our ‘fellow man.’

    We are familiar with God as Creator, the One breathing life into men of dust, the One creating a living soul within living and breathing beings. ONLY GOD can do this!

    וַיִּיצֶר֩ יְהוָ֨ה אֱלֹהִ֜ים אֶת־הָֽאָדָ֗ם עָפָר֙ מִן־הָ֣אֲדָמָ֔ה וַיִּפַּ֥ח בְּאַפָּ֖יו נִשְׁמַ֣ת חַיִּ֑ים וַֽיְהִ֥י הָֽאָדָ֖ם לְנֶ֥פֶשׁ חַיָּֽה׃

    בראשית 2:7 WLC

    And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

    Genesis 2:7 KJB

    The LORD speaks it, it is.

    IN THE BEGINNING, GOD creates; but once He makes man [‘āḏām], a relationship between God and man begins.

    Moses’ refers to this relationship, here is ‘the Lord God.’ [yᵊhōvâ ‘ĕlōhîm]. God’s chosen should speak of their relationship with the LORD God, the existing One, WHO IS HOLY or separated.

    The LORD is G_d and man is not.

    Deceit, sin and turning from the Lord God began in the paradise of our creation. We hid from God and man still tries to hide from God.

    Ark Encounter full size replica of Noah's ark


    Man was created with complete freedom — freedom to believe God in righteousness. Yet man violated a simple command. We just ‘had to know.’

    Mankind wants to have our personal and unique knowledge of what is good and what is evil. I want to judge for myself what and who is good and choose to do evil IF it pleases me.

    Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

    Genesis 6:5 NASB

    What follows in Genesis, yet precedes the saving of one faithful man Noah, is sad indeed.

    As a father or mother grieves for their child who turns away from the loving parental relationship, so does the LORD, Father of all mankind, sorrow for the souls of men.

    Roger @ talk of Jesus {dot}.com – on Genesis 6:6

    And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

    Genesis 6:6 KJV

    Consequently after the DESTRUCTION of ALL MANKIND by water the LORD enters into a covenant a contract between God and man.

    “I establish My covenant with you; and all flesh shall never again be cut off by the water of the flood, neither shall there again be a flood to destroy the earth.”

    Genesis 9:11

    Evil men may appropriate the symbolism of God’s seal in the sky to include all sin into the pantheon of earth worship.

    Promise of the End

    The LORD’s covenant with man not to destroy by flood provides no promise that the end will not come; and yes, a judgment of all flesh will follow. Do not be impatient for justice or the day of the end.

    Men will no longer worship mother nature, but bow down to Christ Jesus, our only Redeemer of sinful flesh.

    No covenant of man or offering to an environment of air breathed through masks can prevent the end which the Word has revealed through the Prophets, a new heaven and earth for the resurrection bodies of the chosen faithful. We have just examined part of this mystery revealed through Christ to John in Apocalypse 10 + Gospel of the Seventh Seal.

    • Will you have life after death?
      • Yes! But to what end?

    The Lord will judge the unrepentant in the fire and judge His own creation at the end of days!

    Covenant between God and Abram

    The Lord God begins again on a cleansed earth by fathering a people and making several covenants with Abraham.

    In this brief series we cannot blaze a trail of a history of covenants between God and man; but understand that broken covenants, including those of Abraham, Israel (Jacob) and Moses, are broken NOT by God, but by many descendants of the promise.

    And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.

    Exodus 2:24 KJV

    Descendants of the OATHS of their FATHERS remain BOUND to the same AGEEMENTS between the LORD God and a mortal man.

    Those covenants prescribed penalty for breaking our word with the Lord God.

    road sign 'pay attention'

    The Road Ahead

    • Lot’s Wife
    • Death in the Wilderness
    • Only Two

    The Lord God will redeem His people at a time of His own choosing. It is NOT a time of our choosing.

    And the cleansing of sin, judgment of souls and refining of faith occurs by the Holy Spirit through His Word and only Son of our righteousness, who IS the Messiah Jesus.

    Sinful man in every generation, before the incarnation of the Son of God and until this day, breaks covenant with God time and time again, turning away from the Lord our God, our only hope.

    Even by Christ’s new covenant of redemption for our sins, followers of Jesus Christ must heed the warnings of scripture.

    Read how those who turned from God to their own ways, as is our own tendency even in this year of our Lord 2021, were rightfully judged. Note the warnings from this brief look at just a few of mankind’s many moments of faithlessness.

    I pray that you may once again turn toward the Light of Life and eternal life after inevitable death of the flesh and final judgment of the world.

    To be continued...
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